She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 143: I want to go back to Jiangcheng

Chapter 143 I want to go back to Jiangcheng

Su Rao eventually took away the contents of those boxes intact.

 After dinner in the evening, Su Qing called Jiang Sui, but he didn't answer.

Su Qing sent a text message without even thinking about it.

  【Have you gone to see your feet? 】

She actually left Mei Yeqin’s phone number secretly, but it didn’t look like she wanted to call Mei Yeqin.

Although the young man didn't answer her call, he replied to the message quickly.

  【Looked, no bones were injured】

Without thinking, Su Qing changed hands and dialed Jiang Sui's number. This time he beeped twice and picked up the phone.

 The cool evening breeze was blowing. It was already the end of autumn, and it was still a bit chilly with the windows open.

After a long time, Su Qing spoke first.

“Jiang Sui, I’ve had a good meal. I ate a bowl and a half of rice at night. I’ve finished making the rolls and washed up.”

Like a report, a detailed, shallow voice, carried by the wind, spread into Jiang Sui's ears.

  She did not ask him about it first, but wanted to wait for him to take the initiative to talk to her.

“Su Qing, you are very annoyed, do you know that?”

The boy’s voice was low and his emotions could not be heard clearly.

She is a little sad, but fortunately, although she is indifferent and doesn't care about anything, her mentality is indeed very good.

“Yes, then I will be even more annoyed. I hope you don’t mind. Of course, it’s useless if you mind.”

Su Qing was not prepared to reply to the young man. She blocked what he wanted to say to refute her immediately, thinking in her mind that the young man seemed to be deflated and felt a little funny.

“Su Qing, are you bored?”

The young man's voice was a little impatient, deep and hoarse. It was very quiet over there. Su Qing guessed that he should be at home at this moment.

“Jiang Sui, I will feel sad if you do this.”

Su Qing told the truth. She lowered her eyes and placed her hand on the notebook given to her by the young man. She had already finished all the questions in it.


 When the young man wanted to hang up the phone, he was stopped by Su Qing.

 “Jiang Sui, you can’t hang up!”

Her voice was a little urgent. The young man's fingertips paused, but he still didn't press the interface.

“Jiang Sui, don’t go playing ball. The college entrance examination is about to take place.”

 “Didn’t you promise me….”

Jiang Sui, who was lying on the sofa at this moment, could feel it. The girl's cute face was looking at him eagerly, feeling aggrieved, hoping that he would agree. Jiang Sui couldn't help but tighten his fingertips on the phone.

“Su Qing, I can’t promise you.”

 Can't agree to her...

Su Qing pursed her lips, bit her lower lip, and paused with her fingers.


She knew he would have a hurtful answer, and she still wanted to hear him say yes, but the boy was not like he used to, giving a funny answer that she didn't even believe.

The young man’s answer at this moment made people very flustered.

"Su Qing, it's impossible for us. I'm going back to Jiangcheng."

Each word fell into Su Qing's ears, but Su Qing didn't seem to hear it clearly.

 A long, long time passed. He hung up the phone and Su Qing set the alarm clock as usual.

I'm also lying on the bed, but I can't fall asleep.

There were only a few words in his mind, he was going back to Jiangcheng.

 He is leaving.

 He also doesn’t seem to belong to Wuzhen.

 Su Qing was dazed and not in good spirits. She went to school after not having a good sleep all night.

As usual, Jiang Sui did not come to class, but Hu Yifan, who never attended class very much, did.

 His seat was somehow moved behind her.

This made Su Qing think. When he first came to Wuzhen No. 1 Middle School, his seat was right in front of Jiang Sui. He would either pull his pigtails or poke his back with the tip of a pen, which was very annoying.

It made her feel that such a handsome boy could play such a prank.

 He shouldn't look like that. Later, Su Qing discovered that he really shouldn't look like that, he just looked like that to her.

"Su Qing, don't be too sad. Brother Sui, he may have something to hide."

Su Qing nodded as Hu Yifan said to her, as if nothing had happened, two points and one line.

 School, home.

 Alone as always.

 The only difference is that someone started by stuffing rotten apples into her drawer, and then slowly applied glue to her bench.

 A series of pranks.

Su Qing's forbearance made many people think it was her compromise.

Even Hu Yifan stood up to support him, but in front of Hu Yifan, those people were very good.

 But Hu Yifan’s courses are different from Su Qing’s.

 It just got worse after that.

 The only difference is that Hu Yifan actually bought some miniature video recorders and recorded all the pranks.

 In the principal's office, the parents of the students promised again and again that their children would not commit the crime again.

 The people among them were all new faces that Su Qing had never seen before, and no one among them was familiar to her.

From this moment on, there was nothing in Su Qing's life except studying.

Jiang Sui’s phone is always turned off.

Occasionally, Hu Yifan would say a few words, such as following his brother to take exams wherever he went, or winning first place in competitions. These words made Su Qing more and more motivated to study.

She was studying hard as if she had been given a shot of chicken blood.

 The final exam is coming soon.

 The life that had been silent for a long time was finally broken.

 The day of the outbreak.

It was Su Qing who received Tian Shasha’s call.

“Su Qing, do you know what happened in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School? If you don’t want to be exposed, come here to see me.”

What happened in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School was like Su Qing's nightmare.

 Before Su Qing could ask how Tian Shasha knew, the other party hung up the phone.

 She received photos of herself on her phone.

 The face above is clearly hers.

Her clothes were scattered, and there were many pictures of Su's father being taken away. The photo made Su Qing numb in an instant.

 That day, she had a very full meal and it was a rainy night.

Su Qing thought that she was afraid that her life would be over.

 Because the place where Tian Shasha made an appointment with her was the one she had been to before, which was the broken house.

Just when she was about to reach the distance, a broad hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind the big tree.

“Su Qing, you are desperate for your life, how dare you come to this ghost place alone!”

  The young man whom I had not seen for a long time was very thin, his chin was tensed up, and his face was full of nervous anger.

The young man wore a black poncho, opened his umbrella, grabbed Su Qing's hand, and was about to walk back.

Why is that young man who should be in Jiangcheng here? Su Qing's lifeless eyes flashed, and then she wanted to pull Jiang Sui's hand away.

 “Jiang Sui, let go...!”

Dear cuties, many of them cannot be written and will be blocked. Please think about it yourself!

Be an upright person!

love yourself!

  Strong enough, brave enough and fearless enough!



 (End of this chapter)

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