She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 646: Let's die together!

Chapter 646 Let’s die together!

 Everyone in the second team looked normal, and it was hard to tell whether they were joking or serious.

Los narrowed his eyes, glanced across each of their faces gloomily, and sneered, "I can't tell, you are much crazier than me."

Li Jiu: "There is no way. They came from the same place, and the madness in their bones is the same."

Before he could speak, Bai Muyou suddenly said: "Boss, I made a mistake."

Ji Yunshu: "We are not of the same origin as him."

Ning Feng: “We are crazy.”

  Shen Lue: “But not a pervert.”

  Fang Yang: “It’s not even disgusting.”

Everyone sang along, and Ross's face darkened visibly, and the strength in his hands became a little stronger, "It seems that you are not going to save them."

Loss sneered: "If that's the case, then I'll—"

The next moment, his pupils shrank sharply, and the blood all over his body seemed to be frozen. The air around him was filled with dangerous factors, wrapping him up in it, making him unable to escape or retreat, and the overwhelming murderous intent rushing towards him seemed like a threat. To tear him apart completely.

Loss's whole body was frozen in place, and the terrifying sense of oppression forced him to not move at all.

 To be careless.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly gathered all his mental power into one point, and attacked the dangerous and oppressive mental power. He finally got a breather in a split second and turned sideways to avoid the attack.

However, even so, a layer of skin was cut off from his right arm, and the **** flesh and skin tissue was exposed, and blood flowed profusely.

Loss hissed lightly, enduring the severe pain, and raised his eyes to look at the opposite side.

If he had read correctly just now, the attack came without any warning, but the murderous intent and danger contained in it were the most terrifying he had ever seen.

 The space is directly cut off.

 The target of the attack just now was not him, but the space around him, so he was unaware of it. If he had reacted any slower, he might have been cut into pieces by the divided space on the spot.

Able to manipulate and divide space without anyone noticing, the opponent is definitely 3S level in strength!

Qi Jingci calmly retracted his hand, his eyes slightly surprised, and said to Li Jiu: "His strength is not inferior to yours or mine."

 Even with his distraction, he was still able to dodge his attack.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed with anxiety and his eyes were obscure, "He came prepared."

**** it.

 Even though he had taken action, he still couldn't save anyone. If he delayed it any longer, she really couldn't guarantee what would happen next.

Loss swallowed the taste of blood in his mouth and sneered: "I have always heard that the association's Q God is unfathomable, and it is indeed well-deserved."

Qi Jingci glanced at him coldly: "Same for you."

The two people's eyes met in the air, and there were sparks flying. After a moment of silence, Qi Jingci was the first to speak: "Mr. Luo, you have seen the current situation. We did not take action because you had hostages on your hands. However, you really pushed us into a hurry. Do you think you can How long can you hold on under me and Jiujiu?"

 There is no trace of adulteration in his words.

Even if the hand that Los showed just now is very strong, he has absolutely no chance of winning if he and Li Jiu join forces.

Loss’ eyes darkened, he was right.

I did all the calculations, but I didn’t even include him as a variable.

He was not surprised that Li Jiu led the second team to find the Shameng, because he did it deliberately, but the team that followed him was indeed unexpected.

What's even more beautiful is that this variable actually forced him into this situation step by step. If he hadn't saved a move, he would have really missed a move.

Thinking of this, Ross's lips curved into a twisted smile, "Of course I have no chance of winning, but, unfortunately, I also... don't intend to go up against you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Jingci and Li Jiu's hearts trembled at the same time, "Not good!"

However, before any of them could alert Lose, he had already taken out the controller and pressed it. A set of actions came so smoothly that there was no time to stop him.


 The next second, an overwhelming resonance wave swept over.

Caught off guard, Lu Qingran spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His expression was still dazed. He touched his face, and his hands were covered with blood. When he turned around, he saw that everyone was vomiting blood with pale faces.

 Some people couldn't even hold on and fell to their knees directly on the ground.

 Looking around again, Qi Jingci and Li Jiu's faces were also very ugly, with a trace of blood spilling from the corners of their mouths.

 “…fuck, mental power…resonator.”

Lu Qingran cursed feebly. His mind was spinning and he couldn't hold on any longer. Ning Feng even grabbed his arm to steady himself, with no color on his face.

"how come…"

Bai Yuxiu helped Bai Muyou, his expression turned extremely ugly, "How could he possibly make a resonator?"

The mental power resonance meter is the most effective weapon used to deal with people with superpowers, because it directly attacks the mental domain. The frequency of the resonance waves it emits can interfere with the mental power of people with superpowers, causing chaos in the superpowers and eventually the body explodes. And died.

 …This thing has been banned for a long time, how could he have it?

The resonator targets all superpowers, and Los is no exception. The moment the resonator was activated, he spit out a mouthful of blood. This move was tantamount to injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred.

But Loss smiled very happily, even a little crazy, "Die! Let's die together! Hahahaha!"

 (End of this chapter)

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