She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 111: You come up and walk too

Chapter 111 Come up and walk too

 During the meal, Liu Ranran did not stay in the school for a while. After the meal, she went to the teacher to write a note of leave.

Her tutoring class outside was one-on-one, and she lived directly with the teacher. This behavior was also accepted by the school. In order to increase the enrollment rate, she turned a blind eye.

 Hu Yifan, whom I hadn’t seen for a few days, actually joined the school basketball team.

 After dinner, we went to training, so Jiang Sui and Su Qing were the only ones left on the way back to school.

 At noon, the weather was still a bit hot.

 The boy was walking on the right side of Su Qing. Su Qing stood in the shade of the tree, and the boy stood in the sun.

There was a faint chirping of cicadas in the silence, and the boy's handsomeness attracted the attention of many people. Su Qing lowered her head and pinched her fingers. Both of them were wearing school uniforms and white shoes today. At first glance, they looked like It's like a couple's costume.

It only takes about five or six minutes to get from the cafeteria to the teaching building. Students who live on campus usually go back to the dormitory to rest. Students who go to the school go home, but those who don't go home directly take a nap in the classroom at noon.

Su Qing is the second type. She usually simply lies on the school table for a while after lunch, and then goes to the bathroom to wash her face and wake up before class time.

Su Qing was never a boy who ate in the cafeteria. He didn't seem to remember seeing Guo Jiang Sui during his lunch break.

 Following behind the young man step by step, he seemed to be going to the teaching building as well.

 Just walking half way, the young man beside her pulled down the corner of her clothes and asked, "Would you like to buy something to drink?"

The sun was scorching, and there were some slight beads of sweat on Su Qing's forehead, but it was not that obvious. Seeing the young man tugging at the corner of his clothes, Su Qing stopped and nodded.

Also good.

  The canteen is further away than the canteen, and you still need to go back some distance to get there.

Su Qing was still walking in the shade of the trees, and Jiang Sui was walking in the sunshine. When Su Qing's eyes floated on the young man's cheek, there was no sweat on his face, and the rays of sunlight scattered on Jiang Sui's face, making him feel... The young man's face looked much fairer, even shining white and eye-catchingly bright.

 “You come up and walk too.”

Perhaps it was because of what she said yesterday. The boy and she acted not close at all, but more like ordinary students. They kept the distance they should have. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to tell that the two of them were walking together.

Although the young man's eyebrows can be seen to be somewhat gentle, it can be seen that the young man is slightly unhappy.

 It was too hot, so Su Qing made some room. There are not that many students on campus now.

Su Qing stood in the shade of the tree and looked at the boy.

The placket of his school uniform was slightly open, and he was wearing a white half-sleeve shirt underneath. The moment Su Qing raised her eyes, she could see the young man's neck. The slender neck inevitably reminded Su Qing of the star on his collarbone. mole.

 Very charming.

When the young man's eyes turned towards Su Qing, she couldn't help but glance at her head.

 “It’s too hot, come up.”

The sound of nervousness, obviously the two of them got along with, but Su Qing didn't know why there was still a trace of sweat in his palm.

 When the young man stopped, Su Qing could feel him looking at her.

 “I don’t want to go up, I want to hold hands.”

The voice above her head enveloped her completely like the wind. Su Qing's ears crackled as if popcorn had been exploded. It was unbelievable. This was what Jiang Sui said at this moment. She couldn't help but be stunned. The moment he reacted, his cheeks turned red. At a loss, he grabbed his clothes and strode forward...

Her steps were much faster than before, and her palms were even more moist. The kiss from the boy that night came back and forth in her mind, and the dry and warm touch touched the palm of her hand.

 It was all in his ears, and he said he wanted to hold hands.

She walked so fast that she didn't even see the steps in front of her clearly. When Su Qing saw it, she almost fell down. In just a moment, a pair of strong arms grabbed her arm.


The young man's voice was filled with nervousness.

With a spin, half of Su Qing's body was leaning on Jiang Sui, her ears were against his chest, and the boy's heart was beating powerfully, hitting her nerves time and time again.

Su Qing felt that the tips of her ears were very hot. She stood firm and walked down the steps. After searching for her voice for a long time, she spoke slowly.

 “I’m fine.”

Hearing her voice, Young Man Li let go of his fingers from her arm, and his tense pupils slowly relaxed.

The canteen was obviously some distance away, but not long after, the two of them were already standing in the store.

The young man's handsomeness made the clerk look at him for a long time. Su Qing stood aside and was completely ignored.

It's just that Jiang Sui's face didn't show much expression. He just asked Su Qing what he wanted to drink. At this moment, Su Qing clearly felt the hostility and scrutiny of the clerk in the store.

Su Qing pointed at a bottle of drink and wanted to pay, but the young man stood at the cashier, the corners of his thin lips opened.

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The clerk looked at the handsome young man with joy, and he obliged, and dropped a few drops. Su Qing was a little frustrated.

It’s just the boy who was checking out. The bottle of water in his hand didn’t seem to be the one she pointed at casually. Instead, it was pineapple-flavored juice.

Su Qing has some differences. How does she know her preferences?

Looking at the unscrewed bottle in front of her, Su Qing picked it up and took a sip.

 She had doubts in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud, but the young man seemed to know what she was thinking.

 “I see you like eating sweet and sour pork with pineapple for lunch.”

 The young man held the bottle and took a sip of water. After his Adam's apple rolled strongly, he said simply.

 At noon, I noticed that the girl who never liked eating meat seemed to have little resistance to the sweet and sour taste, so she ate several pieces today.

Su Qing's fingertips holding the bottle paused for a moment, the tips of her ears quietly turned a little pink, and she pursed her lips and bit them gently several times. She was busy talking to Ran Ran at noon and didn't notice the boy at all. She has been paying attention to him.

 “Then what do you like to eat?”

Su Qing blurted out the question.

 “Do you like strawberries?”

She remembered that the boy seemed to like eating strawberries. The drinks he drank several times before were all strawberry-flavored, and the refrigerator at home also contained strawberries.

The corners of the young man's lips were slightly raised, and there was a faint smile in his eyes. He paused for a moment and agreed.


 Whether he was right or wrong, he was obsessed with the fact that all her attention was on him.

 At this moment, it doesn’t seem to matter whether you like strawberries or not.

 (End of this chapter)

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