She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 131: i don't hate you

Chapter 131 I don’t hate you

 Zhang Yihan had planned all of this, but her mother was sick and she had missed many of her classes, so he could help her. This was the best opportunity.

So after Zhang Yihan learned about what happened to Su Qing and asked for leave, he took the initiative to ask Li Ran for leave. As a person who had already submitted the application, Li Ran had no reason to refuse.

Even though Su Qing rejected her argument that she didn’t need others to make up the lessons, Li Ran, as a teacher, still followed his own ideas.

 At this moment, Zhang Yihan clearly noticed Su Qing's displeasure.

Her indifferent expression was not restrained at all because she was in front of Su Rao at this moment, or she had already restrained herself a little, otherwise she would have been even more indifferent.

 Zhang Yihan did not react for a while.

 “Mom, let me send my classmate out first.”

Su Rao knew Su Qing's temperament well, so she could only look at Zhang Yihan slightly apologetically.

Before Zhang Yihan could react in time, Su Qing was already standing at the door of the ward, with a fierce coldness in the girl's eyes.

Following Su Qing all the way to the door of the hospital.

"I'll send you here. Thank you for coming to see my mother." Su Qing stood on the steps and looked at Zhang Yihan.

 She gave Zhang Yihan a ninety-degree bow with great force.

 “Su Qing….”

Zhang Yihan, who was at the bottom of the steps, looked at the girl bowing, then turned around to leave, but he still managed to stay.

Su Qing turned her head slightly to look at Zhang Yihan. Because she was a girl standing on the steps, she suddenly seemed taller and looked at Zhang Yihan with a faint look, without any unnecessary expression.

 Too indifferent.

The words in Zhang Yihan's mouth seemed to be stuck, but the clenched fist at his side gave him the strength to break out the words.

“Su Qing, do you hate me?”

Having gathered enough courage, Zhang Yihan didn't dare to look at Su Qing's expression. He could only stand there quietly waiting for Su Qing's answer.


Su Qing's words seemed to give Zhang Yihan unprecedented courage. The young man immediately raised his head and looked at Su Qing excitedly, wondering if he would have a chance. Although there were some ups and downs between her and Jiang Sui before, he didn't mind...

 “Su Qing, I...”

Zhang Yihan blurted out his confession, but Su Qing stopped him.

 “I don’t hate you, but I don’t like you either.”

 The girl rarely expressed her emotions, and she slightly frowned at this moment.

 She doesn’t like him? Zhang Yihan's face looked a little embarrassed and uncomfortable, and his eyes were confused and a little angry.

 “Is it because of Jiang Sui?”

“Jiang Sui is not suitable for you, I am the one who is suitable for you.”

Zhang Yihan's face turned very ugly when he spoke. He was also a recommended student from Qingbei, and his family's conditions were above average. Why did these girls like Jiang Sui? Zhang Yihan had a strong sense of self-esteem because he was angry or rejected. The boy's chest was rising and falling at this moment.

Su Qing's brows furrowed even more tightly, and her eyes were almost cold to the point of coldness.

“Zhang Yihan, it’s not because of anyone, and you and I have never done anything beyond each other. In this world, whoever you like should not like you.”

 Perhaps those two words in the name made Su Qing's mood fluctuate, and there were some gloomy dark clouds in her eyes that refused to dissipate.

"So you admit that you like Jiang Sui, right? Otherwise, you clearly agreed to treat him to dinner, but it was Jiang Sui who settled the bill. Su Qing, are you interested in his family's money?"

Zhang Yihan clenched his hands tightly into fists and approached Su Qing.

 The young man who had always been a scholar became a little irritable.

This made Su Qing feel very uncomfortable. She didn't even bother to explain. She turned around and was about to leave, which completely angered Zhang Yihan.

"Su Qing, it's useless for you to like Jiang Sui. He has been kicked out by the Jiang family a long time ago. He has been making money by playing match-fixing in the stadium below."

Zhang Yihan had a nasty smile on his lips.

As expected, Su Qing stopped, turned around, and looked at Zhang Yihan with an extremely unfamiliar look.

 “Who I like is my business and has nothing to do with you.”

"But one thing I can be sure of is that I won't like anyone I like. I hate those people who do little tricks behind my back. They are not aboveboard enough and live like maggots, which is disgusting."

After Su Qing finished speaking, Zhang Yihan's eyes became extremely ugly, and he looked at the thin figure going away.

There was something in her words, and it was obvious that she knew something, especially when her cold eyes fell on him, which made Zhang Yihan very irritable.

Su Qing does have some guesses, but he is not sure yet. Just looking at Zhang Yihan's reaction today, he is somewhat sure.

Thanks to Ran Ran who kept telling her that she thought the class monitor was quite nice before, but later she thought he was a little weird and asked her several times about her whereabouts. However, Zhang Yihan was never in the school, so Su Qing just No more attention.

 But hearing what Zhang Yihan said made Su Qing think a little more.

Jiang Sui was kicked out of his family?

 He was playing match-fixing on the court below?

Su Qing pursed her lips, and the fingers on her side couldn't help trembling. She closed her eyes tightly. On the way back to the ward, in the noisy hall, when she opened her eyes and was about to enter the elevator, she saw the young man's tall body. , his handsome face was stained with color, and there were obvious scars, which were too conspicuous and could not be ignored.

Su Qing was startled and looked at Jiang Sui in a daze. He was a little thinner. His hair, which was a bit long, had been cut much shorter, revealing a clean forehead and a big wound on the bridge of his nose. It was shocking. very.

Wearing blue jeans, the boy still wears a simple black T-shirt without any pattern on such a cold day.

  When Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui, the young man's eyes also stayed on her face for a few seconds.

  Yes, it only lasted a few seconds, and I hurriedly passed by and got off the elevator.

Su Qing was still in a trance until she reached the door of the ward, wondering whether she had seen it wrong, but the sense of reality made it impossible for her to ignore it.

“Qingqing, don’t you like that boy just now?”

Su Rao's voice brought Su Qing's thoughts back to reality.

Seeing the questions on Su Qing's face, Su Rao stopped asking. The boy looked very polite and seemed to care about Qing Qing, but Qing Qing didn't look happy. Su Rao I didn’t ask any more questions.

At this moment, Jiang Sui, who was almost exposed because he happened to bump into Su Qing, was leaning against the stairs.

His body was pressed against the cold wall, and a touch of pity flashed across Ling Ran's eyes.

 She seems to have lost weight, too thin, even thinner than before.

 (End of this chapter)

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