She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 644: The **** fate is actually man-made

Chapter 644: Bloody fate is actually man-made

 She said blankly: "You...what did you say?"

However, Los seemed to be just teasing her. After saying this, he ignored her and raised his eyes to meet Li Jiu's cold, razor-like eyes again. There was a successful smile on his lips, "Ah Jiu, it's been so many years." "

 What are you hiding from her?

Qi Mowei felt anxious and looked at Li Jiu with her eyes asking for confirmation. What was he talking about?

 Why can’t I understand it?

 She now urgently needs an explanation.

  However, surprisingly, Li Jiu did not go to see her and avoided her inquiry.

 For a time, Qi Mowei's bad premonition worsened.

The group of people had been confused by Los's words. They looked at each other and saw confusion and confusion in each other's eyes.

 Why do they think they are about to get a big surprise?

The air was quiet for a moment, and no one spoke.

Loss scoffed coldly, "I thought you were capable, but it turns out you didn't even dare to tell her the truth—"

"Shut up!"

Qi Sijin couldn't bear it anymore and gave a sharp shout, completely interrupting his words.

Beside him, Mr. Qi, who was also confused about the situation, cast his gaze at him and asked: "Ajin, this..."

What does this have to do with Weiwei?

 “What? Are you scared?”

Seeing that he was furious, Ross raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a mocking tone: "Afraid that she knows that she is not an orphan at all, afraid that she knows that you were behind everything when she was adopted by the Qi family, or... afraid that she knows that her brother is because of You die?"



 The bullet grazed the top of Ross's head.

A few strands of hair quietly fell to the ground, but Los's expression did not change at all.

Qi Mowei's face was extremely pale.

 It wasn’t because of the bullet that he was frightened, but because of what Los had just said.

 The amount of information is too much.

 What does it mean that she is not an orphan? What do you mean her adoption was premeditated? What do you mean her brother died because of them?

 Why does she understand every word, but together, she can’t understand it at all?

Li Jiu’s voice was as cold as ice, chilling to the bone, “Shut up.”

  Loss: “Did I say something wrong?”

He looked at Qi Mowei, ignored her pale face, and directly told the cruel truth: "Look at your good sister, you know? Your biological brother died to save her, but what about them? But they deleted all your Memory makes you forget everything in the past, including your brother!”


"No?" Ross sneered, "You can ask them, ask everyone here, if this is true."

Qi Mowei immediately turned her attention to Li Jiu, "Ajiu..."

 Tell me this is not true, right?

Li Jiu was silent.

Qi Mowei's breathing suddenly became rapid, and she turned her gaze to Qi Sijin again, "Ajin, is this true?" Qi Sijin lowered her eyes and said nothing.


Loss felt ridiculous about her dying struggle, and gave her the final blow mercilessly, "An experimental subject has been hidden for more than ten years without being discovered. I am very curious, how did you do it?"

 There was dead silence.

He groaned and continued: "Let me guess... She has a special physique. She was selected by Laurent as one of the No. 1 experimental subjects. She was also injected with 'Nightmare'. It stands to reason that she will not live long, but she But she is still alive and well... Someone suppressed the poison in her body? "

Qi Mowei trembled all over, her expression almost collapsed.

Ross continued, "'Nightmare' targets the spiritual realm. Someone used mental power to suppress it, sealing her spiritual realm to prevent 'Nightmare' from spreading throughout her body. Let me guess again, the association has this ability. Of…Zhongqing?”

He had a look of astonishment on his face, "No wonder, he gradually retreated into the background because of his out-of-control ability. It turned out to be this reason."

Li Jiu looked very ugly as he listened to him guessing the reasons for everything. He had no doubt that if he didn't have Qi Mowei in his hands, she would definitely make him regret coming to this world.

 Others whispered: "Is what he said true?"

"I don't know... I guess, I heard that the President's health did have problems more than ten years ago."

 “Damn it! Doesn’t this mean...”

 Is everything he said true?

 The eyes of everyone in the group fell silently on Qi Jingci, and they were filled with emotion.

This is all a **** fate!

Lu Qingran felt goosebumps all over her body when she heard that. She subconsciously grabbed Ning Feng's sleeve, pulled it, and asked coquettishly: "Weiwei is really...?"

Ning Feng frowned and nodded.

Seeing the death look in his eyes, Lu Qingran silently swallowed back the "fuck" that came out of her mouth, and asked in a low voice: "...How could this happen?"

Ning Feng is also very annoyed now, and his heart is filled with panic, "I don't know either, don't bother me!"

At that time, everyone unanimously approved the idea of ​​letting Mo Wei live like an ordinary person, hoping that she would grow up without any worries. Who knew that she would be adopted by the Qi family in the end and become the eldest daughter of the Qi family overnight? .

This kind of mistake is really a bit bloody.

 I think back then, Qi Sijin repeatedly promised to take care of Mo Wei's affairs, but as soon as he turned around, he was taken back to the Qi family by his own grandfather.


Ning Feng suddenly discovered the blind spot.

 He narrowed his eyes and secretly glanced at Qi Sijin opposite.

With that said, he suddenly remembered that Qi Sijin had taken care of all Mo Wei's affairs by himself. Zhong Qing and Li Jiu were both at ease with him and let him go.

 Could this person be taking advantage of the opportunity to benefit from public service and deliberately let Mr. Qi adopt Mo Wei?

Ning Feng thought for a moment, and it was definitely like this.

This man is used to this kind of trick.

 He just said, there are not so many coincidences in the world.

 Sure enough, the **** fate is actually man-made.

 (End of this chapter)

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