She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 148: light and dark

Chapter 148 Light and Darkness

 When the battery of the mobile phone is exhausted, the air is still filled with a strong warmth.

 Just the lights suddenly dimmed.

Su Qing didn't know what to do. Her arms were still wrapped around Jiang Sui's back.

 She could feel the warm breath coming from the boy's body, his breathing, and his heartbeat.

 Whether he can also feel his own.

While Su Qing was thinking wildly, she only felt the boy's Adam's apple rolling a few times.

“Qingqing, go to bed. I haven’t paid the electricity bill for a long time. You go to bed first. I’ll wake you up tomorrow and we’ll go find Officer Pei together.”

 In the darkness, he gently squeezed her fingers.

The warmth was still between the two of them. She could even feel Jiang Sui's breath. The two were very close. He pushed her away gently, but not completely.

 The young man was as gentle as a gentleman and did not make any unnecessary moves.

She could feel the heat and scalding heat of the young man's palm, but he seemed to be very restrained.

Su Qing has not read any novels, but Liu Ranran occasionally talks to her.

Perhaps because the darkness gave her courage, Su Qing pursed her lips for several seconds before slowly lifting her lips.

 “Jiang Sui, you are very hot.”

She asked curiously, purely without any impurities, slowly seeing the long shadow in the darkness.

Jiang Sui felt a pair of cold, boneless hands touch his Adam's apple lightly.

Her movements were slow and annoying, and she was pulled off by Jiang Sui in an instant.

 “Qingqing, don’t mess around, be good, and go to bed first.”

The young man who planned to spend the night outside suppressed his inner emotions, his throat rolled, and he spat out words. He grabbed Su Qing's hand and wanted the girl to rest obediently.

 “Jiang Sui.”

Su Qing’s voice was very haunting.

Jiang Sui's movement to stand up stopped, and then he heard the girl's voice.

 “You should sleep in the bedroom too.”

Her voice was clean and bright, and the curiosity was gone, but the moment she said it, she felt her heart tingling.

The thoughts in my mind kept struggling, what did I say...


The girl who wanted to escape quickly, when she stood up and stood on the edge of the sofa, her leg accidentally hit the coffee table.

Su Qing frowned at the slight sting, but she didn't stop and wanted to go to the bedroom.

 Just her arm was grabbed by Jiang Sui, who was holding her as she almost fell to the ground.

 The young man's body is tall and tall, standing on one side of her.

Su Qing wanted to cover her face.

What she just said was loud, and she felt that Jiang Sui must have heard it.

“Qingqing, are you afraid?”

Jiang Sui, who thought Su Qing was afraid, was so tempted by the girl, but he still restrained himself.

Su Qing pursed her lips for a long time before nodding.


 Actually, he just didn’t want him to sleep on the sofa. Jiang Sui had long hands and feet, and the sofa was too small for him. Su Qing didn’t directly say that he would sleep on the sofa, so he wouldn’t agree if he thought about it.

Hearing Jiang Sui ask if he was scared, Su Qing thought that the young man might have misunderstood him, but he nodded.

Jiang Sui pinched her fingers and led her back to the bedroom.

Su Qing sat by the bed like a good baby, letting the young man fumble for a set of quilts in the cabinet and put them on the bed.

 Handed her into bed and covered her with a quilt.

 The young man’s gentle footsteps.

 “Jiang Sui….”

 Thought it was time for him to leave.

Maybe it was too dark. Su Qing, who was not that scared at first, was really scared. She stretched out her hand to catch Jiang Sui, but she couldn't catch anything.

 “Don’t be afraid, I won’t leave.”

Jiang Sui's heart moved. He walked around the bed and lay down on the other side. He wanted to reach out and touch Su Qing's cheek, but he held back in the end.

 Feeling the presence of a figure next to her, Su Qing's heart dropped a lot in an instant.

 “Jiang Sui….”

Su Qing seemed to be particularly clingy today, and would call out to the boy from time to time.

Jiang Sui took the trouble, and even responded with a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

That heavy voice made Su Qing's restless heart seem to calm down.

“Jiang Sui, we will succeed, right?”

Perhaps it was the young man's voice that gave her a surge of passion. In her heart that was about to let go of the silence, Su Qing set off a storm tonight.

"Will do."

 Perhaps the worry could not comfort Su Qing, the boy's long voice told the girl a story.

The story of light and darkness tells her how light defeats darkness and that she must always be looking for something throughout her life.

As the young man's voice slowed down and Su Qing's long breathing made the young man's eyelashes tremble a few times, he dared to reach out and touch her cheek.

 Smoothing out her wrinkled brow.

 The night is long and swift.

When Su Qing woke up after a good night's sleep, the boy beside her was no longer there, and the quilt had been folded neatly. Her original place was empty, but her whole body was covered with it. The whole bed.

Su Qing couldn't react.

 The confused girl went out without wearing shoes.

  When the young man in an apron came out of the kitchen, what he saw was a sleepy girl, blinking her eyes and looking at him with bare feet, rubbing her eyes.

Su Qing was stunned for a long time.

  I didn’t take a close look at Jiang Sui last night.

At this time, the early morning sunlight scatteredly lit up the entire living room.

 A boy I haven't seen for several months. The biggest change is actually his hair, which is shorter than last time and his skin is darker than before.

He seems to be taller again. It was at the chin level before, but now it seems to be at the shoulder level.

 It’s just that I’m a little thinner.

 The housecoat is very loose on him.

Su Qing looked at the young man from beginning to end. He took off his apron and placed it on the coffee table. Then he picked her up and placed her on the sofa.

  turned around and went to the bedroom, and then the young man came out with his shoes, his eyebrows were gentle.

 The cool and noble demeanor of Qingjun is vividly displayed on his body.

“We can’t walk barefoot from now on, but that’s okay, our house will be covered with carpets from now on.”

Su Qing wanted to avoid the way the young man was putting on her shoes. In her mind, she still pictured the fingers of his apron that were wrapped slenderly around her waist.

 The beauty is as beautiful as a painting.

After hearing what the young man said, Su Qing was in a daze for a moment. She was dumbfounded, embarrassed for a moment, and her cheeks turned red.

 “Jiang Sui…!”

He signaled him not to talk nonsense. The young man also pursed his lips and smiled, not caring.

 It was so warm that Su Qing felt like he was dreaming...

 (End of this chapter)

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