She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 621: Are you out of your mind?

Chapter 621 Are you out of your mind?

He Yao and the others were taken back by Los and imprisoned together with Qi Sijin and others.

Seeing that He Yao had been knocked unconscious and thrown in, Qi Sijin's expression suddenly changed. Regardless of the strength he was losing, he rushed forward to check: "Third brother!"

As soon as his hand touched He Yao's shoulder, he felt a sticky touch, which was blood.

 He looked up at Ross, "What did you do to her?"

Loss: "Don't be impatient. After all, she is the sister I knew when I was a child. How could I attack her?"

  …"She was injured by my hands and it has nothing to do with me."

Qi Sijin didn't buy it, gritted his teeth and looked at him, wanting to tear him into pieces.

Los sighed helplessly and waved behind him. His subordinates immediately understood and threw Li Muye and Qi Mowei in.



Seeing their granddaughter and grandson, the two old men could no longer remain calm and rushed forward to see if they had anything on their hands.

Loss looked at their nervous expressions and clicked his tongue: "What a profound love between ancestors and grandchildren."

However, he only expressed emotion and took no further action. He looked at them deeply and turned around to leave.

 At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Loss's eyes darkened, and after the shaking slowly subsided, he said, "I found this place so quickly."

He paused, and then left with the people.

 The surroundings fell into silence again.

After making sure Lose and others were gone, Mr. Qi breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Qi Mowei, who was shivering in front of him, and asked eagerly: "Weiwei, did they do anything to you? Are you injured?"

Qi Mowei has just experienced the death threat from Los. She is now a little frightened and her eyes are slightly dull.

She looked at Mr. Qi blankly. After confirming who the other person was, her eyes instantly became moist. She threw herself into his arms with a cry and vented all her grievances.


 She is so scared!

 She was really scared!

As the apple of the Qi family's eye, she has been pampered as a princess since she was a child. She has never experienced anything like this. She just accompanied Mr. Qi to a party, but ended up being kidnapped and hunted down, and she also witnessed the subversion. The existence of the three-dimensional superpower, even though the surface is very calm along the way, the heart has already collapsed.

But she couldn't show it because she knew it would drag others down. He Yao protected her and Li Muye along the way, so she couldn't be a drag.

 So, even if she was scared to death, she had to pretend to be strong.

Listening to Qi Mowei's sobs, Mr. Qi suddenly felt his heart aching to death. The corners of his eyes were sour and his voice was choked with sobs: "I'm's my fault for causing trouble to you."

While comforting Qi Mowei, he raised his eyes to look at Li Muye on the other side and asked, "Boy Muye, are you not hurt?"

Li Muye is also in a state of unease now, but he is better than Qi Mowei. He even comforted the two old men in turn: "I'm fine, grandpa, don't worry."

  Although they were hunted non-stop all day and night, because of He Yao, except for some superficial injuries, they were not seriously injured at all.

Mr. Li also looked at his whole body carefully for the first time. After confirming that there were no obvious wounds on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced: "That's good..."

He thought something bad would happen to them, but now they appeared in front of him unscathed. It was a blessing among misfortunes.


The word    instantly raised Mr. Li's heart to his throat again.

"What's wrong?"

Li Muye turned his attention to He Yao, who was lying in Qi Sijin's arms, whose life and death were unknown. He clenched his fists unconsciously and said in a particularly heavy tone: "... If it wasn't for Miss He, we... would have died long ago."

As he spoke, a hint of sadness flashed across his eyes.

 In fact, He Yao was fully capable of escaping on his own, but in order to protect the two of them, he was injured like this and even... was willing to be captured by the Cha League.

Hearing this, Qi Mowei also raised her head, rubbed the corners of her red eyes, tugged on the corners of Mr. Qi's clothes, and sobbed: "...Grandpa, A-Yao, A-Yao was seriously injured trying to save us!"


Mr. Qi’s expression changed. He looked at Mr. Li and felt mixed emotions in his heart.

 Even...deeply ashamed.

It’s all them. If it weren’t for them, these children wouldn’t have suffered such a disaster, and they wouldn’t have...

"Grandpa, I don't care about your business." Qi Sijin suddenly said. He seemed to have anticipated what Mr. Qi was thinking at this moment. He tugged at his bloodless lips and couldn't help coughing twice because he was suffering from great pain.


Qi Mowei was startled by his appearance. She hurriedly ran to him and asked in a panic: "What's going on? What's wrong with you?"

 She was a little incoherent.

Qi Sijin gave her a forced smile and said miserably: "You just discovered me now..."

 I thought this dead girl had completely ignored him.

 “What the **** did you fart! I just, just...”

Qi Mowei was so angry at his nonchalant tone that she cursed, her face flushed, but her confidence was a little lacking, and her tone became lower and lower until it disappeared in her mouth.

Just now she was really afraid of losing her sense of proportion. She desperately shrank into Mr. Qi's arms, seeking a sense of security, and completely ignored him.

Qi Sijin looked at her aggrieved expression and wanted to laugh at her, but couldn't help but cough violently.

Qi Mowei hurriedly stepped forward to help him calm down, but he held her down and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

 “What do you mean it’s okay? You’re already like this and you’re still trying to be brave?!”

Caught off guard by her roar, Qi Sijin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "So, you care about me so much?"


Miss Qi swore again, snorted lightly, turned her head away, and vowed never to pay attention to him again.

 At this time, in this place, in this situation, one is completely exhausted and useless, and the other is in a state of embarrassment after having been hunted down, but these two nominal aunts and nephews can still argue with each other.

Mr. Li looked on in amazement and said, "Lao Qi, your family style... is quite cheerful."

Mr. Qi: "...It has nothing to do with family tradition."

 These two people will definitely not be able to live happily once they meet.

Mr. Li chuckled: "But it's okay."

Mr. Qi: "Yes."

 In this situation, we can only have fun in the midst of hardship.

However, this situation did not last long.

 Because—He Yao woke up.

Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes. She subconsciously wanted to get up, but the next moment, because the excessive movement involved the wound on her shoulder, she couldn't help but let out a cold hiss.

Qi Sijin's eyelids twitched and he quickly held her down, "Don't move! Is your shoulder still injured?"

However, because he couldn't use any strength at this time, "pressing down" was just a matter of putting his hand up.

He Yao blinked blankly, a little confused about the situation in front of her, "Fourth brother?"

Her words of "fourth brother" instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Qi Sijin noticed those complicated looks and swallowed, "Yeah."

 “Where is this?”

"have no idea."

 “Are we locked up?”


 “Where are the Los people?”

"have no idea."

He Yao's expression suddenly became confused. She slowly straightened up and sat up. She looked at him in bewilderment and asked a question deep in her soul: "Are you out of your mind?"

  How come I just don’t know?


   Sorry, Weiwei’s name for Mr. Qi was has been changed.



 (End of this chapter)

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