She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 128: After this incident

 Chapter 128 After this incident

Moreover, Pei Dai is from the criminal police team, so if he is involved, it must be related to the murder case.

Pei Dai had intervened in this case before. This was mentioned in the message Qin Zhao sent him at that time.

The name Pei Dai is not unfamiliar to Jiang Sui. He seems to be his aunt's first love.

After thinking for too long, Jiang Sui finally found Mei Yeqin.

Jiang Sui knew that his aunt would definitely be able to guess something. He didn't stop her, he just frowned slightly and resisted. He didn't want more people to know about her pain.

Mei Yeqin could feel Jiang Sui's emotions most intuitively. Seeing the young man nodding in acknowledgement, he did not continue to ask further questions.

 In her case, she gave this young man the tolerance he deserved.

"I'll give you the phone number. I'll call him later. You can contact him directly."

Mei Yeqin thought for a moment and then relaxed.

Jiang Sui's eyes were filled with light and he looked at her, "Thank you, aunt."

This is a bit childish, Mei Yeqin thought, the cold look just now seemed to be that he was afraid that she wouldn't tell him or help him, so he was cold to her. Now the coolness has been broken a lot by the shock. .

“However, if you need my help with anything, you still have to tell me.”

 This is something Mei Yeqin emphasizes to the young man every time, telling him about his strong backing and harbor. Although the young man has never needed it, this time it is obviously a good start.

  The young man who listened to Mei Yeqin's words met her expression with stern eyes, and with his thin lips, he tried his best to say something that made Mei Yeqin happy but also sour.

“Auntie, when this matter is over, you can check it out for me.”

There was a moment of astonishment on Mei Yeqin's face. She didn't understand the boy's meaning just now, but she understood after a moment, and spoke with difficulty and sadness.


 It turns out that this kid has always known that she is a psychiatrist.

At this moment, Mei Yeqin felt that what she had done was right, and she would protect her Asui for her sister.

When Pei Dai, who was on duty, received the call from Mei Yeqin, his eyes were a little dazed. He looked at the person who was handing out midnight snacks in the office and put his index finger to his lips for a moment.


As the people playing around became quiet, they looked at Pei Dai with different expressions.

  With that strong and heroic face, there is a difficult tenderness.


The voice of surprise made Mei Yeqin a little uncomfortable when she got through the call. When she didn't get through at first, she was worried that he had changed his phone number, or that he hadn't saved her phone number and didn't answer it. She would hear this kind of surprise. The awkward tenderness inevitably reminds me of my own school days.

 He actually still has his own phone.

 Soon, Mei Yeqin returned to her previous calmness.

"it's me."

 Long currents radiated in each other's earholes. It took a long time before Mei Yeqin spoke.

"It's so late. I don't know if I'm disturbing you. I have something I want to trouble you with."

Mei Yeqin has the kind of temperament that doesn't talk much. She was known as a cold beauty in school. Only Pei Dai knows that she just doesn't know how to get along with others and is a little confused. In fact, she has a very direct temperament.

Together with the sentence, "Let's fall in love," they were too direct, which made him feel a little ashamed.

Obviously, it is a person who wants to be thirty.

“Qinqin, what are you talking about?”

After the words fell, I felt that I was a little too fast. Was it inappropriate or was I too impatient? Would he scare her away?

This kind of worry made Captain Pei, who had always been indifferent, frown.

 Fortunately, he had already entered the office at this time, otherwise everyone would have eaten the melon, and the iron tree was in bloom.

Pei Dai, who was a little restless, walked around the office.

Mei Yeqin didn’t think that much.

“My nephew, Jiang Sui, has a case he wants to tell you.”

Her directness made Pei Dai stop and frown even more tightly. He had an impression of Qinqin's nephew, the indifferent young man. He just made a rough calculation and concluded that he should still be a child. There is still a case to be made?

But Mei Yeqin never joked, and she didn't like to joke. This made Pei Dai's face look a little more serious. This is Pei Dai when he usually handles cases.

“I don’t know much about the case in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, but my guess is that it is related to the young master of the Li family. I remember this case, and you seemed to have been involved at the time..."

 Hearing Mei Yeqin's words, Pei Dai stood still. This case was so impressive to him that the imprint in his mind has never dissipated. There were many doubts about that year...

How could Qinqin's nephew have any connection with this case? If so, he must have an impression. But at this moment, Pei Dai still can't remember the connection with Jiang Sui in this case.

"Asui didn't tell me what the specific matter was. I gave him your contact information and asked him to find you. He is a student of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School."

Mei Yeqin's last words made Pei Dai's brows loosen a little, but they were still tightly wrinkled. No one likes the family members of the people they like to be related to the case. Now that something like this happened, it has always been... Captain Pei, who is stupid, is even stupider.

“Qinqin, don’t worry, I will not wrongly accuse a good person, nor will I let a bad person go.”


Pei Dai also felt that this was a little inappropriate. It seemed like he was talking about a suspect, so he couldn't help but change his words immediately.

"Qinqin, that's not what I meant. If that kid Jiang Sui makes any mistakes, I will educate him for you..."

 It’s even worse after saying that, Pei Dai, the anxious ants climbed up the tree.

Mei Yeqin's eyebrows were slightly curved. She didn't expect that after so many years, this nerd would still look like this. Maybe it was the college campus life in those green years that made up for the pain of her sister's death. The corners of Mei Yeqin's lips curled up. There was some arc.

"I understand. Just treat it like a job. You don't need to make any openings for anyone. Just follow the normal process. Asui is my sister's child. I know best who he is."

“That’s it, you go about your business first and I won’t disturb you.”

Pei Dai gave a blank press.

That certainty made Pei Dai feel a little relieved, but also a little uncomfortable. He looked at the hung up phone on the other end.

  Without the slightest trace of nostalgia, it made him feel a little sour in his heart. The joy he had just felt had quietly dissipated a lot at this moment.

Like a dream, she finally took the initiative to call herself once after so many years.

 But this call is for someone else.

 It doesn’t count, it’s someone else, it’s Qinqin’s sister’s child who is also one of our own, and he is also his nephew.

 Captain Pei comforted himself by thinking this way.

Not surprisingly, there are a total of the following pairs in this article

1. Su Qingjiang followed

2. Qin Zhao and Wen Wan are in love with A Zhao, who has been repeating a grade for a year, and Wen Wan, who is already in college.

3. Hu Ling and Gu Zhizhou, a wealthy family who robbed Gu Shao

4. Mei Yeqin and Pei Dai, the aloof goddess and the upright and handsome uncle

5. Hu Yifan (guess it)



 (End of this chapter)

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