She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 637: Association's undercover

Chapter 637: The Association’s Undercover

 After the plan to escape was confirmed, Moze was still unsure. In the final analysis, they were just a group of half-grown children. With their own strength and weak strength, they could not escape from the tight supervision of the Cha League.

 He was anxious and uneasy for several days, thinking hard and finding no solution.

At this moment, he accidentally discovered that a researcher who often appeared in the laboratory was acting suspiciously. Looking at the man's sneaking back, he pursed his lips, gritted his teeth and followed him.

 If I remember correctly, this person appeared in the experimental tower not long ago.

With a strange identity and different behaviors, it’s hard not to make people think too much

 A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he was eager to seek confirmation.

Moze sneaked behind the man to see what his purpose was. When the man secretly returned to the laboratory and tried to restart the system, he knew that he had guessed correctly.

"Who are you?"

Moze no longer hid and directly exposed himself, frowning and staring at the person in front of him, not missing any subtle change in expression on his face.

The man's operating fingers trembled, and his expression suddenly changed. When he saw clearly that he was a half-grown boy, he couldn't help but be startled. His eyes fell on Mo Ze's body, and the ID tag with the number engraved on it was on the cold white surface. Reflected in the light, he suddenly smiled and said, "Are you an experimental subject?"

Moze took a deep breath and pretended to be calm: "Yes, who are you?"

 “I am a researcher of the Cha League.”

“Liar, the researchers here are very disciplined and will not come back after completing the experiment unless there are special circumstances.”

The man groaned, his expression a little surprised: "You know quite a lot."

He also thought that the experimental subjects imprisoned by the Shamen had long been turned into puppets controlled by others and had no thoughts of their own - in the experimental towers he had sneaked into before, everyone was numb. Lost life.

 Unexpectedly, there are still experimental subjects here who have not been driven crazy and seem to have a lot of information.

The man touched his chin and looked thoughtfully at the young man in front of him who was obviously scared to death but was stubborn and didn't show any signs of it.

His strength in the association is ranked in the middle and lower reaches. The task of exploring the Cha League this time is far beyond his ability, but he still chooses to give it a try. After all, wealth can be found in danger.

Moreover, it seems that his luck is not very bad. No, God sent him an opportunity.

 “Boy, do you doubt my identity?”

Moser said calmly: "This suspicion is reasonable and normal."

"Okay, let me show my cards. I am an undercover agent sent by the association to investigate."


Moze's tense expression paused for a moment.

that's all? Admit it?

 It’s a bit too simple.

Seeing that he looked frightened, the man smiled and continued to ask: "Hey, boy, do you... have something you want to tell me?"

When he found someone acting suspiciously, instead of yelling, he calmly followed him at the risk of being caught by the Chameng. This kid had some courage.

He didn't expect that his purpose would be seen through so quickly. Moze didn't hesitate and confessed directly: "Yes, I want to...ask you for help."

His words were filled with honorifics and his posture was kept to a minimum.

 This is their last chance, they must seize it.

"What's the matter?" Moze calmed down, looked at him firmly, and said, "Help us escape."

The man was startled and raised his eyelids, a little incredulous, "You... want to escape?"

"No one wants to escape." He said: "You also know the situation here. If you don't escape, you will die in the end, and no one will be able to survive."

"I know, but I'm just a **** in the investigation, so I can't help you."

Mo Ze's thoughts were in confusion, and his brain was working rapidly to think of countermeasures. After a while, he pursed his lips and said: "Then... can you please help me bring a message to any senior member of the Sha League, saying that we can cooperate internally and externally? Help the association to kill the Chameng."

He bit the last four words very hard, and he was filled with murderous intent.

The man seemed to be frightened by his shocking remarks. He was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought. "This matter is not trivial. Are you sure you want to cooperate with us? If the Shamen find out—"

 “It’s just death.”

Moze smiled bitterly and said: "To tell you the truth, my sister's body can no longer hold on, and my other companions have also reached their limits and have to fight."

The man understood what he meant and said, "Okay, I will convey it to you."

Before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something and added: "Boy, actually, if you don't say these words today, we are planning to rescue you, so you can rest assured."

President Zhong Qing fully announced the high-level bounty mission for exploring the Cha League in the association task hall. According to information revealed by senior officials, Zhong Qing and the council have already planned how to attack the Cha League and rescue these experimental subjects.

 He infiltrated here because he accepted a mission to collect intelligence.

 Moze nodded. He knew that this man wanted to comfort himself not to panic.

He will not panic or be afraid. He is more rational and calm than ever, because he knows that he is carrying the fate of all of them.

After that, Moser treated the incident as if it had never happened and told no one.

 It wasn’t long before the man came back with the association’s answer, and they agreed.

Moser was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

 With the assistance of the association, their chances of success are much higher, which also makes him feel at ease.

On the other side, Ross dutifully reported what he heard to Lorante every day. For some reason, Lorante seemed to be very interested in the clever tricks of these brats.

 He thought so and asked the same question.

At this, Laurent smiled and said, "Loss, I'm not interested in those little rabbits. What interests me is you."

  Loss: “Me?”

"That's right, you have always looked at everything, including my biological father, with a lack of interest since you were a child. It seems that nothing in the world can make you even remotely interested. But this time, for the first time, I heard from you Heard the word 'want'."

“My dear son, can you tell me what made you change?”

Los thought for a while, and Moze's face immediately appeared in his mind. He lowered his gaze and sneered: "What will change will not change? I just want a toy."

The expression on Laurent's face did not change, and he still had a smile on his face, "But the toy you want is not very obedient."

 “Then let him be obedient.”

Loss narrowed his eyes and thought a little sinisterly, just catch him back, break his wings, break his legs, and put him in a carefully made cage, so that he can be obedient, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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