She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 116: young love

Chapter 116 Young Love

 The little man in his arms lightly rubbed his waist.

Jiang Sui's chin rested on the top of the girl's hair, and his eyes glanced at her unintentionally. There were many people on the field, whistling and cheering.

 When the person in your arms obviously wants to push him away.

Jiang Sui put his arms around Su Qing's waist and turned around, turning the girl's back to the playground.

 She is really too light.

Jiang Sui needs no effort.

"Jiang Sui..." Su Qing exclaimed, blinking her eyes.

“Do you want those people to see your blushing face?” The young man pointed out something. Su Qing pursed her lips and said nothing.

A pair of handsome faces caught his eye, and the young man gently tapped the tip of Su Qing's nose with his fingers.

 “You’re not allowed to lie, you know.”

 “I will tell you whatever you want to know.”

The young man looked at Su Qing very seriously, put away his fingertips, and took Su Qing's hand.

Su Qing bit her lip, nodded, and swallowed. There was still a slight warmth in her waist that was released, and she still held the boy's clothes in her hand.

 “Then what are you doing here?”

Jiang Sui gestured, and the two faced the field.

 “No, come and play ball.”

Perhaps the two of them had been lingering here for a long time. Hu Yifan gritted his teeth and walked up to the two people who had just separated.

“Brother Sui, do you want to fight today, or else I’ll let them go back first?”

 Hu Yifan touched his forehead and looked at Jiang Sui and Su Qing. The smile and ambiguity in his eyes made Su Qing very embarrassed.

 “Hi, sister-in-law.”

Hu Yifan's words were smooth. Jiang Sui's eyebrows were filled with a hint of a smile, and his lips were slightly curved. The girl who was half-protected by him blushed for a moment.

 “You go play ball, I’ll wait for you here.”

Su Qing tugged on Jiang Sui's sleeve and motioned for him to go play ball while she stayed here.

Jiang Sui reached out and touched the top of the girl's hair, spread his clothes on the stone pier beside him, and motioned for the girl to sit down.

“Sit down and wait for me. I’ll come over and tell you later.”

Hu Yifan on the side just looked at him. Su Qing felt even more embarrassed and kept urging Jiang Sui to play ball.

There are only five people playing ball. Jiang Sui and Hu Yifan are in a group, both wearing white uniforms, and the remaining three people are in a group.

Su Qing has never watched a basketball game and doesn't know much about the rules. He just thinks that the boy's jump is really handsome and the arcs are smooth.

 He seems to have scored the most goals, so he should be considered the most powerful, Su Qing thought.

Occasionally, a section of the lower abdomen will be exposed when the clothes are lifted up, and a few abdominal muscles can be vaguely seen on the lean waist.

 Thinking of the time when I had just touched the boy's waist.

Su Qing's cheeks, which were already red from the sun, were slightly burnt.

 She looked a little fascinated.

Just the ringing of the cell phone made Su Qing come back to her senses for a moment. When she took out the cell phone, it was a strange number, and the prefix was similar to the one she answered before.

Su Qing's whole body became extremely tense. She couldn't help but hold the phone with her fingertips and clicked the answer button.

 “Su Qing.”

   is the voice changer.

Su Qing couldn't help but quickly looked around. Except for the sound of the basketball hitting the ground, he didn't see anyone, and there was no one in the phone booth either.

Her nerves were tightly knitted together.

"what you up to."

Su Qing's voice was clear and clear. She lowered her voice as much as possible and lowered her head. She didn't notice at all that the young man playing basketball next to her had finished half of the game. He was holding two bottles of water and came towards the girl.

The girl who had been paying attention to him for a while was now answering the phone, her face a little pale.

“I didn’t want to do anything, I just wanted to ask you when will you break up with Jiang Sui.”

The voice over there was loose, as if everything was under control.

Su Qing pursed her lips.

 “I have nothing with Jiang Sui.”

Turn on the recording button for girls and try to keep your voice as steady as possible.

 Just when the voice just fell.

When a pair of basketball shoes stood in front of him, the white sneakers were a familiar color to Su Qing. They were the same pair Jiang Sui wore.

 The girl couldn't help but raise her head, and a cold sweat broke out down her spine.

With a pale face, Su Qing had not hung up the phone, and Jiang Sui was looking at her. The sweat on the boy's forehead had condensed on her feet, and his eyes were as cold as frost.

 Apparently I heard that sentence.

 Jiang Sui and I have nothing to do.

Su Qing bit her lip and said nothing. With stiff fingertips, she pressed the hung up phone, no longer caring about what the other party said.

"Jiang Sui..., listen to me..."

She was a little anxious. The boy's unscrewed bottle of water was placed in front of her. The boy's finger knots were accidentally scratched while playing basketball, and there were patches of red skin on them.

 “Whose phone number?”

The young man raised his eyelids lightly, and his gesture of handing her the water remained unchanged, but his words were very cold, and more than half of the tenderness just now disappeared.

Su Qing put the phone in her hand and subconsciously wanted to hide it.

Jiang Sui did not intend to give her this opportunity.

"Do not lie to me."

His voice was tinged with a thin layer of anger, and he tried his best to control his emotions. Perhaps because of the girl's pale face, his voice was much lower.

 Under the fine hair, those eyes contain too many emotions, which are incomprehensible, with endless meanings.

 “Brother Sui, it’s begun!”

There was only a short break in the second half, and someone was already calling the boy. Jiang Sui was unmoved at all, as if he didn't hear the call.

His back was straight and sharp, and he just let his eyes fall on Su Qing's body.

Hu Yifan seemed to know what was going on. He was chatting and laughing, and the few people following him said a few good words, and then the golfers left with ugly faces.

Hu Yifan looked down at the transfer on his mobile phone. He saw that the agreed price was less than half.

He sat directly on the ground, drank water, and transferred all the money to Jiang Sui.

 He had already joined the school's basketball team, but Hu Ling didn't know what happened, and the school basketball team kicked him out.

 His sister is famous for being cruel.

I have to force him to go back and **** the property from those people, but he knows best how much he has lost. He has no ability at all. Now he can't even play his favorite basketball.

 Hu Yifan was a little frustrated.

 Huge mouthfuls of water were poured into his throat. The cold water did not eliminate the irritability in his heart.

His eyes drifted to Jiang Sui and Su Qing.

To be honest, he didn't really believe in love at this time, but Asui seemed to be possessed. Forget about playing field ball, he came out to teach.

 Working hard to make money.

Does a young man really have love? He couldn't help but remind him of his stronger sister, who was bruised and bruised, but finally compromised...

 (End of this chapter)

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