She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 144: grand light

Chapter 144 The grand light

 “Su Qing, calm down!”

Jiang Sui's voice was cold, and he grabbed Su Qing's arm and didn't let go.

Like pouring rain, the young man seemed to have never left. He appeared in front of Su Qing like a **** descending. Su Qing was a little stunned. Her eyelashes were tied, and there was a little fragility on her cheeks, but her eyes were stiff. Very.

 “I can’t calm down.”

Those past photos were all stored in her mobile phone one by one. Someone really threatened her with those photos.

And that photo, how dare you!

Su Qing was not as calm as before. The contents of her trouser pockets had been escaped by Jiang Sui and fell to the ground.

 “Jiang Sui, let me go!”

I don't know if it was because of the heavy rain, but Su Qing couldn't open her eyes. She felt that the warmth in her eyes was almost drowning her.

 The young man's frail body, at this moment, gently held her in his arms.

“Qingqing be good, Qingqing don’t cry, Qingqing, be good and you will be fine soon. Those people are not worthy of your life to deprive that grand light, I will give you whatever you want.”

 He didn't know that there was such a paranoid devil living in her heart.

The girl who seemed to have studied well and was already top-notch was actually hooked by just one click.

 “Jiang Sui, you don’t know, you don’t know anything…”

Su Qing, who was crying, collapsed.

She has already planned it. She will take the risk alone. Su Rao will see that letter and will forgive her after seeing it.

The person in her arms was trembling all the time. Her tears mixed with rainwater flowed down Jiang Sui's neck. The young man only felt cold, so cold that it reached his heart, which was very cold.

What he had been holding back for a long time, everything collapsed at this moment.

 I don’t care about plans at all.

When I saw Su Qing walking out of her home, I found that she was in a bad mood. I thought she was just coming out to vent, but I didn't expect to see her doing such a dangerous thing.

When Jiang Sui saw the latest news he had found recently, his whole body became a mess.

Without thinking, he came out and stopped Su Qing.

Even thought that if Hu Yifan hadn't said that Su Qing's mental state was not very good recently, he really wouldn't dare to think about it, it would be too scary.

As long as it was a minute or a second late, he would lose her.

Then what’s the use of those grand lights?

Su Qing was very excited. She was carried back by Jiang Sui. The lie she told Su Rao was that it was raining too much and Ran Ran's parents were on a business trip, so she had to accompany her.

Liu Ranran and Su’s mother trusted her and didn’t think much about it.

At this moment, in the small room, Su Qing was hugged by the young man and sat on the sofa. She was wet and motionless, and Jiang Sui was motionless as well.

 “Jiang Sui….”

Su Qing's eyes were broken, her lips and teeth were dry, her cheeks were cold, her pupils were hollow, and her mouth was mumbling.

"They can't be soft-hearted, Jiang Sui..."

 The girl was whimpering in pain, biting her lip, not knowing how to speak at all.

Su Qing's mind was filled with those photos, and she was trembling all over.

She thought it was all over, but she didn't expect that when she thought about it, it could kill her.

Jiang Sui squatted in front of the girl, held her fingers, and kept rubbing them, trying to make her warmer. Seeing her dry lips, he wanted to get hot water, but he was relieved that Su Qing was alone. here.

 “I’m here, don’t be afraid, I’m always here.”

The girl's fingertips were always cold and could not be warmed no matter what. Jiang Sui lowered his eyes and looked at her wet body.

  What I wanted to say, I swallowed it back.

Su Qing's sudden appearance today disrupted all Jiang Sui's plans.

“Qingqing, would you please change your clothes first?”

Jiang Sui's voice was soft and soft. He looked at the girl seriously. The girl's dry eyes had a vague expression, as if she was tired after crying for a long time.

 Looking at him blankly.

Jiang Sui took Su Qing's finger and led her into the bedroom. He found a pair of clean pajamas, for women, without removing the tags. Then he took a towel and went out.

  After closing the door, Jiang Sui took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call, but he took it back first and just stood quietly outside the door.

He dared to come out only after making sure that there were no other dangerous items on the girl's body.

After three to five minutes, Jiang Sui stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

 “Okay, Qingqing.”

The girl followed his voice and opened the door. Her hair was still wet, blowing down casually. Jiang Sui didn't care. He just turned sideways and took a towel from inside to wipe Su Qing's hair.

Su Qing did not resist and let Jiang Sui wipe her hair.

 The girl sitting on the sofa seemed to be unable to find a place to vent her feelings. Her fingertips were as cold as ever.

"I feel bad, Jiang Sui. I feel particularly bad. You don't know what I saw."

 They don’t even have the power to call the police.

How could those photos be released to the world?

Su Qing didn't allow it, she was a little excited.

Jiang Sui put down the towel and gently comforted her, "No, Qingqing, what you saw will not be known to anyone."

 He seemed to understand the comforting words of a girl.

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui with a confused expression, her eyes filled with mist.


As Jiang Sui nodded, the girl tilted her head and stared at him with a somewhat sad look.

 “But why do you know, Jiang Sui.”

She is not stupid. Even when she is in a trance, she always grasps the key points. He is like a roundworm in her belly, knowing what she is thinking.

 Why did he say that he would not be seen...

“Jiang Sui, why are you here?”

All coincidences are ridiculous. Su Qing doesn't believe they are coincidences.

Su Qing looked at him with a somewhat clear expression. Jiang Sui was completely covered by the misty water droplets in her burning eyes.

“Because I missed you and came to see you from Jiangcheng.”

 The young man’s eyes are sincere, his beautiful thin lips are so beautiful, and his words are so beautiful.


Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui.

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing.

The two stared at each other, and the young man nodded.

Jiang Sui's fragile glass that he had finally protected was broken. He couldn't bear to make Su Qing cry anymore, and the tears fell into Jiang Sui's heart drop by drop.

It hurts like a knife.

 “Didn’t you lie to me?”

"not lying to you."

He really missed her. Jiang Sui wanted to hug the girl at this moment, but thinking that he was still wet, he kept half-crouching and looked at her with an almost pious attitude of looking up.

 “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

 At that moment, Su Qing felt that there was a grand light, and she believed it.

 (End of this chapter)

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