She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 647: Ajin!

 Chapter 647 Ajin!

 Due to Ross's suicidal approach, all the superpowers present were not much better.

The higher the power level of the mental resonance instrument, the stronger the interference. At this moment, Li Jiu felt like there were a hundred excavators working in her head, buzzing and giving her a splitting headache.

The spiritual power in his body surged uncontrollably, constantly flowing through his limbs and bones, and a sizzling purple electric light gradually appeared all over his body, almost making him want to go berserk.

Fortunately, there was a warm chest covering her back, and the man gently pressed her temples, instantly taking away all her anger and irritability.

 But Li Jiu's expression was still not much better. She gritted her teeth and muttered: "Leave me alone."

The two of them have about the same amount of strength. The pain she is suffering at this moment is exactly what Qi Jingci has endured, and yet he insists on using supernatural powers to soothe her mental strength. It is simply indiscriminate!

Qi Jingci's voice sounded depressed, with a touch of blood, "Don't be afraid, I'm fine."

Having said that, if Li Jiu turned around, she would definitely see that his handsome face was extremely pale and bloodless.

 Both of them are holding on.

At this time, the only people in the field who were not affected were the two old men. The people behind them were rolling on the ground with their heads in their hands and had no time to pay attention to them.


They howled in pain, hoping that Los would show mercy.

But Ross was obviously crazy at this moment, and his lips had already been bitten with deep teeth marks. Despite this, he still pressed the controller again without hesitation.

 The interference frequency of the resonator is immediately doubled.


 Everyone knelt down.

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci were no exception. They knelt on one knee but straightened their backs. It could be seen from their expressions that they were desperately fighting against the resonance device.

 The weaker ones were all knocked unconscious and lay on the ground.

 The remaining people also supported each other to prevent themselves from falling.


Qi Sijin cursed in a low voice and hit his knees **** the ground. His body was as heavy as a stone, and he couldn't even lift his arms. It was as if someone had suddenly exerted gravity on his whole body.

He reluctantly looked at Qi Mowei who was being held hostage in front of him, and wanted to rush forward to save her. The next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

 Now, even if there is a chance to save people, they cannot do it.

It was precisely with this thought that Ross dared to plot against himself. He was the most affected, but he still controlled Qi Mowei tightly to prevent her from breaking away and escaping while he was not paying attention.

 Soon, he discovered a problem.

  Qi Mowei seemed to be... also affected by the resonance meter.

This discovery stunned Los for a moment. Could it be that she...

 “Are you awake?”

This is not surprising. Qi Mowei is an experimental subject. She has a variety of superpowers integrated into her body. She is considered a superpower in her own right. Even if Zhongqing uses his own mental power to seal her mental domain, once she is guided or stimulated, , the seal will be like window paper, broken as soon as it is poked.

The most stimulating thing in the spiritual realm is the strange stone, and there are strange stones hidden in various laboratories of the Cha League.

It seems that when she was escaping, she accidentally touched the strange stone. The power contained in it loosened the seal, and she showed signs of awakening.

Thinking of this, Los felt that he had received a huge unexpected surprise and kept laughing, "It really took no effort at all!"

 The seal on her spiritual realm has been loosened, which means that the "nightmare" in it will spread to her whole body, and she will eventually die of torture.

Ross smiled and said: "What a pity. If I could take you out alive today, I would have dissected you, extracted the 'nightmare', and then spread it to all parts of the world hahahaha... cough cough cough -"

 Because of his excitement, he kept coughing.

Qi Mowei is suffering pain that she has never experienced before in her life. Her head is buzzing, and her thoughts are broken into fragments, emerging like false phantoms, and fleeting, too fast for people to catch.

 She was completely unable to think independently, and her whole person fell into darkness and nothingness.

 In her hazy state, she vaguely saw some strange scenes that she had never seen before. The memories of her childhood were the long-forgotten time before she was adopted.

Those memory fragments were in disarray, flashing through her mind like a movie, unable to be connected together, and she still couldn't remember anything. Qi Mowei smiled bitterly. What this person said seemed to be true.

Even if she didn't want to believe what he said, she still had to admit that it was probably the truth.

Hearing the undisguised laughter of the person behind her, she gradually began to give up her resistance. A look of determination flashed across her eyes, and the corners of her mouth turned up into a smile.

 Forget it, that’s it.

 As long as you drag him to death, the others will be saved.

With the thought of dying together, Qi Mowei struggled to open her eyes, wanting to take one last look at Li Jiu. She opened her mouth slightly and made a mouth shape.

At that moment, a biting coldness instantly enveloped Li Jiu, and a familiar feeling of powerlessness surged into her heart. Her pupils shrank sharply, and her body couldn't help but tremble slightly. She understood the meaning in Qi Mowei's eyes. She is saying goodbye!

Almost instantly, a strong will took over Li Jiu's entire spiritual world. The power came from unknown sources. Her spiritual power spread out around like a tide, forcefully invading everyone's spiritual realm, and her supernatural powers were completely It broke out, and flashes of lightning flashed around her, carrying the power of killing everything.

Qi Jingci watched this scene silently behind her, as if he knew what she wanted to do. The next moment, he also released all his mental power with her, and the entire barrier was completely filled with their two mental powers. .

Nothing can withstand the superposition of the mental power of two 3S-level experts. What's more, Li Jiu still has the intention to leave no room for anything. His strong and deep mental power is constantly leaking out as if he is desperate for his life. In addition, Qi Jingci is accompanying him. She went crazy together, and Los's expression suddenly changed.

not good! If this continues...

Before he could react, there was a slight cracking sound in his ears.

 Los turned pale.

 That's...a resonator!

 These two people! He actually used his mental power to burst the resonance meter!

The painful buzzing in their heads disappeared, and everyone looked at the two slutty bosses blankly, speechless for a while.

 Is this even possible?

It is true that the equipment will be damaged after the mental power reaches the threshold, but the key is who is so perverted that he has that level of mental power?

 There really is.

These two are indeed the famous twin gods of their association, and they are not typically human.

Li Jiu didn't seem to realize how crazy her actions were, and how crazy Qi Jingci was with her. She forced herself to stand up, her eyes were bottomless, as dark as the abyss. People fall.

She walked towards Lose step by step, her face expressionless.

Lose took two steps back uncontrollably and watched in horror as she slowly approached. He was still immersed in the moment when the resonator was destroyed, and Qi Mowei, who just wanted to say goodbye just now, was also looking at her blankly.

Li Jiu's eyes suddenly flashed, and he shot towards him like a ghost. He was so fast that it was like an afterimage. This was not like the skills he could have after being injured!

Loss was the most severely affected by the resonator's backlash. He couldn't avoid it, so he took her blow forcefully, and his body immediately flew out like a kite with its string broken.

Qi Mowei suddenly lost weight, and the next moment she was pulled into someone's arms and hugged her tightly. In her daze, she heard Li Jiu's voice that sounded like he was about to die after a disaster: "Fortunately... you're okay."

Now that she has been saved and Lose has been kicked away, there is no longer any threat. Everyone has gradually recovered. He Yao broke free from the restraints immediately and stepped forward to loosen the bonds of Qi Sijin and the two old men.

During this period, she glanced at Qi Sijin, who looked unhappy, and asked, "Fourth brother, are you okay?"

Qi Sijin shook his head. He was fine. What he was most concerned about now was Qi Mowei.

He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Qi Mowei. The first thing he did was to check whether she was okay. He was relieved when he saw that Li Jiu was pulling her to look at her, and she didn't look like something was wrong.

However, the next moment, he suddenly caught sight of something from the corner of his eye, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Danger!"

 A sudden change occurred.

Loss, who was kicked away, used his last strength to raise his gun and pointed it at Qi Mowei's head, with a vicious look in his eyes.

go to hell!

 Pull the trigger.


 Suddenly he groaned.

Qi Mowei opened her eyes wide and looked at the man who appeared in front of her instantly to block the bullet in disbelief. She shouted in a broken voice: "Ajin!!"

 “Fourth brother!”

 “Old Four!”

Well, finally a hero comes to save the beauty. Qi Xiaosi, you are really good at picking up the slack.



 (End of this chapter)

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