She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 655: End (4)

Chapter 655 Ended (4)

He Yao was anxious inside, her hand movements became more crisp and clear, and her face looked very ugly.

She wanted to fly to Qi's house immediately to rescue Qi Anyan, but it was impossible.

There are not many people coming to support this time. If she leaves her post without permission, it will increase the burden on others.

 “Third brother, be careful!”

His arm was pulled hard and her body staggered. He Yao immediately recovered and shot the experimental subject behind her who was trying to sneak attack.

The experimental subject fell to the ground, but he was not dead. His eyes were wide open, and he waved his arms to stand up and continue the attack. The next second, his head exploded.

Ji Yunshu took back her hand, with anger in her eyes. She looked at He Yao and scolded: "You are distracted at this time, do you want to die?"

He Yao suddenly froze on the spot and saw something with sharp eyes.

 Ignoring Ji Yunshu's anger, she came to the torn apart experimental subject and squatted down, reaching out to pick up something.

That was a set of keys that had been damaged into disgrace.

 She has seen it before.

He Yao's pupils suddenly tightened, and she stood up and said, "I think I know the origin of these experimental subjects."

 At the same time, in the Special Administration Bureau conference room, Director Sun and other directors were so anxious that their hair was almost bald.

 “Where did so many experimental subjects come from!”

Director Sun no longer cared to look at the faces of Li Jiu and Qi Jingci at this time, and slammed the table angrily: "The team members sent out are simply unable to resist so many experimental subjects. In this case, it is impossible for our people to protect themselves. The question is, how can we save those people?”

Li Jiu sat silently, and Qi Jingci beside him was also silent. Seeing that Director Sun was about to collapse, the team members behind them kindly reminded him: "Director Sun, please don't worry, our technical staff are already analyzing The experimental tissue samples have been sent back, and I believe the results will be available soon."

Having said that, the longer the time goes, the more unfavorable the situation becomes.

The members of the five major families who were held hostage by the other party were the mainstays of the capital. If anything happened to them, he would not even dare to think of the consequences!

 “Boss! I have a new discovery!”

The door to the conference room was suddenly knocked open. He Yao hurried in with a white transparent bag and said to Li Jiu: "I know where those experimental subjects came from."

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was already anxious stood up immediately. Director Sun asked in a trembling voice: "Where did they come from? Where did they come from?"

He Yao took a deep breath and said calmly: "They are all ordinary people who were made into experimental subjects by the people of the Cha League."


 Everyone was shocked.

Li Jiu frowned slightly and said calmly: "Continue talking."

He Yao continued: "And we also found that these people were ordinary people not long ago. They were made into experimental subjects for no more than half a month. It is possible to produce such a large number of experimental subjects in a short period of time. use…"

She paused for a moment and then continued: "Seventh sister just took some tissue samples for testing, and sure enough, she found... nightmare,"

 At this point, she stopped and looked at Li Jiu,

Li Jiu was not surprised. He just looked sideways at Director Sun and said, "Director Sun, please immediately send people to search the areas where the experimental subjects were first discovered. The people behind the scenes must be hiding nearby."

Although Director Sun didn't know what riddle they were playing, he still nodded and led everyone out of the conference room to make arrangements.

 The meeting room suddenly became quiet.

He Yao's calm expression just now changed, and she looked at Li Jiu in panic, her lips turned white, and her voice trembled involuntarily: "Boss, boss, why is that thing... still there?"

Li Jiu sneered expressionlessly. She had already guessed, but now it was confirmed.

Qi Jingci frowned slightly next to him. He didn't understand what they were talking about. He was confused but didn't ask.

“That guy Lose has been planning secretly for so many years. He will definitely not let us destroy everything so easily.”

Li Jiu stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and said with a cold expression, "Besides, we didn't succeed in destroying that thing back then."

 “Then…what should we do now?” He Yao asked. “Of course we should save people first.”

A voice came from behind. Ji Yunshu walked in at some point, patted He Yao on the shoulder, stood in front of Li Jiu, and said, "Everything is ready as you said."

 Li Jiu nodded.

Bai Yuxiu followed her in and said to Qi Jingci: "Third brother, everything is ready."

Qi Jingci nodded and looked sideways at Li Jiu. His eyes collided with hers, and a tacit smile appeared in his eyes.

 Meanwhile, association, ICU ward.

Qi Sijin was lying quietly on the hospital bed, and Qi Mowei lay on his hand and fell asleep peacefully, holding his hand tightly at the same time, for fear that she would not notice if he woke up.

This is what Bai Muyou saw when he came in.

 The capital was attacked, and Li Jiu led some people to go to support her, but she was left behind by Zhong Qing to help handle the association's affairs.

At the same time that they destroyed the Cha League, Zhong Qing also dealt with all the worms on the board of directors in the association, leaving a lot of mess behind, and the remnants of the Cha League were causing trouble everywhere.

The two of them worked around for a whole day and night before they could handle it.

Just when she wanted to take a rest, she heard that Qi Mowei had been guarding Qi Sijin and refused to leave, which made her relax instantly.

Qi Mowei was seriously injured in the Chameng, so it was fine not to receive proper treatment, but she still went through such trouble!

Bai Muyou originally wanted to come over and scold her, then send her to rest, but when she saw the scene in front of her, she involuntarily slowed down her steps.

Qi Mowei didn't sleep well, her brows were furrowed, as if she was having a nightmare.

Bai Muyou sighed softly, picked up the coat next to her and gently covered her body.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Qi Mowei opened her eyes immediately, her eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and there was still fear in her eyes that had not dissipated.

She blinked her sour eyes twice, and after seeing the person clearly, she said in a hoarse voice: "It's you."

Bai Muyou's anger immediately rose, and he said angrily: "You are already like this, why are you still messing around?"

Qi Mowei was at a loss for a moment, then lowered her eyes to look at the hands intertwined between her and Qi Sijin, and smiled bitterly: "No trouble, I'm worried about him."

Bai Muyou said helplessly: "Seventh Sister said before she left that he was fine, but that he was mentally exhausted and needed to rest."

She looked at Qi Mowei, who had become very haggard in just a few days, and advised, "You can rest assured and recover from your injuries. Otherwise, when fourth brother wakes up and sees you like this, it will be our fault for not taking good care of you."

Qi Mowei shook her head and said very stubbornly: "No, I want to stay here and watch him wake up."

Her tone was a bit broken. Now when she closed her eyes, her mind was filled with images of Qi Sijin blocking the gun for her. How could she rest peacefully!


Bai Muyou wanted to say something more, but it was known that she had always been stubborn, and it was useless no matter who tried to persuade her to do what she had decided, so she had to swallow all the words in her mouth.

 She placed the porridge she bought on the way here in front of Qi Mowei and said, "Even if you have to guard, you still have to eat something, otherwise you will fall down before the fourth brother wakes up."

Qi Mowei remained silent, but she tore open the package of rice porridge and drank it bit by bit.

 “How is things going in the capital?” Qi Mowei asked.

“The boss and God Q are here, don’t worry.”

Qi Mowei’s hand holding the spoon paused.

Even now, she has not fully digested the identities of Third Uncle and Ajiu.


Qi Mowei’s dark eyelashes trembled for a moment.

 During this period, some memories suddenly appeared in her mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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