She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 126: The suffering of the past

Chapter 126 The hardships of the past

 Suicide becomes homicide, and the nature is completely different.

Jiang Sui was the first to speak in the condensed air. He looked at Qin Zhao with very serious eyes and his voice was dry.

 “Is the news true?”

 He had never doubted Qin Zhao, and he rarely asked such questions. Qin Zhao knew that the matter was important and nodded.

“It’s true, I went to see the auxiliary police officer back then.”

Qin Zhao is going to be a soldier, so he usually has some voluntary labor. He is already an adult, unlike them who are still minors. In many cases, being an adult is also a good status.

As soon as Qin Zhao said this, everyone knew that the accuracy was almost 100%.

This is the strangest thing. At that time, Su Qing had called the police, saying that he had committed suicide, but in the end the case was still concluded as suicide.

Hu Yifan frowned, "Su Qing, she doesn't look like someone who can lie."

The girl looked cute and soft, but her eyes were very stubborn. He could see the light in Jiang Sui's eyes that had been silent for a long time.

Jiang Sui narrowed his eyes, "When I was a sophomore in high school, I saw Su Qing once in the teacher's office. The police were there at that time."

Hu Yifan's eyes widened. So it wasn't the first time he saw Su Qing in Wuzhen No. 1 Middle School. So the two of them had a long history?

“At that time, the police seemed to be investigating whether Li Zhu had brought a knife to school. The person who reported it was also Su Qing. There were other people in the office at the time, and everyone unanimously said that they had not seen it.”

His eyes were a little far-reaching, and it was engraved in his mind that the pale little face at that time, Mou Ran raised his head, a little helpless, and looked at those witnesses in disbelief. Later, he learned that those were all initiated However, when things came to a head, they all turned against each other.

With misty eyes, after I heard him say that sentence, I looked at him among the flowers, and he was the only one inside.

Her pretty little face looked at him in astonishment, staring at him with no hint of shyness. Jiang Sui remembered it for a long time, and even in his dream, the woman's face turned out to be hers.

That aspect was clear, and in the follow-up, he knew a lot of things intentionally or unintentionally. She was Li Zhu's new girlfriend, and Li Zhu's person. Jiang Sui suddenly lost interest, and even felt that what he said in the office that day was a bit... Too impulsive.

She probably didn’t even know who he was, so when they met in Wuzhen, she really didn’t recognize him, which made him want to play tricks on him, but she didn’t expect that he had already been captured and could not escape.

A cautious person like her was forced to report Li Su for taking a knife. You can imagine the extent to which she was forced.

Jiang Sui couldn't think of anything.

 The next words made his heart sink to the extreme.

"She should have been in the second year of high school when she reported it. Hu Ruoruan's suicide happened in the first year of high school. Then, later, Li Zhu started to chase Su Qing. People in the class avoided Su Qing like a snake or a scorpion. Some people even felt that It was she who killed Hu Ruoruan for Li Xu."

Things are so complicated that there is no clear clue at all.

"So, Su Qing didn't have a good life during those two years in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. The last thing happened was that Li Su went to her family to get Su Qing. I also heard about this. It is said that her father took her Delivered to the door of the hotel.”

 Chin Zhao tried to be as subtle as possible.

Hu Yifan is the most desperate.

 “What a scumbag.”

In recent years, although there have been many marriages in the family for the sake of profit, most people will not do such a cheap and shameful thing like packaging and delivering things directly to people's doors.

 It’s too shameful.

Jiang Sui's complexion was livid, and his eyes were dark.

How could he imagine Su Qing's despair at that time? He knew that Qin Zhao had already said it implicitly. At first, he just wanted to hear about her past, but after listening to it, his heart contracted unbearably.

 “What else did you find out?”

Jiang Sui looked at Qin Zhao, his thin lips raised slightly, and his voice was very soft, so light that it had no weight.

Qin Zhao couldn't bear it and looked at the young man who looked a little pale at the moment.

“Su Qing’s mother found out what happened to her daughter, and she had a dispute with Su’s father at home, and was accidentally stabbed by Su’s father. This led to Su’s father being imprisoned for domestic violence, and Su Qing transferred to another school.”

Su Qing transferred to Wuzhen No. 1 Middle School in her third year of high school. Everyone knows this.

I have met Su Qing’s mother Jiang Sui, and I can see that she is a weak woman who doesn’t talk much, but is very motherly.

Jiang Sui never imagined that those hardships would happen to the young girl. He had made countless assumptions, that is, it was actually very simple. It was because Li Su failed to force him that what happened later happened. Unexpectedly, So much is involved.

There was a long silence, and everyone was silent.

Hu Yifan thought carefully about the fact that he had wanted to tell Jiang Sui that he had been teased by Li Zhu, and his heart that was still complaining about Jiang Sui became tormented at this moment.

The young man's sympathy was a little overflowing. He looked at Jiang Sui cautiously. Some words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

Jiang Sui, with his cold eyes and lowered head, wordlessly picked up the wine glass in front of his seat, drank it in one gulp without saying a word, got up and walked outside.

Hu Yifan wanted to shout to stop, but was held back by Qin Zhao on one side.

 “Let him think about what to do next, and we won’t disturb him.”

Qin Zhao looked like someone who had come before, while Hu Yifan pursed his lips and didn't say anything. He just drank a few drinks.

Jiang Sui didn't know how he got to the downstairs of the hospital.

Among the people coming and going, he did not see Su Qing. The hospital was the place closest to death and salvation, and it smelled of pungent disinfectant.

Jiang Sui found a place casually, sat on the flower bed, and looked at the phone call from Mei Yeqin in the morning.

 My words are still echoing in my mind.

 We have nothing to do with each other anymore, and Jiang Sui is deeply tormented at this moment.

She didn't want to be disturbed. Even when she needed her most, the girl didn't call. Jiang followed her cell phone at the door of the hospital from morning to night and never received a call from Su Qing.

The young man lowered his eyebrows and dialed a number.

Mei Yeqin was not surprised at all when she answered the phone.

 Even early on, she had already understood Su Rao's condition. She just understood it, so she didn't dare to speak easily.

 In the silence, the boy's voice was extremely hoarse.

“Auntie, is the problem serious?”

 The word "problem" he used was to escape the fear of death.

 (End of this chapter)

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