She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 140: I can't wait to do it

Chapter 140 I wish I could

 Looking at the bedroom door, it was already closed.

The teenager had already regarded her as an air and let her do it, basically didn't take care of her.

  The tense and inexplicable emotions that were in the long journey completely dissipated.

At this moment, Su Qing just thought that he had not changed his dressing yet, and that he had only been simply disinfected when he was outside.

  And there are not only those for external use, but also some that need to be taken internally.

 But looking at the closed bedroom door, Su Qing fell into deep thought.

She bit her lip and walked back and forth in the living room several times before finally summoning up the courage to knock on Jiang Sui's door.

 Only this time, before she could raise her hand, the boy walked out of the room.

 He had obviously changed his clothes at this moment.

The room is not as dark as before, but is much brighter. The young man's fine hair is wet and steamy, his eyes are half covered, he has changed into long-sleeved and long-trousers pajamas, and he is holding a girl in his arms. Tuan quilt.

 Did he give her a quilt?

Jiang Sui's house only has one room, a one-bedroom-one-living room, but there are two bathrooms, one outside and one inside. The strange thing is that there is only a toilet outside but no place to take a shower, but there is a shower inside the master bedroom. .

Thinking that Jiang Sui was giving him a quilt, Su Qing reached out to take the quilt, but was avoided by the young man.

Water drops dripped on the thin quilt, leaving faint circle marks.

 “I sleep outside.”

The young man's voice did not allow anyone to refuse, and he did not even give anyone room to bargain. He pushed Su Qing directly into the bedroom and closed the door.

Su Qing looked at the closed door, a flash of emotion flashed in her eyes, and rubbed her fingertips.

There are still a few drops of boiling water on the ground, and the air is still filled with the faint aroma of the body wash that the young man had left just a moment ago, a refreshing and sweet smell that makes people a little bit fascinated.

Su Qing bit her lip.

He still had injuries on his ankles, so he took a shower like that.

 Pushing the door open, without thinking much, Su Qing walked to the sofa. The young man's long eyelashes were holding his mobile phone while sending a message. The brightness on the screen illuminated the handsome face, which was particularly white.

He was so white that the scars on his face were very dazzling.

 When Su Qing's figure fell next to the young man, a ray of light was blocked.

Jiang Sui's eyes were flustered for a moment, but he quickly stopped and pressed the extinguishing button on his phone. His eyes turned to look at Su Qing coldly.

“What else do you want to do? Do you really want me to do something?”

 The young man's voice was deep and frightened, and his eyes were even darker.

 A cold smile curled up her thin lips.

 Did he want to scare him away with these words? Su Qing was not stupid, she was just a little late-minded. When she started eating, she deliberately used that attitude to make her eat a lot of food.

And just now, let her sleep in the bedroom.

From the beginning to the end, no, not just from the beginning to the end, but from the very beginning, Jiang Sui didn't seem to have done anything surprising, nor did he do anything excessive.

 From the time the two met, he had never done anything out of the ordinary to himself.

 But even though she knew all this in her heart, Su Qing still felt a little sad after hearing these words.

 “I’ll give you some medicine.”

Su Qing lowered her eyes, half-crouched in front of Jiang Sui, and placed the medicine box in her hand on the coffee table.

  She did not deliberately say harsh words to the young man. Her voice was gentle and murmuring, which was very pleasant to the ear.

It was just the boy on the sofa who was so indifferent as he watched her take out everything from the medicine box. He even turned his back to her, showing off his uncooperative appearance.

Su Qing didn't dare to touch him hard, for fear of touching his wound.

Furthermore, Su Qing couldn't handle the matter of pulling his quilt. Su Qing, who had been contemplating something in her mind, reached out to pull the boy's quilt.

“Jiang Sui, if you don’t apply the medicine, I won’t go back to sleep, so let’s stick to this.”

The girl bit her lip, but still retracted her stiff fingers, and then felt helpless, even sitting on the ground in a dazed state.

Jiang Suizai's eyes darkened when he turned around and saw Su Qing sitting on the ground.

 “Su Qing!”

His voice was a little thick, with a lot of anger in it.

 “Have you learned how to threaten me?”

She is thin, small, and quite stubborn. No one can persuade her. The girl is very sensible and meets Jiang Sui's eyes without fear.


“Well, yes, are you taking medicine now?”

 It seems that as long as you agree, I will get up and give you medicine immediately.

Jiang Sui frowned.

"hurry up."

 He still couldn't see her sad, so he compromised, and Su Qing accepted it as soon as possible.

 Just looking at the happy look with open eyebrows, the young man pursed his lips and spoke lightly.

“Hurry up and finish the medicine and get out of the room, otherwise I won’t know what to do to you.”

In the room where the air was condensed, Su Qing's fingers met those deep eyes. She instinctively trembled with fear. She bit her lip and did not speak.

The young man lifted up his trouser legs. In fact, it didn't hurt much. Pain and injuries were always something he didn't care about.

Now that I have taken a shower, my skin is very white, and the wounds that appear are even more shocking.

His brows were not wrinkled. Su Qing took the medicine very slowly this time, and the procedure was much more complicated than when she was outside just now. She even checked the doctor on the Internet.

Seeing a doctor with pictures and texts was something she had always thought was unreliable. But because Jiang Sui didn't go to the hospital, Su Qing secretly took photos of Jiang Sui's wounds and sent them to her while ordering takeout. The doctor.

The doctor’s advice is to go to the hospital.

Jiang Sui's appearance that it was no big deal, or even that he didn't care, made Su Qing very distressed.

 So she applied ice, painstakingly disinfected it, applied medicine, wrapped it in gauze, and raised the boy's legs on the mat, slightly higher than his head.

 “This can activate blood circulation.”

This is a medical method and very feasible. Su Qing was afraid that the boy would put his legs down and said something to Jiang Sui before leaving.

"From time to time, I will still come out to take a look. If you let it go, I will be outside with you."

 She was very serious and didn't even feel that there was anything she said that was inappropriate.

The young man raised his eyebrows.

 “Good me, come out and be with me, I’d love it?”

Su Qing realized at this moment that what she said was not quite right. Her cheeks turned slightly red and she bit her lip.

“Jiang Sui, don’t put your feet down!”

 Lean forward and gently pressed his lips to Jiang Sui's forehead.

After giving way, under the gaze of the young man, he ran away with a somewhat messy step.

 (End of this chapter)

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