She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 112: those photos

Chapter 112 Those photos

  Along the way, the two seemed to acquiesce and walked very slowly.

 It took only a long time for the two of them to reach the teaching building.

One entered through the front door, and the other entered through the back door. The young man seemed to have taken advantage of his height and long legs. Before Su Qing could enter the classroom, his own person was already sitting on the seat.

Su Qing lowered her eyebrows and did not dare to look at Jiang Sui. She sat on her seat with a faint sweet taste in her mouth.

 During this period of time.

Perhaps because everyone was busy with the high school entrance examination and the teacher was a bit strict, Su Qing no longer encountered those who were looking for trouble.

Even the physics teacher was very pleased with me.

It seems that everything started to get better after Jiang Sui came back to class.

Although the two of them didn't get together very openly, they would still send messages after school. During this time, Su Qing's eyebrows became gentler and gentler, and occasionally there would be a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

The two would also spend half a day studying together on weekends. After dinner, the boy would send her home. Occasionally they would have some warm interactions. The boy knew how to measure. Although it was only half a day, the two cherished the time they spent together. .

Her physics scores also seem to be getting better and better, with many sets of questions and very few mistakes.

 Everything seems to be going according to plan.

 Until Su Qing found a love letter in her schoolbag.

Su Qing frowned and stuffed the things into her schoolbag, thinking of throwing them away when she went to class tomorrow morning. However, it seemed that the mouth of the envelope was not glued properly, and all the contents accidentally spilled out.

 It turned out to be a photo…

 A large pile of things was sparsely scattered on Su Qing's lap and on the chair on the floor.

 There are about thirty or forty sheets.

Su Qing’s fingertips holding the envelope trembled slightly.

The pictures in the photos that caught my attention were almost all of her and Jiang Sui. They were all kinds of pictures. There were many pictures. They had barbecue at night, Jiang Sui fed her... Jiang Sui followed her on the way to take her home, and During the weekend, there was a photo of Jiang Sui pulling her ponytail and gently lifting it up.

 This was the first time that Su Qing saw herself and Jiang Sui together from a third-party perspective.

The young man in the photo is extraordinarily handsome, with gentle eyebrows, a smile at the end of his eyes, slightly upward corners of his lips, and his eyes are always looking at the person not far away.

The girl lowered her head, most of her face was turned sideways, her cheeks were crimson, her eyes were faintly smiling, her lips were twisted, and her fingers that had nowhere to comfort her were either grabbing her schoolbag or her clothes. horn.

 There are just too many photos.

 Even the photos of the last time they went to eat steak were of two people.

Su Qing bit her lip. She thought that the person who reported her last time just took a photo of herself eating steak, but she didn't expect that he took a photo of two people. There were too many photos of the arcade and so on.

  It is simply pervasive.

Su Qing's wrists were trembling slightly, and her face was so pale that it took a while for Su Qing to realize that it was already ten o'clock in the evening when the phone vibrated.

 This is the time when Jiang Sui usually calls her.

Su Qing tried her best to answer the phone. She tried her best to act calmly and answered the phone as usual.

The voice on the other end came quickly.

 “Have you finished your homework?”

  The boy seemed to have endless physics and mathematics questions every day, and he tried to embarrass her in various ways. Su Qing knew that the boy was doing it for her own good. She had never seen most of the types of questions.

So he was happy, but at this moment, looking at the half-finished test paper, Su Qing grabbed the phone hard and tried to control her emotions.

Those thoughts and fears that had not yet been dealt with were all suppressed deep in Su Qing's heart at this moment.

 It's just that it's still very difficult, and there will inevitably be some mistakes. Her eyes keep drifting to the photos that shine brightly into her eyes.

 Obviously being followed.

 She didn’t even know who it was, and she had lost her scholarship last time.

Su Qing didn’t dare to think about what it was this time.

Her heart was trembling slightly, her mind was buzzing, and she bit her lip to regain her clarity.

 “Not yet, today’s question is a bit difficult.”

 The girl's voice was smooth and soft, as if she was unspokenly sad.

 This is not her usual self.

Moreover, Jiang Sui had already given her today’s topic a few days ago, and today it was just a matter of reinforcing it. With a young girl’s level, it was not difficult at all.

Jiang Sui put down the pen in his hand and looked at the dense formulas on it.

 “Is it difficult?”

 The young man's voice was very soft, so soft that he didn't reveal any emotion. He could hide it much better than Su Qing.

Su Qing's mind was a little blank. She hurriedly pressed the photos under the paper. Looking at the young Juanxiu's handwriting on the notebook, there was a lump in her throat.

 But he still suppressed all his emotions.

“No, I’m just a little lazy today and don’t want to do the questions.”

Su Qing tried to keep her voice as slow as possible, worried that the people over there would hear something strange.

 “Are you sick?”

Jiang Sui couldn't help but frown when he heard the girl's words. He had never heard from Su Qing that he felt tired from studying and didn't want to do the questions.

 This is the first time I heard this, and I can't help but feel a little worried. Thinking about it, I noticed that she didn't seem to eat much in the cafeteria in the past few days. As autumn approaches, there are many people with colds and coughs in the classroom, so I can't help but feel worried.

The young man's concerned voice suddenly made Su Qing sober up.

She knew him too well. If he hadn't heard something, he wouldn't have said that. Obviously knowing that her mood was not right, Su Qing bit her lip.

“No, I’m just a little tired and sleepy. I want to sleep.”

 The girl's voice was soft and a bit like coquettishness.

Jiang Sui on the other end of the phone also felt the tiredness in the girl's words, so naturally he asked Su Qing to rest without saying anything.

 After telling the girl to drink water and go to sleep, she hung up the phone.

Su Qing looked at her phone, and then at those dazzling photos, feeling desolate in her heart. She had no idea who the person in the dark was or what he was going to do.

 The punishment for early love in school is very serious. She doesn’t know about others, but she knows that she will definitely be more serious than others.

 Although they are not...

Her face was a little pale, her eyes were a little gloomy, she bit her lip, and when there was a knock on the door, she hurriedly stuffed all the photos into her schoolbag.

 (End of this chapter)

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