She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 117: I don't like you

Chapter 117 I don’t like you

 The young man stood beside her. The distance between the two was very close, so close that Su Qing could even feel the boy's breathing.

 Because after exercising, he had a burning and sultry aura about him.

Lowering her eyes, Su Qing rubbed her fingertips, carefully stretched out her hand, and grasped the corner of the young man's clothes.

 “Jiang Sui….”

 Her face was a little stiff, and her voice was soft and dry.

Under the sunlight, the boy's hair glowed with a hint of brown, and his eyes on the girl were slightly distant.

 “Qingqing, whose phone number is it?”

Black pupils, cold and stern, and the boy's brows are lightly folded into the character "Chuan".

Perception of Su Qing's soft fingertips, pulling off the corner of his clothes, the young man's heart was filled with flames, burning deep inside.

  The limp little head was bowed, not daring to look at the boy, and twirling his fingers.

 “Jiang Sui, please stop asking, okay?”

The girl's soft words in the past were now being cut with sharp knives and pulling at every nerve in his ear hole.


Shao Shao’s voice was stern, and his angry eyes were suppressed with difficulty.

She obviously had something to hide from him. Now, Jiang Sui could probably guess a thing or two. Her state in the past few days was probably related to that phone call.

The girl's slender shoulders trembled slightly, and the other hand had already been released from the edge of her clothes. It kept grabbing the corners of her clothes, and her lower lip was bitten red.

Her unwillingness to confess to herself made Jiang Sui feel a cold sense of frustration.

I don't want to press hard, but I don't dare to sprinkle her temper on her. The girl accumulates red eyes, with a touch of begging inside, and stabbed his heart fiercely.

“Okay, if you don’t tell me, I’ll find someone to check it myself.”

Jiang Sui's tone was hoarse, and the bottle of mineral water in his hand that he had finished had turned into a ball, and he was holding it in his hand as if venting his anger.

When Su Qing saw Jiang Sui taking out his cell phone to make a call, he hurriedly pulled his arm and stopped the young man from making a call.

 “Jiang Sui, don’t…”

Holding the boy's wrist tightly, she hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, looking at Jiang Sui. The girl's soft palms were wet with sweat. It was obviously a bright sun in the sky, but her palms were wet with sweat. Cold.

 The tender eyes were filled with a trace of sadness at the moment, and the mouth had a sour taste. Su Qing was timid in her heart, and her fair face was even more pale.


The young man paused his wrist, lowered his brows, stared intently, and the fingers holding the phone never pressed the button to make a call.

 “Is there anything you can’t tell me?”

The young man's handsome face was full of annoyance and depression, and he was staring straight at the pretty little white face.

His heart was filled with sultry fire, and his annoyance was overflowing uncontrollably.

“Qingqing, who are you talking to? It has nothing to do with me!”

As soon as he thought that the girl was hiding something from him, Jiang Sui couldn't suppress the evil fire and annoyance in his heart, and he clenched his hands hard.

Su Qing obviously felt that the young man seemed to have restrained himself a lot, but his voice at this moment was obviously much higher than before.

  Seeing the veins popping out on the boy's arm that he grabbed because he was angry.

 “Jiang Sui, I...”

There was a bit of brokenness in her clear eyes, and the words in her throat couldn't be said out. She didn't know how to say them.

She had made up her mind today to pursue the person who harmed her, but Su Qing didn't catch anything, so her trip was in vain, and the young man discovered that she had lied.

Thinking of photos…

Thinking of scholarships…

Thinking of Su Rao...

There are also those who bully her, those in the dark.

Thinking of what happened in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, Su Qing bit her lip subconsciously and released her grip on Jiang Sui's arm.

She timidly took a few steps back, closing the distance between her and the boy. Looking sideways, she could see Jiang Suina putting her clothes on the ground for him to sit on.

The young man took care of her as gently as the breeze. In his deep eyes like stars, he always looked at her alone. He even smiled at her when he was playing ball.

Looking at the girl's retreating steps, Jiang Sui's eyes were suddenly filled with a biting coldness. He stretched out his hand to grab Su Qing's wrist, but unexpectedly, she was thrown away.

That good-looking and handsome face was filled with anger, and he ignored his frustrated fingertips and stared at the girl who was retreating.

Su Qing pursed her lips slightly, "Jiang Sui, I just don't like you."

She still didn't dare to look into those eyes, and she didn't dare to see the boy's reaction. She drooped her head, and there was a wry smile on Su Qing's lips.

 The air became quiet for an instant, and the hot sunlight seemed so cold.

Jiang Sui, who was waiting for the girl's reaction, waited for a long time and said, "I don't like it."

 There was no explanation. It seemed that she had no intention of confessing to him from the beginning.

 The center of his eyebrows became cold, and his fingers that he did not retract were stiff. He wanted to grab the girl's arm again, but she did not expect him to dodge him.

 “Qingqing, stop making trouble.”

There is a bit of emptiness in the strong and windy tone, and the throat is tight and dry.

 “I didn’t make a fuss.”

The girl's voice was so soft, an invisible knife cut sharply on his heart.

With her soft hair and fleeing attitude, Su Qing looked up as if she was mentally prepared.

 Jiang Sui is not unfamiliar with Su Qing like this.

 He has seen it before.

 There is an indifferent coldness in his stubborn expression.

 “Qingqing, come here, I won’t ask anymore, you can talk about it when you want to say it.”

Jiang Sui tightened his fingertips for a moment, wanting to get closer to Su Qing, but when he took a step forward, the girl took a step back.

 The distance between the two people did not close, but became wider and wider.

He thought she didn't want to tell him, so he could check it out himself. Why did he have to force her to tell him something? Faced with her avoidance, Jiang Sui's heart sank to the bottom.

 “Jiang Sui, don’t you understand yet?”

She spoke easily, but there was no emotion in her voice, and there was no lingering look in her eyes. There was an emptiness and indifference in those beautiful eyes.

"Qingqing, let me say it again, come here. You said before that you don't feel safe, and you want to protect yourself if there is any trouble. It's all because I didn't protect you enough, and I shouldn't put too much pressure on you. Now Don’t make me angry, come here.”

The young man's dark pupils seemed to be forbearing to the extreme.

That sentence, "I don't like you," was about to tear his sanity to pieces. If he said anything more, he didn't know what he would do.

 The tight jawline is cold and sharp.

"come over."

 (End of this chapter)

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