She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 147: is my hero

 Chapter 147 Is My Hero

 Gently wiped away the tears on Su Qing's cheeks.

 He comforted the girl for a long time.

Jiang Sui reached out and handed the water glass on the coffee table to Su Qing.

 “Drink some water first.”

Perhaps because of crying, the girl’s mouth became white and her complexion became pale.

Su Qing finally calmed down, holding the water glass on her fingertips and taking a few sips.

"Is it because of that matter that you ignored me and returned to Jiangcheng?"

The girl's head turned very fast. Because she was a little tired, she half-leaned on the sofa and slightly distanced herself from Jiang Sui. Her eyebrows were half drooped, and there was a slight sense of tension in the lines of her voice.

She wanted to know those things, but was afraid to know them.

With a pale face and a dazed look in his eyes, he huddled on the sofa, with Jiang Sui sitting not far away.

"The matter has not been found out yet. I have been investigating recently. Pei Dai, Officer Pei, has always been doubtful about the case. Although the case has been closed, I still feel that there is a problem."

Things are complicated, Jiang Sui just picked out the key points and talked about them a little bit.

“Officer Pei?”

Su Qing's eyes were deep and long, as if he was remembering something.

That day was just the most ordinary day. The sky was clear and the sun was shining on people who felt a little hot.

Su Qing met a very cute deskmate named Hu Ruoruan.

Her name is the same as her person, and she speaks softly. Perhaps it is because the two of them are similar in age and personality, and they are at the same table, so they can play together.

Both of them are excellent in studies. Hu Ruanruan is a girl who is softer in person and softer in heart. Perhaps because she is a little indifferent in her heart, Su Qing inexplicably wants to get close to this girl.

 I don’t know if other people have a situation where they really want to be friends with her. Su Qing is like this.

 It's just that this scene is not very long. It starts with someone chasing Ruanruan.

That boy was rich, had a good family background, was handsome, and even tried to make her happy. However, her academic performance began to decline, and she stopped attending the occasional self-study classes.

Su Qing didn't quite understand love or feelings at that time, but she just felt that Ruan Ruan shouldn't do this.

 Because she often saw the boy chasing her, Li Xu, often teasing other girls.

She felt a little unworthy of Ruanruan.

 The two of them are students from the same school, so they don’t actually spend much time together.

 Until Ruanruan cried to her.

 “Qingqing, Li Zhu doesn’t want me anymore, something like that.”

 At that time, Su Qing was still thinking that maybe he shouldn’t think like that. If he didn’t, Ruan Ruan could study hard.

 I just didn’t expect that things would go in a completely different direction.

 Ruanruan's temperament changed drastically. She started wearing makeup, stopped studying, dyed her hair, smoked cigarettes, and did some deviant things.

 She was very nervous when she went to class occasionally.

 She told Su Qing that it seemed that Li Zhu didn't like good girls like her anymore, and he now liked hot girls.

 Such words rarely appear in Su Qing's world.

 There is nothing to do.

 Until one day, Ruanruan told herself that she was pregnant.

Su Qing felt a bolt from the blue for a moment. She didn't know what to do. As soon as she untied herself, she heard the news that she had committed suicide in the apartment.

Su Qing vaguely remembered that Ruanruan had regained her straightened hair and was thinking about dropping out of school, so Ruanruan told her.

"Qingqing, don't fall in love with a rich man like me. When he likes you, you can do whatever you want. You are my treasure. If he doesn't like you anymore, you are nothing. Also, don't Make it easy for him to get you."

She stroked her belly and said to her with a gentle smile on her face.

 “She wants this life, and now that she has a little money, she will live a good life.”

Su Qing remembers it clearly.

 But it didn’t take long, less than a week.

Something happened to Hu Ruoruan.

She still remembered that when she called the police, saying that there was a problem with the case, everyone told her that the case was closed, not to talk nonsense, and asked her to go out. Only Pei Dai stayed with her.

 The man listened to her complete explanation of everything, but she just told him that there was nothing she could do because there was no evidence, and many things showed that it was indeed self-mutilation.

She also said that Ruanruan had been taking psychotropic drugs for a long time and that she had no children at all.

Su Qing at that time remembered herself, being extremely angry and shouting.

 “Medical examination, anatomy!”

  When someone stopped her, she slapped her and told her daughter to rest in peace.

 She seems a bit like a fool.

Perhaps she is an outsider, a bystander, and the world even thinks that she has any relationship with Li Su. She is the one who has the least say.

At that moment, when she saw Li Zhu supporting his limp mother and calling her aunt, she might have understood something, but she just couldn't believe it.

 The rumor turned out that she and Ruanruan were fighting for a man, and then Ruanruan couldn't help it...

Until later, things got worse and worse, and her own efforts were of no use, and she almost lost her life.

Su Rao persuaded her.

"Qingqing, we are soft-spoken people, we can't afford to offend anyone. Qingqing, you have to be nice. Mom is the only one who can forgive you."

 She thought at that time, is there really justice?

It was Pei Dai again, telling her, he pointed at his clothes and told her.

"Su Qing, everyone's pursuit is different, but I think we are the same. We spend our lives pursuing fairness and justice."

 It turns out to be Pei Dai.

 It turns out he didn’t lie to himself.

Su Qing slowly turned her head and looked at Jiang Sui.

 “Did you find him?”

Su Qing understood as Jiang Sui nodded.

“So you didn’t study hard when you went to Jiangcheng, but went to investigate that matter?”

Jiang Sui hesitated, and Su Qing understood.

Although Jiang Sui was a little angry at Su Qing for lying to himself during this period, he was even more angry at Su Qing for not studying hard and not caring about his studies at all.

 But these things that have nothing to do with Jiang Sui, the young man is really relieved because of her.

 “I want to see him. I have something to tell him.”

 Those photos in the mobile phone should be the best breakthrough. How could Tian Shasha have such soft photos? Su Qing was very suspicious of whether there was any entanglement.


Jiang Sui, who originally wanted to handle everything secretly, has obviously changed his mind now.

Su Qing was a little unbelievable when she saw that the young man agreed to him without hesitation.

She looked at Jiang Sui and felt that the word "thank you" that escaped from her throat seemed a little soft. She just curled up the corners of her lips with a slight smile and never said it out loud.

 Just proactively, when Jiang Sui looked back at her, she gave Jiang Sui a strong hug.

"you are my hero."

 The young man's face turned pale, and the tips of his ears secretly turned red where Su Qing couldn't see.

 (End of this chapter)

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