She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 652: Ending (1) The truth

Chapter 652 Ending (1) The truth

“Your mother and your father met at Imperial University.” Mr. Li said softly.

"At that time, I was imprisoned by the Chamen to complete an experiment and could not return to the Li family. I didn't know anything about them. When I returned, they had already reached the stage of talking about marriage. Even...your mother already had something in her belly. Your brother."

Mr. Li coughed slightly, his expression slightly unnatural.

 In any case, it is quite immoral to get pregnant with a girl before she is married.

Zhong Qing's expression became complicated and he murmured: "No wonder..."

Li Jiu turned to look at him: "What?"

Zhongqing: "Back then, the association had long suspected that the motives of the Chameng's experiment were impure, and wanted to send people to investigate its details. Your mother took the initiative to take over the task. As a result, after a while, before the task was completed, your mother Here’s the news…”

"say what?"

  …“…said the scenery in the empire is nice and she is getting married.”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 I would like to ask, do these two things have anything to do with each other?

"My expression was the same as yours at that time." Zhong Qing said quietly.

 Similarly confused.

"I heard that her tone didn't sound like she was joking, so I wanted to check your father's identity to prevent her from falling into it. What if it was a trap? Who would have thought that your mother found out and almost fell out with me."

Zhong Qing sighed. Ye Wan's bad temper was exactly the same as Li Jiu's.


 “He is just an ordinary person, why should we investigate him?”

Zhong Qing was helpless: "I'm worried that he wants to get close to you."

“Isn’t it clear to me that he and I sleep together every day on purpose?”

“…” Zhong Qing choked, still worried, “But…”

“President, I know my man very well.”



"She insisted on having her own way, and there was nothing I could do about it. To be honest, your mother's move caught me off guard. I couldn't help but worry. But she has been protecting your father and not letting me investigate. I thought since she was serious Yes, I knew it well, so I let her go. Not long after, she suddenly received a message saying that she had a clue about the mission. "

Li Jiu was surprised: "Clue?"

Zhong Qing nodded, "I didn't expect it to happen so soon. I hurriedly asked her what was going on. She said that she had accidentally come into contact with a core experimenter of the Cha League and discovered that the Cha League was conducting illegal in vivo experiments in private. ”

 Suddenly, Mr. Li coughed twice, attracting everyone's attention.

 “That…is probably me.”

 Everyone was surprised.

Zhongqing asked in astonishment: "You?"

"That's right." Mr. Li nodded, "At that time, we had long hated what the Chameng did, but our family was always under their surveillance and did not dare to act rashly. We could only make some small moves in private and suspended the experiment. We didn’t see any clues, so we had to put our original plan on hold and let us go back.”

"Not long after I returned, Ahong took her back to Li's house and proposed to marry her. I learned that the two of them were pregnant before marriage. I was so angry that I almost broke the brat's legs. In the end, I could only urge them to hurry up. Hold a wedding so that Awen won’t be gossiped about.”

Even so, he still felt that he had wronged Wen Wen and gave her a lot of compensation, but she didn't care about it and insisted on not taking it, which made him feel even more that his son was nothing!

He didn't understand anyway. Li Hong had been prudent and steady since he was young. Why was he so reckless this time?

"I originally thought that the matter was over for now, but those people were not willing to let it go. Shortly after Tingzhi was born, the Shamen League notified us that we were going to start the next experiment. They, they actually wanted to further expand the scope of the in vivo experiment! "

Mr. Li breathed heavily for a moment, "How could we agree! We immediately discussed privately how to deal with it, but there was no way. The Chameng had already closely monitored us, and there was no chance to pass on the news to the outside world. If we made any changes, we would be I was noticed by the other party, and at this moment, Awen suddenly appeared in front of me. "

The moment she revealed her identity, he was completely confused. He once misunderstood that her marriage to Li Hong was also for a mission, but later he learned that it was just an accident. "Awen's false identity was very realistic and did not arouse the suspicion of the Cha League. With her relaying information to the association on our behalf, we quickly destroyed several important strongholds of the Cha League."

The more Zhong Qing listened, the more surprised he became, "Why don't I know these things?"

As the president, shouldn’t he not know this?

Mr. Li: "I asked Awen to conceal it for me. Similarly, I didn't mention her identity to anyone else. After all...she has an unusual relationship with our Li family. I'm worried that someone will use this to be detrimental to Ahong and the others." ”

Hearing this, Mr. Qi next to him raised his eyebrows, "I said that every time I asked you about the identity of that informant, you always hesitated. So that was the reason."

Mr. Li laughed dryly: "It's an extraordinary time."

 He was also being cautious.

Qi Jingci listened to them talking about what happened back then, with no emotion in his eyes. After all, those things were too far away from him, and he was not interested. It was only when Li Jiu was involved that he had some desire to listen.

He turned to look at Li Jiu, who lowered his eyes and was lost in thought, not seeming to be listening seriously.

 But when Mr. Li stopped, she suddenly said: "Continue."

Everyone was stunned and looked at her.

 Li Jiu: “What happens after that?”

Her voice was particularly cold and calm. She was clearly talking about her own affairs, but she seemed to be listening to another person's story.

Zhong Qing was keenly aware that her mood was not right, and pursed his lips and said: "Xiaojiu, you..."

Li Jiu finally raised her eyes. Her eyes were dark and dark, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Qi Jingci put his arm around her shoulders, asked her to lean against him, and said to Mr. Li, "Please continue talking."

Mr. Li looked at them, finally sighed, and had no choice but to continue: "We thought that the matter would end like this. The Chameng's vitality was severely damaged and it would not be able to make a splash in any case. But who would have thought that they were only dormant temporarily. You were born Not long after that, your mother vaguely noticed something and came to me and told me that if an accident happened one day, I would never investigate it and continue to live like an ordinary person who didn't know anything. "

Li Jiu’s eyes moved.

"At that time, I felt that her tone seemed to be explaining the aftermath, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. As a result, not long after, you and your mother were kidnapped together. The moment I learned about this, I immediately remembered What your mother said to me, I set out to investigate the background of that group of kidnappers. Sure enough, there was a vague shadow of the Sha League. I was so panicked at the time that I wanted to ask the association for help, but it was too late. Those kidnappers had already attacked you. , when I arrived, there was only a sea of ​​flames left on the scene.”

Mr. Li closed his eyes and couldn't bear to recall the scene at that time. His voice was hard and authentic: "I... thought that you had encountered something unexpected, and also thought that the Chameng might not let it go. In order to prevent your father and brother from being implicated, I had no choice but to stop. Continue to investigate this matter and destroy the Special Administration's files."

"Xiaojiu..." Mr. Li's eyes were moist, "I...I didn't expect you were still alive...I, if I had known earlier, I should have investigated... Oh!"

 But what’s wrong with him? When it was confirmed that Li Jiu and Wen Wen were dead, it was the wisest thing to stop the investigation to prevent the remaining people from being implicated.

 He did nothing wrong.

Li Jiu paused and said, "Grandpa, you did the right thing, don't blame yourself."

If it were her, I'm afraid she would make the same decision.

Zhong Qing also spoke: "Mr. Li, you don't have to blame yourself. Who would have thought that not only did Awan not die, but she also managed to escape with Xiaojiu?"

Mr. Li suddenly raised his head, "What's going on? How did they... escape?"

Zhong Qing hesitated, "I'm ashamed to say that, I don't know. I just remember that one day Awan suddenly contacted me and said that she was being hunted by the Cha League and asked for support. After that, we lost contact. When I found her , she was seriously injured. I took her back to the association and rescued her for three days before saving her life. However, her mental domain was too severely damaged. Even if she was rescued, she would only be in a vegetative state. As for Xiaojiu's existence, I am also I found out after finding her photo in her belongings.”

"It took me several years to find Xiaojiu's whereabouts. By then, she had become an experimental subject of the Cha League. You all know what happened after that."

 At this point, we can barely piece together a complete truth.

 The mystery that had been bothering her for many years was finally solved, but Li Jiu was not very happy. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart, which was dull and astringent, and she wanted to find someone to beat her up to vent it out.

 She stood up suddenly and said, "I'm going to go out and take a breath."

 “I’ll accompany her.”

Qi Jingci also followed.

The following ending chapters will be released little by little, so don’t rush~



 (End of this chapter)

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