She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 127: Related to Li Zhu

Chapter 127 is related to Li Su

 The long silence is enough to explain everything.

Mei Yeqin can only avoid the important and take the easy at this moment, "The operation is considered a success, but it still depends on the subsequent development and recovery."

 “Is she okay?”

The young man with drooped eyebrows was sitting on the edge of the flower bed. The biting night wind blew on the young man's thin clothes. He was walking in a hurry and didn't take his coat. At this moment, Jiangsu was wearing a white T-shirt.

 The night light dimmed half of the sky, and Jiang Sui's voice was low and hoarse.

 How should I put it? Mei Yeqin's eyes were filled with worry. Jiang Sui was too much like her sister. She was extremely persistent in her pursuit of love.

“Forget it, aunt, I’ll go up and see for myself.”

 The boy's voice was deep and low-key.

"Are you in the hospital?" Mei Yeqin couldn't help but frowned.

This child is always doing something secretly. This is what Mei Yeqin is most worried about. She doesn't know what happened between the two and what conflicts they have, but she can feel that Jiang Sui likes Su Qing, the kind that she likes very much. , the one that can heal him.

 The silent silence proved Mei Yeqin’s conjecture.

 “That’s fine, then come up and we’ll be in ward No. 607.”

After Mei Yeqin hung up the phone, she sighed lowly. She didn't want to push Jiang Sui away. She wanted to protect her child for her sister.

At this moment, she understood why her parents didn't agree with her sister's marriage. Her sister was too persistent and sacrificed a lot, but she couldn't get reciprocity. She burned herself too much, which would hurt others.

Finding someone who doesn’t love you that much, and not getting the love you want, is probably more uncomfortable than death.

Mei Yeqin looked up at the desk where two sunny-looking girls were smiling. She felt a little pity in her heart, stroking her phoenix eyes that were the same as Jiang Suiyi's.


“Sister, is this the right thing for me to do?”

 In the matter of love, she was in favor of Jiang Sui.

In Ward 602, Jiang Sui soon reached the 6th floor. The young man was standing silently at the corner of the corridor. The hospital was almost silent at this moment, and the smell of disinfectant was pungent and strong.

Turning the corner to the second ward at 602, Jiang Sui never had the courage to step out and didn't know how to step out.

Just seeing signs of movement at the door, he quickly hid his figure in the darkness, turning his body sideways, with a pair of dark eyes looking at the delicate and familiar figure in the corridor, holding a thermos.

The shadow stretched so long that Jiang Sui stretched out his hand and wanted to touch it, but he could only squeeze the fingers in his palm.

 She didn't want to bother herself.

After a while, Su Qing's back disappeared into the corridor. Jiang Sui dialed Mei Yeqin's number and went to her office.

Mei Yeqin was not surprised, she had known for a long time that Jiang Sui would come to look for her.

   The young man is unbelievably calm for a person of his age.

“Auntie, I have something to ask you.”

Jiang Sui rarely calls her aunt. It’s not that the two of them are not close, it’s just that the young man is lonely and cold, and Mei Yeqin is used to it.

Mou Ran was called twice in one day.

He has always looked like a little adult and never admitted that he was a child. On his face that had not lost weight for a few days, his withered cheekbones were slightly bulging, making him appear more resolute.

 There is a kind of injury, which should be called injury by love. There is some thick astringency in a young man.

"whats the matter?"

You have something to ask of Mei Yeqin, something you can’t believe. That young boy who always thinks he is an adult and can handle everything, actually wants to ask him to do something for himself.

Mei Yeqin thought almost instantly that it might be Su Rao's hospitalization.

"What about Su Qing's mother? Then you don't have to worry about it. That girl is much more determined than we thought. She got a medical card and a lot of things when she came. The surgery doesn't cost much. In a situation like theirs , the hospital will also provide certain subsidies.”

Mei Yeqin also chose to study psychology when she was in college. Not only was she the director of surgery, she also achieved considerable achievements in psychology.

 But her family knew very little about this matter, and she had always kept her identity a secret, which was why she was able to get close to Jiang Sui.

From the moment she saw Su Qing, she knew that the girl was different from ordinary girls. She didn't like to cry very much. There was something resolute in her eyes, like pines and cypresses that were as tall as a pine and a cypress that no one could beat back.

 In today’s department, almost everyone talks about that girl’s calmness and composure.

Su Qing would probably not agree to such hasty funding. I don’t know why, but this was Mei Yeqin’s first reaction.

"You are so rash, or I am rash to support her, I'm worried that she may not agree."

Looking at the young man sitting hunched over on the sofa, Mei Yeqin expressed the most intuitive thoughts in his heart.

 There was not much excitement in the young man's eyes, and he was even a little cold.

"I know."

He had known for a long time that she didn't call him when she needed him, not to mention that she said she didn't like him. Jiang Sui felt empty and uncomfortable in his heart and suppressed those emotions.

he knows?

Looking at Jiang Sui's understanding, Mei Yeqin was not surprised. Not surprised that the young man knew the girl so well. What was surprising was that besides Su Qing's affairs, did he have anything else to entrust to her?

Mei Yeqin also knew about the turmoil between him and the family, but as long as Jiang Sui didn't talk about it, she would not interfere. She gave the young man enough freedom.

 But Mei Yeqin didn't think it was a family matter.

Jiang Sui felt that everything seemed to be destined. Maybe the two of them were disconnected from the beginning.

“Auntie, I remember that your first boyfriend seemed to be a policeman.”

Mei Yeqin was a little dazed. Apparently she didn't expect that the matter that the young man solved was related to her, so she was a little surprised.

First love, Pei Dai, the man who cares about the case more than anything else?

Although Mei Yeqin was a little embarrassed, she still nodded.

“There is a case in our school that he handled.”



This made Mei Yeqin's instincts become much more alert, and something flashed through her mind.

  “I want his contact information and I want to say something to him.”

Jiang Sui obviously didn't want to tell everything, he just wanted Pei Dai's contact information. He also had the idea to find this person directly, but it was inevitable that his age was stuck there, which made people feel a little bit confused. It's a little brat.

 But it would be different if there was Mei Yeqin.

Mei Yeqin’s frown never showed any signs of relaxing.

 “It has something to do with the young master of the Li family, right?”

 Comparatively, people in the circle can smell something unusual even if they are not around.

After the book is finished, it will be all cute. The author will choose some small gifts to give to you. Thank you for your support. Although I have been single-player, I still want to write it well and write a different story of mutual redemption.

The fog is about to be lifted~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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