She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 124: It doesn't matter anymore

Chapter 124 It doesn’t matter anymore

 Surgery is required.

The doctor in a white coat stood in front of Su Qing, looking at the thin girl and frowning.

“Girl, are the patient’s family members here?”

 “I am, I am, I am the patient’s daughter.”

Su Qing's eyes were very red when the doctor walked out of the operating room, and she held it back. Her fingers clenched into fists, and her whole body felt panicked and calm.

“Has the patient coughed up blood recently? Her condition is not very good and she needs surgery. We need the parent’s signature.”

 While listening to the doctor's voice, the nurse on the side placed the prepared surgical drape in front of Su Qing.

 Just before Su Qing could take it, the doctor blocked him.

“Generally, family members under the age of 18 cannot sign. The patient’s family members, husband or parents are required.”

Su Qing raised her head and looked at the doctor in disbelief. She bit her lip and told herself in her heart, don't panic, don't panic.

“Doctor, I have no father, and my grandparents are no longer alive. My mother and I depend on each other.”

Rao had heard such things many times, but the nurse on the side was still stunned for a moment, and the doctor also frowned. This kind of surgery involves risks. He looked at the little girl in front of him and was in trouble for a moment.

From a legal perspective, it is not possible because a minor cannot bear the responsibility and consequences, especially now that the condition of the family members is also quite critical.

Su Qing had tears in her eyes, but she still forced herself not to fall. She straightened her spine and looked at the doctor with stern eyes.

"Doctor, my mother needs surgery now. If you perform the surgery, I can bear legal responsibility. Now that I am 16 years old, I can bear legal responsibility in a certain sense."

“I can take a video and leave evidence. If you perform the surgery first, I can sign it.”

Su Qing read a lot of legal books because she was interested in law. She gritted her teeth, and there was a pleading that had never appeared on her pale face.

Those soft hands were holding the doctor's arm vigorously at this moment, like a life-saving straw.

 “Doctor Cao….”

 Perhaps it’s because those eyes are so soft and there is a certain perseverance in them.

Cao Weiguang was shocked again, and his usually resolute face relaxed a little, "The law also says, you can sign it if you consider it appropriate."

Before he finished speaking, the nurse on the side had already handed the list to Su Qing. Su Qing didn't know how she wrote two words, Su Qing.

She emerges from the mud without being stained, and washes through the clear ripples without being evil. Therefore, Su Rao named her Qing, hoping that her life would be bright and clean.

It's just that God seems to have made arrangements, but it's not like this. Smooth sailing does not belong to her, and even if she is stuck in the mud, Su Qing doesn't care about it at all, and she doesn't care. Su Qing just wants to get around well.

Facing the actions of the doctors and nurses, Su Qing wanted to give them a smile, but her muscles were too stiff to obey her orders.

Su Qing lowered her head and leaned against the door of the quiet operating room.

The word "quiet", with a cold face, hit her heart. Su Qing crossed her arms, her eyes were scattered on the ground blankly, her head hung down, and her lips pursed.

 Echoes of torment came over me.

 Mother had been coughing up blood for a long time, and she didn’t even notice.

  Why didn't you take her for a physical examination earlier? Why couldn't you be tougher?

I don’t know how long it took, but Su Qing’s eyes were so sore that she could no longer feel anything. The door of the operating room finally opened.

“The operation was successful. However, although the liver tumor has been removed, there are still subsequent risks. Let’s stay in the hospital for observation for a while.”

The doctor's words made Su Qing's ears feel clear and dim for a while.

Su Rao was lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed, his face was bloodless, and he was wearing an oxygen mask, as if he could leave with just a touch, which severely stimulated every nerve of Su Qing.

She didn't know how she followed the operating bed to the ward. She didn't eat or drink, and stayed in front of Su Rao's bed without saying a word, barely blinking her eyes.

Mei Yeqin, who was doing rounds in the hospital, felt a little familiar when he saw such a small back, so he couldn't help but ask the people around him.

"Director Mei, you are talking about that little girl, the daughter of a female cancer patient who was just admitted to the hospital today. She is quite pitiful. She has no father and no relatives. Dr. Cao was soft-hearted at that time and did the operation. Fortunately, he did not Whatever happened, the operation was considered a success."

The nurse beside him said that he couldn't help but sigh. Although the operation was successful, the word "tumor" does mean that he is facing death all the time, and he is really racing against death.

Mei Yeqin couldn't help but frown when she heard this. She didn't expect it to be so serious.

 “She came alone?”

Thinking of her little nephew, who regards this little girl as an important person as his eyes, he must not come alone, but if there is such a serious matter, he will probably contact her, but this will be obvious I didn't receive a call or any news from Jiang Sui, so I couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

Mei Yeqin was surprised when the nurse said she came alone. She obviously didn't expect it.

Since Jiang Sui didn't come, there was only one possibility. The girl didn't tell him at all.

At that time, I just went to treat the little girl's wounds. The child liked her very much. But in this situation, there is always a possibility that she will become an orphan.

 The love in the green years is the easiest to let time fade away, but her nephew is probably the same as her sister.

After thinking for a long time, Mei Yeqin returned to the office and called Jiang Sui.

  It rang for a long time before being picked up.


The voice on the other end was hoarse, as if he had woken up after a hangover.

Mei Yeqin frowned, it was already half noon, Jiang Sui was like a sister, and she didn't have the habit of staying in bed.

 “What’s wrong? I feel uncomfortable.”

 It sounded like there was something wrong with his voice.

Jiang Sui's temperament has always been cold. There was something in a trance in his tiny starry eyes. He was still in a dream. He dreamed that Su Qing came to him and said that he liked him.

It was simply ridiculous. Hearing Mei Yeqin's voice, he came back to his senses.


  “What’s the matter?”

Mei Yeqin rarely called him.

“It’s nothing, it’s just what happened to you and that little girl that time.”

Mei Yeqin didn't say it directly, but asked first, but there was a long silence. As an adult and someone who has been there, she naturally knew what was going on.

“Asui, that girl’s mother is hospitalized. I met her in the hospital today.”

Jiang Sui's fingertips were pinched very tightly, his eyes were indifferent, and there was a wry smile on his lips.

“Auntie, we have nothing to do with each other.”

 (End of this chapter)

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