She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 620: Still continue?

Chapter 620 Will you continue?

The three of them followed the patrol team and swayed slowly behind the team. They were worried that they would be exposed, so they kept quiet and did not say a word along the way.

 The accident happened suddenly in a period of silence.

 “Oops! There’s an enemy attack!”

An unknown person shouted something in the communication channel, and everyone suddenly fell into panic.

  The captain of the patrol team immediately gave the order and stopped everyone who started to panic.

 “Why are you panicking! Just calm down!”

Faced by his intimidation, everyone stopped and did not dare to make any move, but they still made some sounds of fear and panic.

The captain pressed the communicator and took a closer look at the situation. After learning that the association suddenly launched violent attacks from multiple directions at the base camp at the same time, he couldn't help but curse a few times: "Damn it! How can they know the base camp so well?!"

These areas under attack are all the weakest defenses of the Cha League and are extremely easy to be breached.

“Everyone listen to my order and immediately take up arms and reinforce the nearest T2 area!”

The place has been deserted for a long time and became a ruin more than ten years ago. Even after the current leader reorganized the alliance, the place has not been rebuilt. Who knows, the association has taken advantage of the loophole!


He Yao and others also followed them, but the distance became farther and farther.

“Let’s escape quickly while they are in chaos.”

Qi Mowei asked doubtfully: "But the association is here, can't we just go and join them?"

He Yao shook her head, "No, the risk of being caught halfway is greater than the risk of successfully reuniting."

On the contrary, most of the patrol teams and garrison personnel here have been taken away to reinforce the T2 area, which is a considerable gap.

 The three of them escaped without any problem.

He Yao's eyes flashed. Although she also wanted to join Li Jiu and the others as soon as possible, there were still two people behind her, so she had to make sure nothing went wrong.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

The association caught them off guard, and the T2 area had the worst defense and was unable to fight back. Everyone in the association worked together to create an overwhelming force, and all the surrounding members of the League were mobilized to resist.

 In the huge flow of people, only three people moved cautiously in the opposite direction.

The closer she got to the target, the more cautious He Yao became. Her eyes were fixed on the protective net not far away, and she used her mental power to detect that there was no living thing other than them within a radius of one mile.

She waved to the two people following her, "Let's go!"

 Ten meters…

 Five meters…

 Three meters…

 Two meters…

Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, He Yao's expression suddenly changed and she stopped her feet suddenly.



 Something is wrong!

He Yao scanned the surroundings vigilantly, suppressing the strange and uneasy feelings in her heart.

  It was so smooth.

 Even if the Chameng is violently attacked by the association and needs reinforcements, it is impossible to leave no one behind in such an important territory as this.

But now, the surroundings are quiet, and you can only hear the rustling of the leaves in the wind, as if countless dangers are lurking in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to swallow them all.

He Yao: “Let’s go quickly!”

She dragged Qi Mowei and Li Muye and wanted to go back, but it was too late.

 “Bang—” a gunshot rang out.

 Bullets pierced the air, coming at them from the darkness, hoping to kill them with one hit.

He Yao pushed Qi Mowei away suddenly, causing the other party to stumble and fall to the ground.

Her arm hit the gravel, and the blood immediately soaked her clothes. Normally, she would have screamed, but now, she didn't even cry out in pain, her eyes were full of fear, and she was stunned. He looked at He Yao as if he had forgotten the pain.

He Yao grunted and let the bullet bury itself in her shoulder - this was the best result she could think of at the moment.

 Otherwise, Qi Mowei would have died just now.

 “Hide quickly!” She endured the severe pain and gritted her teeth and said to the two of them. Li Muye reacted quickly, picked up Qi Mowei from the ground, turned around and hid behind a tree in the back, just in the blind spot of the opponent's sight.

After they hid, He Yao no longer had any worries. Her eyes suddenly turned sharp, with murderous intent everywhere.

 I really think that because she has concerns, there is nothing they can do about it, right?

In order to protect Qi Mowei and Li Muye along the way, she tried not to fight with the people of the Chameng. Now it seems that the other party completely treats her as a weakling.

A cold look flashed across He Yao's eyes. The next second, she took out two miniature P32 particle cannons from her bracelet without hesitation. It was rumored that one cannonball could destroy a small nuclear bomb in a villa.

She tilted her head, put it against the scope, looked coldly at the direction where the bullet came from, and said without any emotion in her tone: "Go to hell."

 Speaking, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Almost instantly, powerful artillery shells exploded in the silent valley, and the flames shot straight into the sky, lighting up the night sky.

When everything subsided, you could see the flames raging in the distance and the thick smoke. You don’t have to see it with your own eyes to imagine that the place was reduced to ruins and all life was extinct.

He Yao stood there and watched quietly. The firelight illuminated her pale little face. The recoil of the P32 particle cannon was very strong. Her wound was torn open by the shock, and her blood suddenly drained faster. At this speed, , will die soon.

 But she couldn't think about herself now. The enemy had set up an ambush here, which meant that they had expected them to come here. This place was no longer safe, and they had to leave immediately with Qi Mowei and the others.



Just when she was about to turn around, there were suddenly two or three bursts of applause.

He Yao was immediately alert: "Who?"

There were footsteps from behind the tree, and then, a figure slowly walked out. Following the moonlight and the light of the fire, He Yao could see his face clearly.

That is a young and handsome young man with a gentle and outstanding temperament. He has a slight smile on his face and looks gentle and harmless.

However, He Yao's expression suddenly changed.

 Because he was holding Qi Mowei's throat.

 His men were pointing their guns at Li Muye’s temple.

The other party's eyes fell on her and they made no further moves, as if she would kill them immediately if she dared to act rashly.

 “Who are you?”

He Yao's injuries were very serious, but under the current situation, she couldn't show any signs of weakness and had to hold on. If you look closely, you can find that her body is shaking slightly.

Loss stood behind Qi Mowei and said in a playful tone: "Xiao San, it's been a long time no see."

He Yao frowned when he heard that he could accurately call her code name: "Who are you?"

Loss sighed, his tone a little aggrieved: "Why, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, and you have forgotten your eleventh brother?"

He Yao's pupils shrank sharply: "Los?"

 She had no time to think and blurted out: "Why are you still alive?"

Loss was silent for a moment, and then sighed quietly: "Fourth brother is like this, why are you like this? I'm so sad."

He Yao captured the key words from his words: "What did you do to the fourth brother?"

Loss said innocently: "What can I do? Of course I should treat him well."

“After all, we have grown up together.”

He Yao looked as ugly as if she had eaten a fly, "Who has feelings for you?!"

She wished she could die immediately!

The next moment, she endured the severe pain, used her superpower to attack him, her strength was unreserved, and her murderous intent was revealed.

Unexpectedly, Lose was faster than her, and the strength of his grip on Qi Mowei suddenly became stronger. She was almost out of breath, her face turned purple, her hands struggled desperately, but it was useless, and no sound came out of her mouth.

He Yao immediately stopped, not daring to take another serving.

Loss admired her hateful face and smiled: "Do you want to continue?"

 If he continued, he would not be able to guarantee the two lives in his hands.

He Yao clenched her fists, but finally loosened them helplessly and withdrew her powers.

 The next second, she felt a pain in the back of her neck and was knocked unconscious to the ground.

Loss looked at her coldly and snorted: "I didn't pay attention for a moment, but they all ran here."

He looked at the place that was flattened by He Yao in the distance and narrowed his eyes, "It's... such a pity."

 (End of this chapter)

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