She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 653: 658 Completed (2) Sudden

Chapter 653 Chapter 658 Ending (2) Sudden

Qi Jingci originally thought that according to Li Jiu's temper, he should go to the training ground to vent his anger.

 Actually, Li Jiu was thinking the same thing just now, but when he was a few steps away from the training ground, he suddenly stopped and walked in another direction.

 Medical Department, top floor, intensive care unit.

The entry and exit of people is strictly restricted here. Except for a few nursing staff, there is only the faint sound of electric current from the operation of a bunch of precision instruments.

Li Jiu almost didn't need to show her identification. Everyone here knew her face. However, this time, everyone looked at her with surprise because of a man who was following her step by step.

Jiu Shen has never brought anyone here, let alone the opposite sex.

The work in the intensive care unit is inherently isolated and boring. Normally, there is no opportunity to be exposed to the gossip of the outside world. For the first time, when such explosive news is encountered, everyone's souls of gossip are burning.

The whispers around her reached Li Jiu's ears. She paused and looked at the man beside her with a smile in her eyes, "... Q God, no one here seems to know you."

Qi Jingci’s expression did not change, “It’s normal, I have never been to the medical department.”

 “…” Li Jiu opened his eyes wide.

She was the one who inevitably got injured several times when she went out on missions. Unfortunately, she was hospitalized here, but her third brother didn't even get injured once?

Li Jiu looked at him in surprise and asked, "What kind of indestructible body are you?"

“…” Qi Jingci looked helpless, “We have our own medical staff.”

 Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he thought of the rumors in the association about God Q being mysterious and unpredictable and not fond of meeting people.

No wonder, my colleagues have never met each other for such a long time.

She is too lazy to show her face. Qi Jingci doesn't like to interact with outsiders. Tsk, what a fool.

“It’s amazing that we two can get together.” Li Jiu said sincerely.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 What else could he say?

Being silenced by Li Jiu, he simply shut up and followed her silently until the person in front suddenly stopped.

Qi Jingci looked up and found that they had arrived at the observation room. Through the glass, she could clearly see a pile of medical instruments displayed inside. The dense lines were intertwined and stretched towards the person on the hospital bed. Her face was peaceful and her expression was peaceful, as if As if asleep.

 He had a vague guess, "This is..."

"my mother."

Qi Jingci subconsciously stood up straight, with a look of seriousness in his eyes. He looked at the woman lying on the hospital bed again and asked, "How long has she been sleeping?"

Li Jiu lowered her eyes and pressed her forehead lightly against the glass, "I don't know, she has been like this since I can remember."

 Even now, she still shows no sign of waking up.

 “She is... very strange to me.”

Li Jiu used the word "strange" carefully. She was raised by Zhong Qing. From her perspective, Zhong Qing and Mia were her closest family members, but she had no idea about her mother at all.

Qi Jingci was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you blame her?"

 In any case, Li Jiu lacked maternal love for twenty years in his past life.

Li Jiu chuckled, "Why blame her? For abandoning me in times of crisis?"

Qi Jingci said nothing.

"Even if I don't know what happened back then, I can imagine how... a mother would feel that it would be safer to abandon her one-month-old daughter than to keep her with her. ?”

Qi Jingci looked at her silently, her expression was natural, and she could not see any sadness, as if what she was talking about was a completely unrelated person's experience.

 She was so distressed to him.

He sighed and stretched out his arms to hug her.

 “She loves you.” He said. "Ok, I know."

Li Jiu leaned against Qi Jingci's arms and looked at Ye Wan in the custody room quietly.

“Now that grandpa and the others know that mother is not dead, they will probably be very happy.”

Happiness is inevitable, but more importantly, there are worries. For the sake of the safety of Li Chen and his son, both Ye Wan and Mr. Li concealed things about the superpowers. Now that he has been kidnapped by the Cha League, Li Chen There must be no way to hide it, and I don't know what his reaction will be when he knows the truth.

The two of them stayed with Ye Wan for a while. During this period, Qi Jingci received a message and left first. Li Jiu glanced at the woman with her eyes tightly closed on the bed, and turned to leave.

When she went back, she happened to hear Zhong Qing's suggestion to let the two old men stay in the association temporarily. Although Los was dead and the headquarters of the Cha League had been destroyed, the branches of the Cha League around the world had not yet been removed, just in case. , it is safer for them to stay in the association.

 However, Mr. Li refused.

Under Zhong Qing's surprised gaze, he explained: "Due to special circumstances, Xiaojiu's mother and I hid the matter of superpowers from Ah Chen at the same time. Now that I have been kidnapped by the Chameng, he must have known some of the truth. In order to prevent him from doing something stupid, I have to go back and take a look."

He knows his son very well. Once he learns that there is another truth about what happened back then, he will definitely investigate at all costs. For Ye Wan, he can overthrow the entire imperial capital.


Zhong Qing looked at Li Jiu in embarrassment, seeking her opinion.

According to the current situation, the members and dens of the Cha League in the Imperial Capital have not yet been cleaned up. It is safest for Mr. Li to stay in the association.

What he didn’t expect was that Li Jiu actually agreed.

 “I will arrange for someone to **** you back.”

Mr. Li frowned, feeling that this was not necessary, but seeing Li Jiu's unquestionable tone, he said nothing more and turned around to leave, planning to discuss the matter with Mr. Qi.

After he left, Zhong Qing gave her a disapproving look and said, "Xiaojiu, the Imperial Capital is in chaos now. What if the two old men are in danger?"

 In this regard, Li Jiu did not explain too much, but handed him the latest information investigated by his men.

 “This is what Aci and I just received.”

Zhong Qing took it doubtfully, and after seeing it clearly, his expression changed.

"This is."

Li Jiu sneered: "Los, this lunatic, will not forget to leave us trouble even after he dies."

The experimental subjects they met at the Shamu Alliance headquarters were only a small part. Lose had privately cultivated countless experimental subjects on a large scale and placed them in various Shamu Union strongholds. He had long been prepared. If anything happened to him, Unexpectedly, the branches of the Cha League in various places will release the experimental subject and let the whole world bury him with him.

 The special administration bureaus in various places had no time to react and were already in chaos.

“This is the information handed over by the first and second teams from the internal lines of each special administration bureau. I’m afraid it won’t be long before the association will receive requests for help from various places.”

Li Jiu breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a deep look in his eyes, "Now it seems that the Imperial Capital is a relatively safe place."

She has ordered all the members of the second team who stayed in the Imperial Capital to mobilize to cooperate with the Special Administration Bureau in searching for the remnants of the Cha League, and activated the emergency plan to carry out all defense work.

"Aci has already gone to do emergency treatment. Old man, what are you going to do?"

 Zhong Qing's face was already extremely pale.

These emergencies caught him off guard, but there was only one thing he cared about most.

“The Chameng secretly created so many experimental subjects, and the association was not aware of it?”

Li Jiu sighed and said: "I have said long ago that we should continue to rebel against it, and the disadvantages of the association's system have long been highlighted. You have been unwilling to cut off the cancer, and now the cancer has exploded and turned into a mess. "

Zhong Qing has been in charge of the association for many years and has made more achievements than faults. However, his temperament is too comfortable and he is unwilling to get things done. It took him many years to finally decide to take action even for the silverfish on the board of directors.

In this Cha League incident, in addition to Los's own insidiousness and cunning, the association's untimely response and inadequate measures were the fatal weakness.

 But the matter has come to this, and it is useless to dwell on these matters.

 (End of this chapter)

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