She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 636: make him my toy

 Chapter 636 Let him be my toy

However, the truth was not as simple as Moser imagined. The reason why Los restrained his indifference was because he suddenly became slightly interested in them.

Under the leadership of Laurent, although he is young, he has already seen many experimental subjects. They are all selfish and indifferent, only caring about themselves, and even do not hesitate to kill the experimental subjects in the same group just for a bite of food.

He had never seen such a united group of experimental subjects as the three groups. What surprised him even more was that these people seemed to listen to Moser's words and follow him in everything.

Loss stood in the distance and looked at the group of people with cold eyes, gradually guessing the reason why Laurent threw him into the third group.

  Moser is indeed a very interesting person.

 He ​​had never had this kind of experience in his limited life, and he suddenly felt like a child who suddenly got a novel toy that he couldn't put down.

As the psychotic son of Laurent, Ross's mental state will not be much better. Even at a young age, his psychology is too crooked to be pulled back. Therefore, he decided to disguise himself as a truly ignorant child and take care of himself. Play with them.

Lose can change, which is undoubtedly what Moze wants to see the most. He has always judged others with kindness, and has no doubts about Lose's sudden change. As time goes by, they get along more and more harmoniously, and even Qi Sijin and others, who originally had a grudge against Los, began to let go of their prejudices.

 However, something unexpected happened.

 Recently, Ross discovered that something was wrong with Moze recently. He seemed to be plotting something with Qi Sijin and the others in private, but it was just his guess without evidence.

That night, after everyone was asleep, Moze lifted the quilt and quietly got out of bed. At the same time, Qi Sijin and Ah Jiu also got up. They walked lightly to the door. Moze squatted down and skillfully De used his mental power to pick the lock, and taking advantage of the lax patrol at night, the three of them ran out without making a sound.

After they left, Los opened his eyes suddenly, frowned and looked at the direction they left, pondered for a moment, and followed them secretly.

The few people did not run far, but came to the woods near the experimental tower, and then the shadows covered them, covering up the ubiquitous surveillance.

Loss hid behind a tree not far from them and listened carefully to their conversation.

 “Can’t wait any longer.”

Moze had a heavy face. His expression at this moment was no longer as gentle as it was during the day, but instead looked a little serious and cold.

“Weiwei’s body can’t bear it anymore, but those beasts still refuse to let her go!”

Loss raised his eyebrows and recalled what happened recently, which was indeed the case.

Mo Wei is the one with the best tolerance among the three groups of experimental subjects. Among them, she has undergone the most experiments. Not long ago, he heard from the group of experimenters that they had found excellent data samples and planned to increase the experiment. Difficulty.

Qi Sijin clenched her fists, her young and tender face filled with anger, and growled unjustly: "How young is Weiwei! How dare they!"

Ah Jiu glanced at him with no expression on his face, "Do you still expect those beasts that have lost their senses to talk to you about ethics?"

Qi Sijin had nothing to say. He looked up at Ah Jiu and asked in a muffled voice, "What should we do now?"

 Before he was captured, he was a well-dressed young master. He had never experienced the darkness of human nature. What he had experienced during this period had already brought him to the verge of collapse.

To be honest, he was able to discuss this with Moze here today simply because the two of them are similar in age and are relatively more mature in dealing with things than a group of six or seven-year-old children.

 But that’s just a few.

Qi Sijin could not deny that sometimes he was too useless, not even comparable to a child like Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu didn't notice the change in his heart. He turned to look at Mo Ze and asked, "What does second brother want to do? I listen to you."

Moze lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. After a while, he said hoarsely: "Let's... run away."

The final note is trembling slightly, as if hiding great fear.


 For them it is impossible, there is no hope.

If they had just been captured, this idea would not be unusual, but for such a long time, they had witnessed countless people being killed on the spot because they tried to escape, without exception.

The corpses were either sent for samples, or the half-man, half-animal monsters were directly chopped into pieces, and they had no peace after death.

Moze knew very well that his decision would make everyone die with him.

 But now there is no other way out.

 Not only Mo Wei, but also the bodies of others could hardly hold on anymore.

They usually have playful smiles on their faces and hide all their sadness and pain in their hearts. However, in the final analysis, they are just a bunch of children and cannot hide it in front of him.

 He is their eldest brother, so he is naturally responsible for everyone. Since it is destined to be a dead end, he might as well give it a try.

Qi Sijin and Ah Jiu were both stunned by his idea. They were a little surprised, but they were not afraid. Instead, they felt excited to try it out.

They admitted that the Shamen had indeed shaped them into a kind of monster, giving them crazy and desperate genes that were dangerous and chilling.


 The two of them spoke at the same time, their eyes full of excitement.

Qi Sijin couldn’t wait to ask: “When will you escape?”

Moze was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect this reaction from them, but he quickly recovered and said: "There's no rush, we still need to discuss it with the others."

This matter is so important that everyone must plan it together.

Behind the tree, Lose listened to their conversation word for word, squinted his eyes, turned back and lay on the bed, pretending that nothing happened.

 The next day, Mo Ze actually found a way to tell the others about it. They had the same reaction as Qi Sijin, and no one felt scared.

 “Eleven, what about you?”

Moze turned around and asked. Everyone else expressed their opinions, but Los was the only one who remained silent.

Loss was stunned for a moment, a flash of emotion flashed across his eyes, and he smiled: "I will participate too."

 After everyone approved the plan, the last trace of worry in Mo Ze’s heart disappeared.

 At this point, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Loss said he was participating, but in fact he was just watching indifferently.

 He didn't care what impact these people's plans would have.

Whether they succeeded or not, it made little difference to him.

 He is a heartless person by nature.

He will not be sad when Laurent dies, and even wants to laugh.

 When they died, he would only think that a group of ants died, which was no big deal.

 But, there is only one person.

Loss raised his eyes and focused on Moser.

 This person is much more interesting than others.

If he manages to escape, he doesn't know when he will meet another interesting person like him.

If he fails, his fate will undoubtedly be death, and such an interesting person will never be seen again.

what should I do?

Loss was a little sad, like a child watching his toy fall into the mud. Should he fish it out or replace it with a new one?

 Finally, he made a decision.

Los came to Lorante, and his first words were: "Those experimental subjects are planning to escape."

Laurent raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

He took off his blood-stained white coat and leaned down to look into his eyes. The faint smell of blood spread between the two of them, but Los was used to it and his expression remained unchanged.

 “Do you think I care about this?”

Loss deadpanned: "They are connected to the association."

At this moment, Laurent's interest was aroused. His eyes lit up and he couldn't help but laugh twice: "Hey, I really underestimated you. You are so capable that you even contacted the association. This is really a big deal. trouble."

However, his expression was different.

Loss: "First, I'll replace you with them. I don't want to get involved in the tricks of those experimental subjects. Second, I can help you, but there is a condition."


Loss raised his eyes, his eyes were extremely cold, and there was no emotion in his voice: "I want 02, I want him to be my toy."

 A person’s toy.

 (End of this chapter)

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