She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 132: Can be discharged from hospital

Chapter 132 Can be discharged from hospital

 “Mom, what are you talking about?”

Su Raoxu saw the coldness in the girl's eyes, but he never continued the topic.

She is actually a relatively open mother, but because of what happened to her child, Su Rao is torn inside. On the one hand, she hopes that her child can make friends, and on the other hand, she hopes that her child will not Being hurt, like an ordinary parent would.

 Monday is the time to get the test results. After taking them out and showing them to the doctor, you can determine when you will be discharged from the hospital.

Su Qing originally wanted to go to the laboratory building of the hospital to get the test, but she put it aside because she met Jiang Sui.

 She looked a little wandering for a moment.

“Nanny, can mom be discharged from the hospital?”

Su Rao thinks about being discharged from the hospital every day. She doesn't want to stay in this expensive inpatient department. Although she has heard that there are a lot of subsidies, she still has to pay part of the money in the end. The subsidies are already very good. , but she really didn’t want to spend a penny more, so she couldn’t wait to be discharged from the hospital.

  Basically, I have to ask once a day, not only to Su Qing, but also to the doctor, tirelessly.

Su Qing knew her inner thoughts, and every time she told Su Rao truthfully, she would be stunned by Su Rao's words and then come to her senses.

“It’s not good yet, mom, don’t worry, we have to wait for the test results to come out before we can determine when you will be discharged from the hospital.”

“The test results, I heard from Dr. Cao, didn’t come out today?”

Su Rao couldn't remember anything clearly, but this was clear. Seeing Su Qing not speak, her heart suddenly rose to her throat.

“Qingqing, tell me if this is serious!”

Su Rao frowned and was about to lift the quilt and get out of bed.

“Qingqing, she is dead and has been discharged from the hospital. Mom is fine. Mom knows it herself. Look, I have eaten quite a lot these days and am in good spirits. We will be discharged from the hospital.”

Su Rao's eyes were filled with tears as he spoke.

From the bottom of her heart, she did not want to drag her daughter down. She knew that her body was a bottomless pit.

Su Rao's sad look made Su Qing's eyes look a little hidden. She bit her lip and held Su Rao's hand.

“Mom, don’t think too much. I haven’t gone to get the test results yet. What are you talking about?”

 The girl who rarely expresses her emotions has a bit of tears in her eyes at this moment.

“Mom, you’re the only one I have left. If you’re sick, we’ll treat you. How can you say such a thing!”

 She is like a little adult, with a strong backbone.

She stared at Su Rao with burning eyes, and the firm color inside did not allow her to retreat in any way.

Su Rao's lips trembled slightly, trying to say something, but under his daughter's gaze, he never said anything.

 Bursts of tenderness spread among the mother and daughter.

“Sister Su, just take good care of your health. The surgery went well.”

I don’t know when Cao Weiguang walked in, holding the test list in his hand. His face was always solemn and solemn. At this moment, I don’t know if it was because he was tainted with the slightest warmth from the mother and daughter.

 He looks a little gentle.

  Spread out the test sheet and place it in front of the mother and daughter.

Su Qing was a little stunned. She was still thinking about how she would get the test results later and whether she would meet Jiang Sui again. In fact, there was nothing left between the two of them, but for some reason, Su Qing didn't want to touch her. When I see him, I want to meet him, but when I meet him, I have to run away or avoid him.

 Such thoughts made her very confused.

But at this moment, the test report has been delivered to the two of them, and it seems that they have missed an opportunity to see Jiang Sui. The moment this idea came to mind, Su Qing was a little shocked and then became sober.

“I just went to the laboratory and brought this test sheet to you. I saw that it showed no abnormality. Why did the mother and daughter start crying?”

 That's good news.

Cao Weiguang lied a little. He didn't bring the test list with him, but a handsome young man gave it to him, and said that he wouldn't let others know.

 The sincere look in the young man's eyes made Cao Weiguang want to refuse, but for some reason he inexplicably followed up.

I just wanted to ask something after seeing Su Qing, but I still didn't ask.

Su Rao looked at Cao Weiguang intensely at this moment.

 Very cautiously, I saw that the name and information written on it were all my own. I was sure that there were no unusual words, and finally the sad look on my face relaxed a little.

 Some were unsure and looked at the doctor cautiously.

“Doctor Cao, am I really okay?”

Like a dead tree blooming with spring, her energy and energy instantly became much more radiant.

Cao Weiguang loosened his lower lip. In fact, it cannot be said that he is fine in a strict sense. The result of the current examination is that there is no metastasis, but we still need to observe what happens next.

But looking at that hopeful look, and Su Qing's eyes, when looking at it.

 He nodded anyway.

 The sudden feeling of surprise made Su Qing's eyes slowly widen. She looked at Su Rao, and Su Rao also looked at Su Qing. The mother and daughter hugged each other.

 After a brief hug, Su Rao looked at Cao Weiguang with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

 He wanted to speak but stopped.

“Doctor Cao, when can I be discharged from the hospital?”

This is still Su Yao's problem, and Wei Wei Wao's problem can't be circumvented. After all, hospitals are indeed places where money is spent.

"Doctor Cao, don't listen to my mother's urging. You can leave the hospital when you should. We have money."

 In fact, this illness has almost exhausted both mother and daughter. Su Qing pinched the fingertips on her side and spoke confidently.

When Cao Weiguang first saw this thin girl, he felt that she was stronger than ordinary people. He never forgot the serious look on her face as she stood in front of him, picked up her phone to record and record videos.

 Said I can take responsibility.

 In the end, I actually sent the video to my mobile phone.

 Cao Weiguang was shocked to see such a shining point in a young girl.


Su Rao pulled Su Qing's sleeve. She didn't want Su Qing to talk nonsense. She felt that everything was fine anyway, so she should be discharged from the hospital soon.

She knew the background of her family. Although the girl put the hospital receipt quietly in her schoolbag, Su Rao would take it out and take a sneak peek when Su Qing went to the cafeteria to get food.

 She knew very well what the expenses were.

 What she is spending now is the money for her daughter’s college education!

How could she bear it?

 (End of this chapter)

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