She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 645: Are you crazy?

Chapter 645 Are you crazy?

"More than ten years have passed, and the mental power Zhong Qing used to suppress the 'Nightmare' can't last long. So, what are you going to do?"

"Should I suppress her with mental power again, or... let her die?"

Loss glanced at Qi Mowei playfully, "I quite agree with the latter."

“After all, her brother is gone, how lonely it is to live alone in the world.”

 “You fart!”

Qi Sijin was emotional, his eyes filled with monstrous anger, "A person like you can—cough cough cough!"

 He coughed suddenly and violently.

Los clicked his tongue twice and said: "Fourth brother, don't get excited. The medicine I injected into you is not for those who are agitated and impatient. If this continues, if anything happens to you, I won't be able to explain it to Ah Jiu."


Qi Sijin stared at him, breathing heavily, as if he wanted to cough out his lungs.

“Fourth brother, calm down.” He Yao said worriedly.

Every time he encountered something like Qi Mowei's, he would lose his mind. If he hadn't been controlled, he would have torn Lose alive.

He Yao looked at the current situation calmly.

Los has hostages in hand, and the place is isolated from the outside world. The situation is very unfavorable for them. In addition, Lose deliberately brings up the past and keeps irritating Li Jiu. If he continues, she may lose control.

 Just like four years ago.

The 3S-level mental riot directly destroyed an organization, leaving no one alive in the entire organization. At that time, Zhong Qing suppressed the incident, and no one except them knew about it.

This time the situation is more serious. The mental power barrier can rebound mental power to the greatest extent, and this mental power barrier is specially made. No one knows what the threshold is. If Li Jiu loses control, all the 3S level mental power will explode. Everyone present will be crushed to death directly.

Li Jiu is obviously aware of his situation, so he has been trying to suppress the mental power flowing in his body from now on. Although it doesn't look abnormal, it is actually at the end of his strength.

 A layer of sweat gradually formed on his forehead, his lips were pressed into a straight line, his expression was tense, and the hand holding the particle gun was trembling slightly.

Qi Jingci was the closest to her and naturally noticed something was wrong with her, "Jiujiu?"

 “…I’m fine.”

 But it doesn’t look like everything is okay.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and calmly stepped forward to hug her into his arms. As soon as she got closer, he immediately understood what was going on.

 The mental energy has become so chaotic that it cannot be suppressed.

He suddenly felt heartbroken, caressing her back where no one could see her, and said softly: "Jiujiu, I'm here, it's okay."

Li Jiu closed her eyes suddenly and took a deep breath.

 Yes, it’s different. No one will blow themselves up in front of her anymore.

 She couldn't save Mo Ze more than ten years ago, but today, she must save Qi Mowei.

Li Jiu slowly put down the gun, looked at Los with cold eyes, and asked: "Tell me, what do you want?"

Loss raised his eyebrows in surprise, "You compromised so quickly? Ah Jiu, this is not like you."

Li Jiu sneered: "Don't you know the reason why I did this?"

Her eyes fell on the pale Qi Mowei, she paused and said, "You can do whatever you want, but you must let her go."

  “Including, my life.”


 “Xiaojiu, no!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Mr. Li and Mr. Qi hurriedly stopped her.

Qi Jingci tightened his arms around her waist, raised his eyebrows, and looked at her disapprovingly, but said nothing.

 Loss was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, her life will be exchanged for yours, but... they -"

He pointed at Mr. Qi and others, glanced at Ning Feng and others, and said with a cruel smile: "I want your lives in exchange for their lives!"

 “You’re **** dreaming!”

Lu Qingran couldn't help but jump to her feet, protected Ning Feng behind her, and cursed: "Do you really think labor and management are afraid of you? Do you believe me—"

Before he could finish his words, someone grabbed the hem of his clothes and pulled him to the back.

He staggered and was forced to swallow the words in his mouth.

Ning Feng retracted his hand, met Los's eyes with a cold expression, and said calmly: "Okay."

 Meanwhile, others were saying, “No problem.”



Everyone agreed in unison.

 The others were stunned.

 No, are you crazy?

 (End of this chapter)

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