She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 141: It's impossible for us

Chapter 141 It’s impossible for us

 Looking at the closed bedroom door.

On the young man's face, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, but soon darkened.

  Pinched the phone in the palm of his hand and put it on the coffee table beside him. He looked up and saw his feet being tiptoed by Su Qing. He felt a little uncomfortable, but he still didn't take them off.

 “Jiang Sui….”

 Suddenly a small face appeared from the crack in the door.

Jiang Sui's face immediately turned cold.

Su Qing pointed to the chandelier above her head.

"It's time to go to bed. I'll come out and help you turn off the lights." Su Qing returned to the room and thought that he might not be able to turn off the lights by himself. The lights in the living room were controlled at the entrance.

Without waiting for the teenager to speak, Su Qing padded his feet, trotted, turned off the lights, and then stomped to the room of the bedroom.


Su Qing bit her lip when she accidentally bumped into the edge of the dining table.

"Su Qing, are you a pig? If you can't see clearly, you can't use the light of your mobile phone to shine it!"

The cold light of the mobile phone illuminated a straight line and spread around. The young man's tone was so urgent that he didn't even notice it.

Su Qing pursed her lips, lowered her head, followed the light illuminated by Jiang Sui, and saw the bedroom door. Then she turned her head and gently faced the figure behind the beam of light.

 “Jiang Sui, good night.”

 In the quiet living room, there was nothing except the sound of Su Qing closing the door.

 In the dark night, the young man stared at the door with deep and pure eyes.

Su Qing had been to Jiang Sui's bedroom. She had been here once when he was sick last time.

 Very clean and tidy, it seems like a bit of a mysophobia.

On the boy's bed, there was a pair of brand-new pajamas left for her, the ones that had not yet had their labels removed. Even body wash, soap, toothbrushes, etc. were all placed one by one in a washing basket.

 Even scolded her for being stupid just now.

That young man, really, he really likes her.

Su Qing has seen in law that no one will be unconditionally good to someone. If he is good, then he has a motive. She has nothing, so what is his motive?

 Is it what she likes?

Su Qing, who was thinking wildly, felt a little awkward about taking a shower at first, but when she saw the things Jiang Sui had prepared, she suddenly felt relieved and walked into the bathroom feeling anxious and nervous.

I didn't expect everything to end so quickly. When Su Qing was lying on the bed, the fragrant smell made her fall asleep.

Even had a very good dream, but when she woke up early and opened her eyes, she was surprised that she had such a good night's sleep and could not remember the dream she had.

She couldn't quite remember what happened in the dream, but the feeling in the dream always lingered around her. Brightness, uprightness, flowers, applause, and justice were all there, filling her mind. In his eyes, there was nothing left but clarity.

Just like this, Su Qing walked out of the room in a daze.

 The living room was actually empty, except for the quilt folded on the sofa.

Su Qing walked to the restaurant and saw that the table was already set with fried dough sticks, eggs, soy milk, and a small bowl of millet porridge.

There was a note under the bowl. Su Qing picked it up and it read.

 “After dinner, go home, we have no chance.”

He recognized her handwriting. Su Qing pinched the note and put it on the table. She reached out and touched the food on the table. It was still warm.

 He must have left not long ago.

Su Qing read that sentence for a long time, and always felt that he did not dare to face himself, so he wrote it down like this.

Su Qing bit her lip, she was completely awake now. She was in a daze last night, and she was still evil in her heart. She was worried about locking the door or something, but in fact, nothing happened.

Sitting on the dining chair, Su Qing ate her meal in small bites.

Although Su Qing had no appetite, she still ate more than before.

After putting away the trash and other things, Su Qing closed the door and planned to go home first. Thinking that Jiang Sui's ankle was still injured, Su Qing bit her lip and decided to go to the hospital instead of going home.

She is not someone who likes to complain to her parents, but Jiang Sui is so disobedient.

Mei Yeqin was very surprised when she saw Su Qing.

“Director Mei, I came to see you about Jiang Sui.”

Mei Yeqin was even more surprised, but she still let Su Qing go to her office.

Su Qing didn't know Mei Yeqin's phone contact information, so she hung up Mei Yeqin's number so that she could see her. This was a stupid and stupid method.

When Mei Yeqin finished her consultation, she saw the little girl in her office. She said it was about Jiang Sui, so Mei Yeqin was both curious and curious.

Su Qing didn't say anything about Jiang Sui playing on the court below. He just briefly mentioned that his ankle was injured.

Mei Yeqin called Jiang Sui immediately after the little girl left.

 “Asui, do you know who I just met?”

Mei Yeqin, who had always been outspoken and quick-spoken, started to act a bit more reserved and didn't speak when he saw the other end.

“Asui, what’s wrong with your ankle? Go to the hospital right away where you are.”

Other things are trivial, but Mei Yeqin has always been very worried about his own body. He doesn't want Jiang Sui to be harmed, especially physically.

 “She went to find you?”

Jiang Sui immediately thought of something and frowned.

Mei Yeqin didn't care about that either, she just reminded the boy step by step.

"Asui, auntie, I don't care what you think about her now, but if you really want to be together in the future, don't worry if you are really lame, then she will be willing to be with you, and so will you. Are you willing to let her bear the reputation of her boyfriend being lame?"

 It has to be said that Jiang is still old and spicy, after Mei Yeqin's words fell.

Jiang Sui's eyes were almost indifferent. He stared at his trouser legs for a long time. Those wounds that were not wounds at first, he said softly, "Hello".

 When he hung up the phone, a text message appeared on the boy's darkened screen.

"Jiang Sui, your leg is injured. I told Director Mei, and I also saw the note you left. However, I don't agree. If you don't go to the doctor, I will also crook my foot this afternoon. "

 Single words, very plain, not threatening.

Jiang Sui's eyes were stunned for a moment, and he dialed the phone decisively out of an almost instinctive reaction.

“Su Qing, do you want to be beaten?”

His words were obviously fierce, but Su Qingque smiled softly.

 The call came not even a minute after I sent the text message.

 Say what, we can’t! !

 He himself doesn’t even believe it!

 (End of this chapter)

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