She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 656: End (5)

Chapter 656 Ended (5)

There are a lot of things accumulated in the association, so Bai Muyou sacrificed the precious time that he finally squeezed out to come here to visit Qi Mowei, for fear that something would happen to this girl and he would not be able to explain it.

Together with Qi Mowei, he stayed with Qi Sijin. He lived on the bench in the corner of the ward for a long time in the middle of the night. The next day, he was taken away by Zhong Qing.

Before leaving, she glanced at Qi Mowei and said seriously with dark circles under her eyes: "Take it easy. If something happens, I won't be able to reap the rewards."

Not to mention that Ajiu usually protects Qi Mowei like an eyeball, even when Qi Sijin wakes up and learns that Qi Mowei has been so wasteful, he can still settle the accounts with her without caring about his teammates.

Qi Mowei gave a vague hum, her eyes were blurred and confused, and her eyes were covered with red bloodshot that had not faded away. She obviously had not rested well.

 The door was closed, and silence returned to the room instantly.

Qi Mowei's blank eyes suddenly became clear, the color on her face faded, her body trembled uncontrollably, she arched her body and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The taste of blood filled her mouth, and the roaring in her head was mixed, and she couldn't help but groan.

Qi Mowei raised her hand to wipe the blood from the corners of her lips and smiled happily.

 Fortunately, Bai Muyou left. If she had been a step slower, all her secrets would have been exposed.

I'm afraid she has spent her entire life's acting skills on this moment.

Qi Mowei calmed down for a while, stood up straight, and cleaned up the mouthful of blood she had vomited, as if nothing had happened.

I don’t know if it was because she was stimulated by Los when she was kidnapped or something else. After returning from the Shamen League, her memory gradually began to recover, and even her powers began to awaken.

 Qi Mowei turned around and her eyes fell on Qi Sijin. He was still lying there quietly sleeping, as if he was extremely tired and wanted to make up for all the energy he had spent.

She sat back down next to him and covered his hand. There was a bitterness in the corner of her eyes, and her voice sounded like a complaint: "Why aren't you awake yet? I've already remembered..."

 Qi Sijin still had no reaction.

Qi Mowei looked at it, her eyes suddenly blurred, and tears fell in a line. She buried her head on the hospital bed and cried out in pain.

The outside world does not know what happened in the ward, and they have no time to care about it. Both the people in the association and Li Jiu and others in Emperor Jing are too busy to touch the ground.

 “Are you sure the hostages are inside?”

On a hilltop on the outskirts of Imperial Capital, Lu Qingran held up a telescope and observed the villa not far away. The area was already surrounded by their people on three floors inside and three outside.

Ning Feng was checking the weapons and equipment behind him, and said without raising his head when he heard this: "Don't worry, Lao San made the positioning himself, it's not wrong."

 He Yao's skills are among the best in the entire association.

Lu Qingran put down the telescope and turned her gaze to him, watching quietly without saying a word.

Maybe he didn't hear him speak, and the gaze on him was too obvious. Ning Feng had no choice but to raise his head, his eyes particularly helpless: "What's wrong?"

Lu Qingran looked a little aggrieved and confused, and whispered: "Why are you partnering with me..."

Ning Feng's eyes were dangerous for a moment, and he loaded his pistol with a click, "What did you say?"

 This tone, do you dislike him?

"…That was not what I meant."

Lu Qingran pretended to be timid for a moment, and when she saw Ning Feng's downcast expression, she said dryly: "Sister-in-law asked us to attack from the front, in case something happens to one of us later..."

Before he could finish his words, Ning Feng covered his mouth unceremoniously.

 “Shut up, you.”

 Set the flag before taking action to get your own mentality. How did the first team have such a second-rate fool?

 “Lu Qingran.”

At this moment, Qi Jingci’s cold and emotionless voice came from the headset.

 “If you don’t want to participate in the operation, I will remove you now.”

Qi Jingci stayed in the temporary command tent and said expressionlessly.

Bai Yuxiu and other team members standing behind him were listening to Lu Qingran's dirty words on the public channel. They all had black lines on their faces and felt deeply embarrassed.

 Will he die if he doesn't do anything for a day?

Lu Qingran hurriedly said: "No! It's just a joke." Li Jiu listened to their conversation, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously, and said jokingly: "I can't tell, when your team went on a mission, you were quite..."

 She searched through all the words she could think of and finally spit out two words: "...humor?"

 Ji Yunshu laughed out loud on the spot.

 A group of people: “…”

They wanted to crawl over the headset and strangle Lu Qingran to death.

This was the first time that the first team and the second team jointly performed a mission. It was a historic scene. They worked hard to perform positively and were looking forward to being recorded in history. Unexpectedly, the ferry to their dreams had not yet sailed. The ship's planks were removed by this cargo.

 It’s a shame.

Lu Qingran completely forgot about the existence of the communication headset. She was so embarrassed that she coughed hard and said to the people next to her: "How's it going? Can we break in?"

“Not yet. The other party is very vigilant. The security around the villa is tight on the outside and tight on the inside. Our people are investigating.”

Ning Feng squinted his eyes and focused on the villa in the distance. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Is there an underground wine cellar here?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, the previous owner of this villa was a winery owner. He liked to collect all kinds of famous wines and built a wine cellar underground under the villa."

Lu Qingran was stunned for a moment, then turned to ask him: "How do you know there is a wine cellar here?"

Ning Feng smiled at him: "Unfortunately, I was fortunate enough to be invited to a banquet here, and I heard about it."

The next moment, he turned around and said to the headset: "Boss, maybe we don't need to rush in head-on."

"From the underground?" Without waiting for Li Jiu's reply, the technician beside him immediately rejected it, "No, the sensors show that the hostages are locked in the wine cellar. If blasting is used, the hostages may be injured to a large extent. "

Ning Feng glanced at him, "Who said it was going to explode?"

Technical staff:"?"

Ning Feng chuckled lightly and said, "We are superpowers. It is normal for us to go to heaven or earth."

The technician was not a person with superpowers, but was temporarily transferred from the relevant departments to assist. Hearing this, he was stunned on the spot and did not know how to answer. Finally, he laughed and said: "Yeah, I forgot about this..."

After listening to Ning Feng’s thoughts, Li Jiu turned to Qi Jingci and asked, “What do you think?”

Qi Jingci smiled calmly at her and said, "It's up to you to decide."

 Everyone: “…”

In such an important occasion, where there are hostages and your family members, can you not act so relaxed that it has nothing to do with you?

Li Jiu also had a smile in his eyes, and said to the headset: "You decide for yourself, remember not to hurt the hostages."


Ning Feng and the others received permission and quickly moved their positions. He Yao watched their actions from behind, her face expressionless but her hands already clenched into fists.

After a while, she seemed to have made a decision. She stood up and came to Li Jiu and asked, "Boss, can you let me go too?"

Li Jiu raised his eyes to look at her and asked, "Are you sure?"


Li Jiu waved his hand, "Then go."

He Yao looked happy and said excitedly: "Yes."

Qi Jingci on the side raised his eyebrows, looked at He Yao's eagerly leaving figure, and asked, "Aren't you worried about her acting impulsively?"

Li Jiu’s voice was light: “She has sense, let her go.”

After finishing speaking, she snorted coldly: "If I hadn't wanted to lure out the person behind the scenes, I would have rushed in by myself. Why would I be sitting here?"

Qi Jingci smiled and agreed: "Yes."

Among those hostages were members of the Li family and the Qi family. If it weren't for the overall situation, he and Xiaojiu would have burned the villa to rubble.

 (End of this chapter)

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