She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 130: Thought it was kind

Chapter 130 Thoughts of kindness

Mei Yeqin is obviously different from other parents.

Her voice was always soft, and even from the perspective of comforting Su Qing, she did not embarrass her. Such a state made the thoughts in Su Qing's mind feel extremely ashamed for a while.

"You have a great time in your adolescence. There is no need to be sad because of this matter. If you are really sad, just be a little sad. You have other things to do, right?"

"Qingqing, although I am Jiang Sui's aunt, we girls naturally want to be attracted to girls. If you need my help for anything, you can come to me."

"Of course, regarding feelings, this is your own business, and I will not interfere. But if Jiang Sui makes you feel in danger, then you can complain to me directly."

Like a spring breeze, her eyebrows always have a slight curve.

 Before leaving, I also left something like a hospitalization subsidy.

Su Qing felt as if a warm current had been injected into her heart, and her heart dropped a lot.

When she returned to the ward, Su Rao, who had been sleeping, got up again. Looking at Su Qing, she hesitated to speak but finally spoke.

“Qingqing, you haven’t been back to school these days. Have you fallen behind in your classes?”

Su Qing has always attached great importance to grades. At this moment, Su Rao also knew that she had been hospitalized for about a week. She must have missed a lot of courses. Although she was a woman who had not studied much, she You can also know that reading is not easy.

 “It’s okay, mom.”

 “I got the first place in the whole grade this time.”

The girl's words were calm, in order to dispel Su Rao's worries, but they caused thousands of waves in Su Rao's heart, and a surprise smile instantly appeared on her eyebrows.

It was Monday morning when Su Qing asked for leave. Li Ran disagreed and said that he could not slack off in his studies just because he had improved in the exam. However, after Su Qing told the truth, Li Ran still regressed.

Su Qing had expected the first place, but Jiang Sui didn't take the exam, otherwise she should have known the gap between herself and Jiang Sui.

“Qingqing, I got first place in the exam. Whatever you want to eat, I’ll make it for you when mom gets better.”

Su Rao's eyes were filled with bright tears, and his expression was much better than before, which was lifeless. He even regained his vitality for a moment.

 She doesn’t want to hold back her own girl.

 “Okay, Mom, you have to rest first.”

The weekend is coming soon. After the weekend, I will have a check-up and I will be discharged from the hospital. Su Qing prayed, hoping that Su Rao can really get better. Her eyelashes trembled, and some of her emotions wanted to spill out, but they were suppressed all the time. With.

Su Qing didn't expect that when she took Su Rao for a checkup on Monday, she would bump into Hu Yifan. They were both doing a CT scan. Su Qing lowered her head, bit her lip, and wanted to avoid it, but she couldn't avoid it no matter what. opened.

 Because Hu Yifan had already greeted Su Qing in advance.

 “Hi, Su Qing.”

There was a smile in the boy's bright eyes, and his handsome face, but the way he was covering his head was a bit funny. It was not difficult to see that his head was swollen. The boy bared his teeth and turned towards Su Qing the moment he saw her. Coming.

Unable to escape, Su Qing had no choice but to confront Hu Yifan.


Her lack of words left the two of them speechless. Su Qing was somewhat glad that Su Rao was not in front of him at this moment.

"What are you doing here?"

Hu Yifan raised his eyebrows and asked Su Qing.

Su Qing bit her lip, "I'm feeling a little uncomfortable, let's take a look."

Su Qing had known about the relationship between Hu Yifan and Jiang Sui for a long time. She thought that the young man would stop talking to her after seeing her break up with Jiang Sui. Unexpectedly, he still came up to her and said hello with a smile.

This made Su Qing unsure of what he meant for a while, so he naturally lied.

"Where does it hurt?"

“I heard from my classmates that you haven’t been to school for a week.”

Hu Yifan frowned and looked at Su Qing.

Su Qing felt a little uncomfortable, "I haven't been feeling well these days, so I asked for leave."

Fortunately, Hu Yifan was called soon, and the embarrassing topic was no longer continued. However, Su Qing knew it was bad because she had a feeling that Hu Yifan's big mouth would definitely tell Jiang Sui about the matter. .

She felt a little melancholy and didn't know what was worrying her.

So Su Qing, who was waiting for the results of the CT scan, was a little restless in the ward until an uninvited guest came, and that person turned out to be Zhang Yihan.

His appearance made Su Qing a little stunned. Before he could calm down, Zhang Yihan was already standing in front of the hospital bed. He put the fruit he brought on the bedside table and introduced himself to Su Rao, who was also a little surprised. .

“Hello aunt, I am Su Qing’s deskmate, my name is Zhang Yihan. I went to visit during this time because I was reporting to Qingbei, so I didn’t have time to see you.”

Zhang Yihan pushed up his glasses frame, a little reserved, but still polite.

The word "Qingbei" shocked Su Rao. After all, it was the highest university. Thinking of Su Qing's first place in the exam, they were still classmates.

 “Sit down quickly, we’ll have to ask you to take care of us.”

Su Rao’s voice was so gentle that he didn’t use much effort.

Zhang Yihan's abruptness made Su Qing's eyebrows look a little cold. She placed a stool in front of him and the young man waved his hand.

"Auntie, I won't sit down anymore. I came here today to make up for the missed lessons for Su Qing."

As soon as Su Rao said this, she felt a state of fervent gratitude in her heart, but she was still a little worried. She never knew that Su Qing's deskmate was a boy.

 She clearly saw resistance in Su Qing's eyes.

Zhang Yihan also felt that he was a little hasty, but after he came back from Qingbei, he asked the head teacher why Su Qing asked for leave. Naturally, it was because he had already submitted the application, and helping others to make up classes would not have any impact on him, and he Li Ran was also Su Qing's deskmate. Although Li Ran was a little hesitant, he still agreed.

There was no unnecessary emotion in Su Qing's eyebrows.

 “Thank you, I don’t need it.”

Her voice was very low, and she was even a little dissatisfied with Zhang Yihan's sudden intrusion. When Li Ran asked someone to help her make up lessons, she declined. Unexpectedly, the person who was supposed to come came anyway.

Zhang Yihan was so abrupt and did not say hello, which made Su Qing a little annoyed.

 But because of Su Rao, she couldn't refuse completely.

Zhang Yihan obviously didn't expect that Su Qing would actually say it. The first sentence she said to him was such a cold words and rejection.

 Zhang Yihan couldn't react for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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