She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 123: Something happened to mom

Chapter 123 Something happened to my mother

 I didn’t stay at Liu Ranran’s house for long.

The community is obviously not big, and there is only one building across from him. Su Qing did not see Jiang Sui, so it seems difficult to meet him by chance.

Su Rao knew that his daughter was going to be a guest at home with her friends, so she prepared a sumptuous meal.

Liu Ranran has always been sweet-tongued and does not hesitate to praise her at all.

“Auntie’s food is really delicious.”

Liu Ranran was a foodie, and her appetite gave Su's mother a lot of satisfaction. She looked at Su Qing, her eyes were kind, and she thought in her heart that it would be great if Qingqing could eat like Ran Ran. .

Su Rao was a little embarrassed by Liu Ranran's praise, so he picked up a piece of ribs and put it in Liu Ranran's bowl.

“Thank you Ran Ran for taking care of our Qingqing. I hope I didn’t cause any trouble to you when I stayed at your house some time ago.”

As he said that, Liu Ranran, who was biting half of the ribs in his mouth, had doubts in his eyes. He was very puzzled. Stay overnight?

  Can't help but focus on Su Qing.

Su Qing's whole body suddenly became excited. She blinked her eyes hard with her big pupils. Her heart was in a state of panic. The finger on one side that was not grasping the chopsticks even slightly tugged on Liu Ranran's clothes.

At this time, Su Rao looked at Liu Ranran who had stopped and said, "What's wrong? Is the food not to your liking?"

Liu Ranran also reacted very quickly. After swallowing the ribs, he looked at Su's mother and quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, aunt, the food you made is much better than what my mother made. It's very delicious. Don't let Qingqing bother me for one day. I'm willing to do it for a hundred days. Qingqing is my good friend."

Liu Ranran, who was outside the school recently, covered up the surprise in his heart, smiled and narrowed his eyes, and his mouth was as sweet as honey.

 Afraid that Mother Su might not believe it, she added another sentence.

 “It’s so delicious!”

The shining eyes made Su Rao feel a lot happier. Her child was a bit withdrawn and she finally had friends. She thought of the above and looked at Liu Ranran tenderly.

“It’s delicious. Eat more. Haven’t you been studying outside in the library every week recently? If you want to eat, just ask Qingqing to take you back. Auntie will prepare delicious food for you.”

Su Qing was relieved, but suddenly felt excited again.

 It’s just that Liu Ranran naturally thought of something and was very clever. She said no problem, no problem.

This made the frightened Su Qing feel a lot better.

 Liu Ranran was already carefree, but when he heard Su's mother talking about Su Qing staying overnight,

Liu Ranran was surprised and almost had his secret revealed, but he stopped after Su Qing's various hints.

Curiosity drove Liu Ranran to look at Su Qing when Su Qing sent her out.

“Qingqing, when did you stay out overnight and study with me every weekend? Go to the library?”

Since the past few weeks, Liu Ranran has been taking extra classes outside, and he has never had time to ask Su Qing out to play.

Then what will Su’s mother mean when she hears it at home? Su Qing seems to have been studying with her outside for several weeks and staying overnight?

 Liu Ranran looked at Su Qing doubtfully, so who is this person who has been studying with Su Qing for several weeks?

Racking his brains, Liu Ranran could only think of one person.

“Qingqing, tell me, is it you and Jiang Sui, huh?” As he spoke, Liu Ranran stretched out his thumbs to make a matching look.

Liu Ranran has a smile on her eyebrows, a playful tone in her charm, and a bit of embarrassed joking on her cheeks.

 Not surprised at all, on the contrary, it is indeed what you feel.

"Ran Ran, don't talk nonsense, we didn't..." I was still immersed in the thrill of almost being exposed at home when I heard Liu Ranran's words.

Su Qing tightened her fingertips on her side and retorted, but Liu Ranran had read too many novels and liked the cold and charming school girl and the sweet girl the most. There was an "I understand" look in her eyes. , I understand everything.

"really not…."

Su Qing was a little helpless, but her explanation seemed shy to Liu Ranran. He patted her shoulder and got into the taxi, waving to Su Qing.

 Wait until the car exhaust has dissipated.

Su Qing was a little stunned, but she still had the food that Su Rao brought to Liu Ranran in her hand, so she had to take it back again.

Thinking of Jiang Sui, Su Qing shook her head. Fortunately, she didn't reveal her secret. Otherwise, she really wouldn't know how to explain to Su Rao.

Just when Su Rao was cooking, Su Qing heard multiple coughs in the kitchen and made up her mind to take her mother for a checkup next week.

 No matter what, it must be checked.

Su Qing returned home. Before she could put things in the kitchen, she looked at the yard and shouted as usual.

 “Mom, I’m back.”

 After a while, no one answered. Su Qing walked in. There was no one inside, the furniture was polished, and there was a glass of honey water for her on the coffee table as usual.

 Mom, I'm back. She forgot to take away the steamed rice dumplings you brought for my classmate, so I put them in the kitchen first. "

Thinking that Su Rao had fallen asleep, Su Qing took the bag and went to the kitchen. The kitchen had been cleaned up. Thinking that Liu Ranran would have to make up for classes tomorrow, she put the steamed pork in the refrigerator, thinking about it the next time she came. Let mom do it again.

 “Mom, I have something to tell you.”

Su Qing came out of the kitchen, thinking that she had to talk about her hospitalization today. She sat on the sofa and drank honey water with an unusual serious look on her face.

After a while, there was no sound from upstairs, and there was no movement coming down. Su Qing couldn't help but frown.


She couldn't help shouting again. She murmured in her heart, thinking she had taken a nap, but she still walked slowly thinking about Su Rao's room.

She rarely entered Su Rao's room. It was still an antique lady's boudoir, but it was dark without sunlight and the door was open.

Su Qing knocked on the door but there was no response. When she opened the door, her pupils shrank one by one.


Su Rao, who fell to the ground, showed no reaction. He could only see the weak woman on the ground in the dim room, her face pale at the moment.

Su Qing's mouth was filled with the sweet honey water, which was extremely bitter at this moment. Her eyes instantly became extremely red, and a string in her mind was tightly stretched.

She should calm down and stay calm. Su Qing didn't know how she called 120, how she calmly told the medical staff about the situation, how she opened all the doors for ventilation, and took her bank card. Su Qing didn't know how she called 120. Got into the ambulance.

She watched Su Rao put on the oxygen mask and become unresponsive, his body was cold, and his pupils were staring at the lights in the operating room blankly.

 (End of this chapter)

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