She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 638: What about eleven?

 Chapter 638 Where is Eleven?

Laurent smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, he is indeed my son."

 Obviously he admires Ross's character very much, maybe because he himself is the same.

Laurent waved his hand and said: "I promise you this, you go back first."

 Loss nodded and left.

After he left, his subordinate who had been waiting silently asked, "Doctor, are you really going to let those experimental subjects escape?"

In his opinion, with Laurent's character, he would not agree with Ross playing this kind of cat and mouse game.

 The mouse tries to escape from the cat's cage, which is a provocation.

There was a meaningful look in Laurent's eyes: "It doesn't matter, I also want to see if Los has improved over the years."

 He threw Los into three groups just so that he could deal with them.

If he can still act without changing his expression after getting along with each other, then he will be very satisfied. If he develops feelings of reluctance, unfortunately, the result will be cruel punishment.

 Emotions are the most fragile in the world. As his son, such a thing is not allowed to exist.

“How about the news that made you keep an eye on the association before?”

The subordinate replied respectfully: "Everything is as you thought. During this period, we secretly captured many spies sent by the association."

Laurent sneered: "It looks like you want to fight to the death with us?"

 “Oh, you are not overestimating your own abilities.”


With the help of the association, Moze's plan went very smoothly. During this period, he has been secretly sneaking into the laboratory regardless of the danger. He is a modified experimental subject. His powers and physical fitness are stronger than ordinary people. He can steal Information is also very handy.

 “Boy, I told you, you don’t have to do this.”

 The person in charge of communicating with him was still the undercover agent of the association. He looked at the important information that Moze handed over to him with an extremely complicated expression.

“Even if the association needs information from the Cha League, it doesn’t need an underage brat like you to risk your life to steal it!”

Moze lowered his head: "I know...I just want to help."

The man sighed and didn't say much. There had been a lot of tension within the League recently. They didn't have much time to talk to each other, so they didn't talk nonsense. He shook the information in his hand and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll accept it." This love.”

Moser finally smiled.

The man said again: "By the way, I have something very important to inform you this time. We are going to take action in the near future."

Moze was stunned for a moment, and then he became ecstatic, "Are you... going to take action against the Shamen?"

 “That’s right.”

 “Great! Do we need to do anything?”

The man shook his head, looked at him seriously, and said: "You don't need to do anything, boy, remember, at that time, you just need to take advantage of the chaos to escape." It was a hasty move. They had been planning for a long time and tried their best to ensure that nothing went wrong.

 “Okay, I understand.”

 In the next few days, Moze was absent-minded and kept thinking about this matter.

 Finally, in his mixed feelings of anxiety and hope, the association finally took action.

The sneak attack was caught off guard, and the Chameng suddenly fell into panic.

Laurent's face was extremely dark, which he did not expect. The association had collected so much information about him and knew that he was headstrong, conceited and proud, so he was able to catch someone by surprise.

There was a mess of porridge outside, but it was extremely quiet inside the experimental tower. Everyone stayed in place calmly, waiting patiently for most of the manpower in the tower to be removed. Then, as originally planned, they were easily killed by working in pairs. The remaining people seized control of the experimental tower.

Moze came to the main control room, quickly left a series of instructions on the keyboard, turned on the self-destruction device, and then led everyone to escape from the experimental tower.

 “Hurry, go quickly, it’s going to explode soon!”

Now there are people from associations and alliances everywhere outside. No matter how strong they are, they are just a group of underage people who cannot face head-on confrontation. So Moze chose a route that no one knew and led everyone to follow the map that the man gave him and run towards the exit. go.

 “Brother, brother, I can’t run anymore.”

Mo Wei was out of breath from exhaustion as she walked on her short legs. She had been subjected to experimental research for many years. Her body was as thin as a cat, as if a balloon could pop when poked.

 However, she couldn't help but run away at this moment.

Moze picked her up in his arms and continued to run forward with her in his arms. He glanced behind him from the corner of his eye. At this glance, he suddenly stopped.

 “Second brother, what’s wrong?”

Moze took another careful look, his face had changed, and he asked with a trembling voice: "Where's Eleven?"

 Everyone looked back and saw that the person who was supposed to be following them had disappeared.

 He was left behind.

 Moze's face turned a little pale.

 No, no one can be left behind!

 He handed Mo Wei over to Ji Yunshu, and then said to Qi Sijin: "Fourth, you take them and leave first. I'll go back to find Eleven."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to say anything, he ran back without looking back.

 “Second brother!”

Ah Jiu saw that something was wrong. It was too dangerous for him to go back alone. Her eyes darkened and she said to Qi Sijin: "You go, I will go with my second brother."


Really, how can these two people think that they are at odds with each other!

 (End of this chapter)

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