She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 624: debate

Chapter 624 Debate

On the other side, Li Jiu led the second team to knock on the door, and the second team's wife...Qi Jingci also called all the first team over.

It was impossible for Zhong Qing not to know about the joint operation of the first team and the second team. Therefore, when Li Jiu led everyone to kill everyone, it was no surprise that he received a casual thought from the president: "Li Xiaojiu! You dead girl ! Do you think I can’t control you if you have such a small number of people? How about your caution?”

Li Jiu hacked one person to death without changing her expression. A few traces of blood spattered on her face, adding an eerie look to her stunning face. She said calmly: "My grandpa is almost in danger of dying and he still can't be calm."

 Zhongqing: “…”

 He was unable to refute it for the moment.

Regarding the arrest of the two old men, the entire association's top management had been holding secret meetings for several days. As a result, these useless people could not come up with any solutions. Instead, they were so noisy that his head nearly exploded.

I originally thought that since the vests between my junior and apprentice were almost gone, I would leave some space for them to explain clearly and discuss ways to save the two old masters.

 In the end, these two people couldn't think of any solution and just led others to do it.

 At this moment, he really felt like ten thousand alpacas were roaring by.

My heart almost stopped beating because of them.

Zhong Qing suppressed the anger in his heart and forced out a smile, "Little Ancestor, even if you wait a little longer, we will definitely come up with a solution."

Li Jiu sneered: "Relying on those **** from the council?"

 Zhongqing: “…”

 Although I agree with your analogy, I am really not happy.

He held his forehead helplessly, feeling deeply that he was being eaten up by this apprentice, and there was nothing he could do to her. Finally, he had to say: "...Forget it, is Aci by your side? I have something to do with him."

Li Jiu made a sound, broke a person's neck, shook off the blood on his hand, and threw the communicator to the man next to him, "Hey, the old man is looking for you."

Qi Jingci was back to back with her. Behind him was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. At his feet lay countless mutilated corpses. They were surrounded by countless monsters and experimental subjects, staring at the two of them eagerly.

These invisible humanoid monsters and experimental subjects who have lost their consciousness and become manipulated puppets are all the work of Los.

After he reestablished the Cha League, he perfectly inherited his father's legacy. From the notes he saved to save money, he found a way to mass-produce such humanoid weapons and put them into large-scale manufacturing. This secret was not even discovered by the association. .

Qi Jingci took the communicator. Even though he was surrounded by the roars of monsters and the cruel sounds of killing, his expression remained as calm as ever, "Hello?"

The next second, the yelling coming from the communicator made him look slightly moved, and he couldn't help but move the communicator farther away.

"Qi Jingci! Xiaojiu is acting recklessly, so are you? Do you know how dangerous this is? And her body... hello? Hello!"

"Depend on!"

Zhong Qing slammed the communicator to the ground, looking furious, "How dare this brat hang up on me?"

He sat back angrily and glanced at the people present who were still arguing endlessly with cold eyes. His tone was particularly impatient: "Have you... come to the conclusion of the discussion?"

“President, I still don’t think this will work.”

“Second, after the re-establishment of the Cha League, its leader has only heard of his name but not his person. We have too little information, and we cannot distinguish true from false information about the Cha League. It may not be beneficial to us to start a war at this time.”

"That's right, and in my opinion, it may not be time to break out and take action... If it doesn't work, we can negotiate." A director suggested.

Zhong Qing’s face immediately darkened, “What did you say?”

 He slammed the table angrily and stood up, and finally couldn't help but curse: "Negotiating with the Chameng? What a dream! Unless I die!"

The director was so frightened by his reaction that he broke out in a cold sweat, his face full of panic and confusion.

The other directors present had different expressions, but almost all of them didn't look good.

Upon seeing this, Mia quickly said: "President, please calm down first."

Zhong Qing took a deep breath and recited several times silently in his heart: "Don't be angry. I'm an idiot. Xiaojiu is still waiting for me." Then he barely suppressed the anger in his heart. He paused and said coldly: "Where are the others? You guys?" Do you all think so?" The other directors looked at each other with hesitation on their faces, "This..."

Suddenly, Chen Fu, the chairman of the council, spoke up: "President, what I said may be a bit harsh, but... people from the five major families once participated in the seed plan, and now they have been captured by the Cha League. The purpose of the Cha League is Obviously, to be on the safe side, I think we'd better..."

He paused, and then spoke softly: "It is better to cut the grass and root out the problem to avoid future troubles."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present could feel that Zhong Qing's aura had changed, and a strong and oppressive feeling swept through their hearts, making them almost unable to breathe.

 Zhongqing was angry, really angry.

He knew these guys were idiots, but he didn't expect them to be so stupid.

 It is true that intellectual disabilities occur every year, and there are particularly many of them this year.

"Oh? Chairman Chen means that he wants to silence the five major families?"

 “That’s right.”

Now Zhong Qing couldn't help it anymore. He picked up the coffee cup and threw it at his head, "Fuck you!"

Chen Fu didn't expect that he would attack directly. He didn't dodge in a hurry, and the coffee cup hit his eyebrow bone, causing blood to flow instantly.

 His expression suddenly darkened.

Zhong Qing stood up and looked at him condescendingly, "Chen Fu, don't think that I don't know about those frivolous things like yours. Being silent in the past does not mean that I am stupid, but it is for the sake of your fathers. Otherwise, as for you, You guys have been kicked out a long time ago!"

He snorted coldly, slammed the door and left.

The rest of the directors froze on the spot watching this scene, and they were silent.

Chen Fu stood there with his head lowered, clenching his fists, and his whole body was shaking with anger, "Zhong, Qing!"

 Let’s see!

Zhong Qing returned to his office, pinched his brows with a headache, and asked Mia who followed him in: "How is Xiaojiu doing there?"

Mia closed the door smoothly and replied: "There is no news yet, but with God Q here, there shouldn't be any big problems."

Zhong Qing hummed, "Just now, Xiao Wu and Xiao Ba sent me a message, saying that they had successfully infiltrated the Cha League. Having them cooperate inside and outside makes me feel at ease."

 In this way, all members of the second team are present.

 The combined combat effectiveness of the Second Supervisory Team is not just one plus one equals two.

"But even so, they can't fight against the entire Cha League for too long." Zhong Qing said solemnly: "What's more, the forces of the Cha League all over the world have been changing. If no action is taken, the situation may exceed beyond our expectations.”

Mia frowned: "Special administration bureaus in various places have been dispatched and can suppress it for a while."

 “It can be suppressed for a while, but it cannot be suppressed for a lifetime.”

Zhong Qing sighed helplessly and said, "Go and call Director Xu and Mr. Ren. I have something to discuss with them."


 The current situation can only be suppressed by him personally coming out.

Damn it, why is it at this time? If it had been a little later, he might have been able to clean up the council, and he would have ended up in the current predicament of being attacked from both sides.

He actually asked a group of juniors to fight against the enemy's main force.

Zhongqing smiled to himself.

Someone in the comment area was calling Master Jiu, so...I asked her to show her face



 (End of this chapter)

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