She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 654: End (3)

Chapter 654 Ended (3)

This emergency caught the association off guard. Zhong Qing recalled all the superpowers outside overnight, issued emergency orders to all special management bureaus, and activated emergency plans.

 Every member of the first and second teams, except those who were seriously injured and unable to participate in the operation, were all dispatched to the special administration bureaus in various places to help clean up the experimental subjects. Li Jiu and Qi Jingci took the two elders straight to the imperial capital by fighter plane.

The Imperial Capital was paralyzed at this time. The eyes and ears that the Cha League had previously installed in the Imperial Capital released all the hidden experimental subjects. The originally prosperous and peaceful city instantly turned into a place of chaos.

The special management bureau has an insufficient number of superpowers and generally low combat effectiveness. It is unable to resist the experimental subjects that the Cha League has painstakingly cultivated for many years. Even if other ordinary police forces are added, it will not help.

 The flow of traffic leaving Beijing blocked all the passages, putting everyone in danger.

 “Let us out!”

The crowd crowded together and kept pushing forward. The police officers maintaining order could not resist, and several of them were pulled and stepped on.

The police officer in charge, despite the cold sweat on his head, tried his best to persuade: "Everyone, calm down. Places outside the Imperial Capital are not safe now. This security emergency is still under control. As long as you give us a little time, we will be able to "

He was interrupted before he finished speaking.

 “What a fart!”

A man stretched out his arm angrily, revealing the bandaged wound, "Look, everyone, look, these are all caught by those monsters. The people at the hospital told me that everything is fine. How do I know if everything is fine? I originally thought that Dijing It’s the safest place, but now it seems like it’s nothing!”

 The rest of the people were driven by his emotions. In an instant, fear and anger filled everyone's hearts, and they desperately wanted to escape from this place that turned into **** overnight.

“That’s right! Let us get out! It’s so dangerous here, and if we stay here, we’ll be waiting for death!”

 “Oh, oh, oh, oh, please, let us get out of here!”

Seeing that the situation was out of control, the young police officer kept wiping cold sweat and asked the senior next to him, "Why don't we let them out?"

The police officer refused with a serious expression: "No! Although the Imperial Capital is dangerous, the situation is still controllable. Rescue is on the way, and the situation outside is almost out of control. Letting these unarmed ordinary people leave is different from simply letting them die. What's the difference?"

The young police officer was stunned for a moment, and understood why the superiors had issued a death order to prevent anyone from leaving the Imperial Capital. He spat hard and said: "Damn it! Where did these monsters come from?"

"Who knows? Just hope that rescue will arrive soon, otherwise"

 Otherwise, we really have no choice but to wait for death.

 Special Administration Bureau, conference room.

All the senior executives were anxious and pacing, but there was nothing they could do.

"Hurry! Go and urge the association! Ask why the rescuers haven't arrived yet?"

“Director, I’ve already called you and said it’s on the way!”

The director of the Special Administration Bureau was so anxious that his forehead was covered with fine sweat. He kept pacing and gave orders: "Notify me, please step up your guard! The whole city is searching for experimental subjects, and reducing mass casualties is the first priority!"

The deputy director stood behind him, also very anxious, "Director, the order has been issued a long time ago, and everything that can be done has been done, but now there is basically no way to turn around."

They were caught off guard and had no time to react. All the members of the Special Administration Bureau had been dispatched. The information that could be recovered was indeed that more than half of the casualties were casualties. If they could not wait for support, they would all die!

Director Sun covered his heart and swallowed another quick-acting Jiuxin Pill. He had never encountered such a vicious incident since he took over this position. No, since he was born.

 This is true!

 At this moment, the following people came to report:

 "Director! Director! Good news! Support is here!"

 Everyone was instantly ecstatic.

 “Really? Where is he?”

 “On the rooftop of our bureau!”

The sky was covered with clouds, and the helicopter's propellers roared as it landed steadily on the rooftop of the Special Administration Bureau. The director of the Special Administration Bureau and a group of senior officials had been waiting for them.

The door of the plane opened, and Li Jiu jumped out first. He was neat and tidy. He had to wear the second team's uniform jacket on his body. The black baseball cap had the second team's logo printed on it. He was imposing, cold and rusty.

Everyone was stunned. Before they could react, Qi Jingci also jumped out of the helicopter. He was dressed almost the same as Li Jiu, except that the logo on the uniform was different. He stood behind Li Jiu and said coldly. He glanced at the people present, and everyone felt a more compelling aura for no reason.

 The two of them stand together, their momentum is superimposed, and they match each other extremely well.

Since the two of them were standing far away, no one could see their faces clearly. Cold sweat kept breaking out on the forehead of the director of the Special Administration Bureau. Who the **** is this!

 As all the members of the first and second teams came down, the last two old men also walked out slowly.

"Is this Mr. Li? Mr. Qi?" Everyone in the Special Administrative Bureau was shocked at this moment. Why were the two elders in the team sent by the association to support them?

Director Sun squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of Li Jiu thoughtfully. He carefully identified it for a few seconds and then suddenly opened his eyes wide.

 “Master Qi? Miss Li?”

Everyone has seen Qi Jingci, but they didn’t expect that Li Jiu was also a member of the association.

Everyone was shocked.

Li Jiu put his hands in his pockets, walked towards him, and said calmly: "From now on, everything will be under my command."

Everyone who had not yet recovered their senses was at a loss, and they were still immersed in the huge surprise of their identities.

 Fortunately, Director Sun, even though he had been idle for many years, relied on his own tact to understand the current situation, and responded very quickly to Li Jiu's words: "Okay, okay."

The conference room just now was temporarily requisitioned. Li Jiu and Qi Jingci took over the command of Dijing. They issued instructions in a tacit understanding and dispatched all the team members and weapons they brought.

“The most important thing is to find the source of this group of experimental subjects, otherwise even our people won’t be able to last long.” He Yao said while holding an apple in her mouth.

Lu Qingran agreed with her point of view: "That's right, but the other party has hidden it so deeply that it is difficult to dig it out at the moment."

The incident happened suddenly. Even if they were all injured, they were basically fine. The mission was urgent. Except for Qi Sijin, who was still lying in the ICU, everyone else was sent out.

He Yao raised her eyes and glanced at Director Sun and other senior officials who were serving them tea and water. Although the last time they came to the Special Administration Bureau was not a good one, the attitude of these people this time was particularly attentive.

 Well, a disaster is imminent. If you don't hug your thighs quickly, you may be dead.

 It’s just that no one expected that Li Jiu would be the famous Nine Gods in the association!

That is a legendary figure!

 What shocked them even more was that God Q and Jiu Shen were actually an unmarried couple?

If it weren't for the wrong time, they would really want to hit the wall and try to see if they were dreaming!

Li Jiu and Qi Jingci had no time to care about the gossip in everyone's mind. They analyzed the current situation with solemn expressions.

“The five major families are basically all under control. According to the intelligence from the front, the other party did not harm them, but took them as hostages.”

 Speaking of this, Li Jiu's eyes darkened and he clenched his hands tightly.

Li Chen also fell into their hands.

 Damn it!

Qi Jingci noticed something was wrong with Li Jiu's expression, carefully took her into his arms, and comforted her: "It's okay, I will save her."

Li Jiu pressed his eyebrows and said slightly tiredly, "I know."

 It’s just that I’ve experienced so much in just a few days, and I’m a little tired.

The next moment, she opened her eyes and said to everyone: "Don't just stay here and take action."

 Everyone: “Yes!”

Since the association's support arrived, the situation in Dijing has gradually been brought under control, and the rescued people have been placed in the temporary rescue area.

The staff of the Special Management Bureau quickly formed a search and rescue team to continue searching for survivors and eliminate experimental subjects wandering in the Imperial Capital.

The particle cannon accurately destroyed a Cha League stronghold. Lu Qingran whistled and praised: "Okay, it's very accurate."

He Yao put down the heavy weapon on her shoulders, her face not very pretty, even a little gloomy.

 Lu Qingran noticed her low pressure and asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Yuxiu on the side said: "It should be because of An Yan, right?"

He Yao nodded and said depressedly: "Brother An Yan and his uncle and aunt were all held hostage. I don't know what the situation is."

Lu Qingran was silent for a moment. Yes, during the Chameng operation, the Li family and the Qi family were the first to be invaded, and everyone became hostages. The other party seemed to know their true identities and took the lead in attacking their families.

"Don't let me know which **** did it, or else..." He Yao narrowed her eyes dangerously, raised her particle cannon and fired another shot at another Cha League stronghold.

With a bang, the once bustling commercial street was reduced to rubble.

Looking at her murderous look, Lu Qingran and Bai Yuxiu had no choice but to pat her shoulders to express comfort.

   After one year, the plot may not be able to catch up. It doesn’t matter. If there are any contradictions, you can tell me in the comment area and I will change them immediately.



 (End of this chapter)

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