She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 122: will i like you

Chapter 122 Will I like you?

Su Qing frowned.

 “Tian Shasha.”

Her voice was slightly higher, and she looked at Tian Shasha coldly.

"First, I didn't steal your scholarship, it was because you were incapable of taking it. Second, what Jiang Sui and I do is my business. You threaten me. This is a crime. You secretly photographed me and followed me. If you don't want me to call the police, just accept it. Third, you can send the photos if you want, but I tell you to do so at your own risk. Do you think Jiang Sui will like you if you do this?"

The girl's coherent voice hit Tian Shasha's ears.

She didn't hear anything clearly, except for that sentence, do you think Jiang Sui will like you?

Tian Shasha was half a head shorter than Su Qing and had to raise her head. There were tears in her eyes and she was a little hysterical. "Su Qing, you don't have to scare me like this. I'm not afraid. Let me tell you, you didn't just say that you would." Tell your parents, my dad is inside, go tell her!"

Su Qing didn’t expect Tian Shasha to say this.

She originally thought that if Tian Shasha refused to change despite repeated admonitions, she would have to find her parents, but then she saw Tian Shasha's father, and the man's disgusting eyes made Su Qing's eyes tremble.

 Obviously, Tian Shasha's father is definitely not easy to get along with in Su Qing's eyes, so naturally he can't say anything.

"If you act like this, I have no choice but to call the police." Su Qing's face turned pale.

Just as Su Qing finished speaking, Tian Shasha's father, who had been in the house, came out again. He squinted his eyes and saw that his crying daughter did not come forward to comfort her. Instead, he looked at Su Qing lustfully.

“What are you calling the police for, my dear daughter, you can’t say anything properly.”

Su Qing looked a little creepy. The current situation was obviously not something she could have expected when she came. She was about to leave without even thinking about it.

She didn’t know how much of their conversation the man heard. At this moment, Su Qing suppressed the fear in her heart and did not return to the man. She just looked at Tian Shasha and spoke slowly.

"Tian Shasha, I hope you think carefully and don't ruin your life because of a boy..."

Before Su Qing finished speaking, Tian Shasha glanced at her father in a panic, and then faced Su Qing hysterically.

“Su Qing, don’t talk nonsense.”

Su Qing frowned. She didn't expect Tian Shasha to have such a rash reaction. She just met the man's eyes and left quickly without looking back.


While walking, Su Qing could still hear the man's call, and a cold sweat ran down Su Qing's spine.

It’s just that she didn’t see the door outside the concierge when she got into the taxi.

Tian Zhong grabbed Tian Shasha’s hair.

 “Bitch, you want a man at a young age, right?”

“I’m just like that cheap mother of yours, why do you want to leave me too?”

Tian Shasha's body was trembling, her whole ears were buzzing, her eyes were confused with tears, she was biting her lip and crying.

This time there won't be that god-like boy coming down from the sky to save her.

Thinking of Su Qing's pretty face, Tian Shasha suddenly felt malicious in her heart.

“Dad, that classmate of mine is pretty, isn’t he?”

After hearing this, Tian Zhong narrowed his eyes and stopped what he was doing.

Su Qing, who had returned home at this moment, obviously didn't know what was about to happen to her. Because she failed to make an appointment with Liu Ranran last week, she agreed to go shopping with her this week. But she didn't know that while the two were talking, Liu Ranran said she would come. Visiting her home.

Thinking of the past few times, Su Rao asked about the classmate with whom she was close, and Su Qing agreed. However, the location of her home was a bit remote. Su Qing thought about it and did not take a taxi home directly. Went to pick her up at Liu Ranran's house.

Su Qing, who originally thought of waiting for Liu Ranran downstairs, discovered that Liu Ranran's community not only had the same name as Jiang Sui's community, but also had the same location. The most important thing was that Liu Ranran lived there. In the building next to Jiang Sui...

Su Qing held her fingers and stood under the tree.

She looked a little dazed. He hadn't gone to school for a long time, so she hadn't seen him for a long time.

 “Little girl, here you are looking for your little boyfriend again.”

It was a fruit shop on the first floor next door. Su Qing came to her senses and saw the proprietress, waving her fan and looking at her with a smile.

Su Qing didn't know how to respond for a while, so she could only nod.

 She and Jiang Sui often buy fruits at this store. No, it should be Jiang Sui who often sells fruits to her at this store, saying that she is malnourished or something.

Looking at Su Qing's face, it was inevitable that people would recall her youthful years. The proprietress of the fruit shop couldn't help but say a few more words.

"You are still young, but don't disbelieve in love. My husband and I have known each other since high school. We have been together for many years. In the past few days, I have seen the handsome guys on the third floor staggering. I came back after drinking a lot. Don’t be afraid if you get into trouble, just sort things out.”

Saying that maybe it was because she often bought fruit, the landlady insisted on giving Su Qing a bag of peaches, which were pink and tender. Su Qing resisted for a long time and wanted to pay, but she was stuffed into her pocket. .

Su Qing bit her lip, left the tree, and took a bag of peaches. All she could think about was Jiang Sui's drunk appearance.

 I don’t know how he is doing...

He hadn't gone to class for a long time. Su Qing lowered her head and walked to the boy's downstairs unknowingly. She didn't know how to move forward with her heavy feet.

 “Qingqing, I’m here!”

There was a call and it was Liu Ranran who trotted towards Su Qing and looked at Su Qing who was distracted.

“Qingqing, you’re going the wrong way. My home is over here. Let’s go. My mother asked you to go up.”

  As Su Qing, who was still wearing slippers, was grabbed by the wrist by Liu Ranran, she ran upstairs.

Su Qing, who had not yet recovered her senses, had no time to refuse, so she was pulled to the door of her home by Liu Ranran. The enthusiastic mother Liu had already stood at the door and took Su Qing's bag directly.

   “Come just come, if you have anything else to bring, come in quickly, you don’t need to change your shoes, they are all at home.”

Su Qing looked at her empty hands, regained consciousness, grabbed Liu Ranran's hand, and said hello politely. Liu's mother smiled happily and asked her to sit on the sofa, and went to get them delicious food.

 The warm little home, with the bright sunshine shining brightly, is different from the simple layout of Jiang Sui's home. Liu Ranran's home is packed to the rafters.

 “Qingqing, eat quickly, what are you doing?”

When Su Qing came to her senses, she thought of Jiang Sui again. She pinched her brows to clear those things from her mind.

Su Qing just looked at the fruit on the table, which was Jiang Sui's favorite strawberry.

His refrigerator is full of strawberry flavor.

 “The strawberries are so sweet, Qingqing.”

 (End of this chapter)

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