She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 625: Li Jiu takes action

Chapter 625 Li Jiu takes action

 Chameng, base camp.

 The enemies around them were killing more and more, and they kept coming towards them, gradually forming a huge encirclement.

Li Jiu discovered their intention immediately. After taking care of the experimental subject closest to him, he said in a deep voice: "Back off."

  Everyone standing around her was stunned. Only the people in the second team immediately understood and immediately retreated ten meters away, widening the distance between them.

Bai Muyou also brought Bai Yuxiu and Lu Qingran with him.

The two of them were extremely puzzled, but before they could ask, new enemies had already pounced on them. Their huge rodents like beasts were covered with smelly blood. These monsters opened their **** mouths at them, trying to kill them. Everyone swallowed it.

Lu Qingran and others had no choice but to face the enemy. While fighting, they looked for an opening and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Muyou fired one shot, and the bullets were just used up. She skillfully changed the magazine, loaded the gun, and pulled the trigger. Her movements were smooth and smooth, without any panic. After hearing this, she replied: "It's nothing, the boss is going to open it up, stay away." Avoid accidental injuries.”

 Everyone: “???”

 Subconsciously, they all looked at Li Jiu and saw her standing there, taking off the supernatural bracelet on her wrist, and then snapped her fingers.

In an instant, there was a faint purple stream of light flashing through the fingertips. Before they could see clearly, there was a loud bang above their heads. The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, revealing the pressure of an impending mountain rain.

 Everyone looked at the rolling black clouds on the horizon, and a sense of fear arose in their hearts.

Qi Jingci paused and glanced at Li Jiu from a distance. His eyes darkened slightly, as if he had guessed something. He stared at Li Jiu for two seconds and then looked away.

There were several loud roars in my ears.

Li Jiu stood there quietly, with dark clouds gathering above her head. She raised her slender wrist, which was dazzlingly white in the darkness.

The next moment, her hand moved slightly, and purple pythons shredded through the void with terrifying pressure and landed around everyone, slashing all the monsters and experimental subjects that were coming up.

 Purple lightning flashed continuously in the dense clouds for more than a minute before Li Jiu finally put down his hand.

When the charred black mist dissipated, there was no living thing around them except their own people.

 A vacuum zone appeared within a radius of tens of meters with Lijiu as the center.

Bai Muyou, Ning Feng and others did not panic at all in the face of the situation at hand. Instead, they skillfully scattered around to search for the "fish that slipped through the net" that had not been killed, and then shot them again. Ning Feng looked around and sighed: "Tsk, tsk, the boss is much stronger."

 Everyone: “…”

 They looked numb.

It turns out that the nine gods in the association’s legend turned out to be lightning power users.

 And looking at the lethality, it must be 3S!

  After all... which family of thunder-type superpowers is strong enough to control thunder?


 Suddenly, everyone only had these two words in their minds.

 It is indeed the Nine Gods, and it is indeed not a human being!

Because Li Jiu opened a draw without saying a word, he caught the opponent off guard and tore a hole out of the encirclement of the Cha League's human sea tactics. Although everyone was shocked by Li Jiu's power, they did not fail. The point of wisdom.

 Such a good opportunity, if you don’t rush it now, when will you wait?

 “Sir, no good! They broke through our siege!”

 “Sir, they are attacking in our direction.”

 “Sir, the new experimental subject can’t resist it!”

Lin Yan was sitting in the command room, listening to the report from his subordinates with a gloomy expression, and cursed angrily: "Waste! They are all waste! If the other party can't stop so many people, what use do I need from you!"

“What are you still doing? Are you waiting for someone to kill you? Release all the experimental subjects quickly! Kill them!”

“But sir...those cannot be fully controlled yet, and there will be problems—”

 “If I say release it, release it!”


 The men left reluctantly.

Lin Yan stared at the monitor with sinister eyes and gritted his teeth: "Li, Jiu, let's wait and see."

 (End of this chapter)

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