She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 657: End (6)

Chapter 657 Ended (6)

 There was darkness all around.

Qi Sijin only felt that her eyelids were heavy, and the fragmented light and shadow images in her mind kept intermingling and flickering, and everything in the outside world was suddenly unconscious, forming a completely isolated world.

 In a trance, a vague voice came from the distance, and it was impossible to distinguish reality from fiction. In an instant, the darkness around him quickly faded away like a tide, and all the illusions around him collapsed.

Qi Sijin breathed rapidly, pink appeared on his originally pale face, his eyelashes kept trembling, and the next second, he opened his eyes suddenly.


As soon as his eyes were focused, he heard a familiar and surprising voice coming from the side. Then he felt his right hand being held tightly by someone, and the other person's excitement and excitement were transmitted along the warm palm.

Qi Mowei's eyes lit up instantly, and her voice couldn't contain her excitement: "I'll call the doctor!"

 After saying that, she turned around and ran out.

Qi Sijin tried hard to open his mouth and call her out, but was too weak and fell asleep again unconsciously.

When he woke up, it was already dusk outside the window, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on him. Qi Sijin squinted his eyes involuntarily.

He was the only one in the room, and Qi Mowei had gone somewhere. Qi Sijin calmed down for a while, then struggled to lift himself up and sit up. With just such a simple movement, sweat broke out on his forehead.

Qi Sijin gasped twice and raised his hand to hold his forehead. The weakness after the mental exhaustion had not yet fully recovered.

 He struggled to dig out the previous memories from his chaotic mind, and suddenly realized that he had been asleep for a long time.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and the aroma of the food hit him first. His stomach, which had not eaten for a long time, made an unsatisfactory growl.

Qi Mowei was holding a lunch box in her hand. She was caught off guard and looked at Qi Sijin. Perhaps because she had just woken up, the other person's face was still sickly pale. His eyes looked at her gently, and his whole person was much softer.

 He smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "Are you back?"

Qi Mowei was stunned for a moment, her eyes filled with moisture. She almost hurriedly put down the lunch box. She rushed to the bedside, looked him up and down, and asked nervously: "Why... why did you sit up? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" ”     Qi Sijin shook his head slightly.

Qi Mowei breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, opened the lunch box, put a bowl of white porridge in front of him, and said, "You just woke up, you can't eat anything else, drink some porridge."

Qi Sijin did not refuse and directly picked up the spoon and drank. Qi Mowei sat next to him and watched quietly, both of them saying nothing.

After a long time, Qi Sijin put down the spoon and asked, "What's going on now?"

Qi Mowei told him everything that happened during his coma.

Qi Sijin frowned, his eyes darkened, and he said coldly: "It is indeed a centipede insect, dead but not stiff."

“Don’t worry, Ajiu and Third Brother are both over there, they should be fine.”

Qi Sijin pondered, but did not agree. Lose had always acted crazily and cautiously, and there was no guarantee that he would not have any back-ups at that time. This time the Cha League caused such a big commotion, I am afraid that it will not be easy to solve it in the Imperial Capital.

Qi Mowei, who was on the side, saw that his face was full of contemplation, and quietly packed up the leftover lunch box for him, and said calmly: "Even if the other party has a nightmare, it is impossible for the association to be unprepared for so many years. At least... Ajiu must have countermeasures, you Don't worry too much."

Qi Sijin didn’t realize the meaning of her words yet. He just nodded while thinking deeply: "Well, you are right..."

The sound of the last word was stuck in his throat. He raised his head in astonishment and looked at Qi Mowei in shock. His voice was hard: "You..."

how do you know?

Qi Mowei looked at him again, showed a self-deprecating wry smile, and said, "I remembered it all."


 (End of this chapter)

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