She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 133: Do you like Jiang Sui?

Chapter 133 Do you like Jiang Sui?

Chao Weiguang said that he can be discharged from the hospital.

Su Rao's heart, which had been hanging on, finally relaxed a lot.

Su Rao is discharged from the hospital, which means that Su Qing can go to school normally.

 It also means that you don’t have to spend money anymore.

Su Rao really didn’t want his daughter to miss out on her studies because of him.

 After returning home, Su Qing wanted to stay at home with Su Rao for a few days, but Su Rao refused and forced Su Qing to go to school.

Su Qing, who was number one in the whole grade, took almost half a month off after taking the first place in the exam. The entire senior year of high school knew that this person existed.

Su Qing, who had always been low-key, became an eye-catching presence, which made Su Qing very uncomfortable.

“Did you see that he is the first in the whole grade in the third year of high school?”

“She looks just like that. I heard she is Jiang Sui’s ex-girlfriend..."

 “Hush, keep your voice down, don’t let others hear you.”

“What’s wrong with hearing, what’s wrong with studying well, it’s really shameless, using the latest mobile phone and still holding a scholarship.”

These words seemed to be free of charge. Su Qing could hear a lot of them, but most of the time she chose to ignore them.

 As long as there was no obvious provocation, Su Qing chose to tolerate it. Fortunately, those few people seemed to never do anything anymore.

 Perhaps it was because Su Qing had been coming to class for a long time that she forgot about her.

 She came to class, but Hu Yifan and Jiang Sui didn't seem to come.

Hu Yifan seems to have joined the basketball team.

Where is Jiang Sui...

 Is he really playing match-fixing in an underground stadium?

 Have you really been kicked out of your family?

Su Qing didn't dare to think about it, nor did she dare to ask.

All these questions were like doubts in Su Qing's heart. She didn't dare to touch them and could only let them hang in her heart.

 There was no trace of that boy in the school, as if something was missing.

 Ever since that chance meeting in the hospital, it seemed that they really had nothing to do with each other.

Su Qing calmed down and focused on studying. Fortunately, she had already applied with the teacher to change her deskmate, so she sat alone.

No matter what others think, Su Qing just wants to make up for those missed lessons.

 Fortunately, it’s not a lot.

Liu Ranran called early and said that she was not allowed to go to the hospital to see Su's mother before, but this time she had to go to the hospital and see her at home.

Su Qing couldn't refuse and could only let her come.

 The weekend is coming soon.

Liu Ranran found Su Qing's home with ease, carrying fresh fruits. He hadn't seen her for more than half a month. Liu Ranran was thinner than before, with a pointed chin on her round cheeks, and a cute smile on her almond-shaped eyes. , even more cute.

“Whatever Ran Ran wants to eat, auntie will cook for you today.”

Su Rao liked this girl very much. Her clean eyes made her very happy to look at her.

 Liu Ranran waved his hand and peeled an orange.

“No, Auntie, I came here today firstly to see you, and secondly because I want to borrow Qingqing to go shopping with me.”

Liu Ranran looked at Su Rao with a smile. Knowing Su Rao's condition, she naturally couldn't let Su's mother cook.

Su Rao didn't know what Liu Ranran was thinking. He just thought that Su Qing should go out for a walk. He stayed in the house with her every day, either studying or taking care of her.

"Okay, okay, you guys, you can hang out as long as you want. Get out quickly and don't get in the way of my old lady here."

Su Qing didn't want Su Rao to cook. Although her cooking skills were not very good, she could still cook some edible meals. She had already planned to cook today, but when she heard Liu Ranran unexpectedly When she said she wanted to go out, she refused without even thinking about it.

Su Rao's condition has just stabilized. Although the doctor said that nothing will happen, Su Qing knows very well about this kind of disease, so she wants to stay by Su Rao's side as much as possible.

 So much so that I didn’t even go to self-study recently and just studied at home.

“Qingqing, go out for a walk. Mom will call you if anything happens.”

Su Rao knew that Su Qing was worried about him.

 She never thought that she would become a slave to her daughter.

 At Su Rao's repeated request, Su Qing followed Liu Ranran out.

Liu Ranran Xu had not had such freedom for a long time. Su Qing was able to arrange one-stop services such as buying drinks, drinking milk tea, and eating snacks.

 Let Su Qing's mind feel a little empty for a while.

 Just during lunch, Liu Ranran looked at Su Qing several times without hesitating to speak.


She is not a person who can hide her words. Her eyes always betray Su Qing that she has something to hide.

“Ran Ran, do you have something to tell me when you came to see me today?”

Ran Ran doesn't seem like the kind of person who doesn't understand Su Qing. She seems to have deliberately made a date with Su Qing in front of Su's mother because she knows her well and knows that she won't come out.

Especially when Liu Ranran wants to say something but doesn't dare, he will eat so much that his stomach is already full.

 Naturally, he looked at Su Qing with some anxiety, and his almond-shaped eyes looked at Su Qing in shock.

 “Qingqing, how do you know I have something to say...”

She hasn’t even said anything yet, but she actually knows what she has to say.

Su Qing pursed her lips, as if she knew what she was talking about, and Liu Ranran smacked her lips.

 “Okay, then I’ve said it.”

Su Qing nodded.

  “Say it.”

But Liu Ranran was still confused in her heart. She didn't know whether to speak or not, so she took another sip of milk tea, mustered up her courage, and spoke again.

 “I really said it.”

 She blinked her eyes and looked at Su Qing with burning eyes.

Su Qing nodded patiently.

 “I really said it….”

 That anxious look and Liu Ranran's confusion were all reflected in Su Qing's eyes.

Su Qing pinched her fingers under the table.

 “Do you want to tell me about Jiang Sui?”

 Liu Ranran was so shocked that she opened her mouth.

 “ do you know.”

 Liu Ranran scolded Hu Yifan a thousand times in his heart at this moment, and Qingqing's reaction was obviously different from what he said.

 She regretted taking this job.

But Hu Yifan said he would give her the in-field ticket to the Crescent Band...

And she seems to be able to feel that Qingqing likes Jiang Sui, so it can't be regarded as cheating on her best friend.

 This is how she comforted herself.

 But now I see that Su Qing said what she wanted to say without even thinking about it, and she guessed a big beginning.

 Liu Ranran didn't know how to continue talking for a moment.

 "Qingqing, do you like Jiang Sui..."

 Forgetting his original purpose, Liu Ranran said a topic that made Su Qing feel suffocated.

Her eyelashes trembled a little and she lowered her eyes...

 (End of this chapter)

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