She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 149: gentle yet powerful

Chapter 149 Gentle and powerful

 Unexpectedly, he can actually cook.

Su Qing pursed her lips and sat on the dining chair. She looked at the boy who brought out the boiled noodles and eggs. She paused and smiled.

 “I will do better in the future.”

Jiang Sui looked at the boiled noodles in his hand with some embarrassment. He could still see the fried eggs. This experiment took a long time and he was finally able to give it to her.

 It was just other complicated dishes that he couldn't learn for a while, so he could only make do with them.


Su's clear eyes looked at her, while she ate in small bites and gave Jiang Sui a thumbs up.

After dinner, Su Qing wanted to take the initiative to wash the dishes, but Jiang Sui did not give her this plan and instead asked her to change clothes.

 She has never been able to deal with Su Qing.

He called Su Rao and told him that he would go back later today. Su Qing, who had changed her clothes, sat on the sofa and waited for Jiang Sui.

He didn't keep her waiting for too long. The young man also changed his clothes and came out.

 In his wardrobe, there is a section dedicated to the clothes he bought for himself. There are many styles in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the labels are all there, and they are all in her clothing size.

I don’t know if it was intentional. The boy saw her wearing a white sportswear, and then she wore a black one on purpose.

Standing there with his long body, reflecting his heroic and dignified appearance, the young man walked towards her slowly, placing his slender palms in front of her eyes.

“Qingqing, let’s go out.”

Su Qing was stunned for a few seconds, and then she put her hand on his. The boy's palm was cool, not very warm, but it gave Su Qing a sense of stability.

When he led her out, the door lock was knocked, and the young man pointed to a place under the blanket.

“Qingqing, there is a key here, you can come anytime you want.”

Before Su Qing could be in a daze, the young man took her hand and went out.

The sky is clear, the clear blue sky is so transparent and bright.

They are going to Jiangcheng this time to find Pei Dai. Previously, Pei Dai meant that if there was any doubt about the matter, the best way to break through is Su Qing, because Su Qing is the person who knows the whole thing best.

It's just that Jiang Sui was unwilling at the time. When Pei Dai heard that Jiang Sui was going to bring Su Qing to find him, Pei Dai was quite surprised.

 How did this guy change his mind?

  Sunday seems to have been such a long day.

Su Qing at the airport had a nervous and indescribable emotion that made her a little impatient, but Anai slowly seemed to understand her mood swings.

 The young man's position is beside her.

 “Take a nap and you’ll be there soon.”

Jiang Sui asked the stewardess for a blanket and covered Su Qing with his gentle and handsome look, which attracted many people's attention. Su Qing blushed quietly, and the word "um" was choked in her throat.

Perhaps it was because the young man was by his side that Su Qing always felt at ease, so he just planned to take a nap for a while, but unexpectedly, he actually fell asleep.

 Feeling very warm and powerful.

 “Qingqing, wake up.”

It wasn't until the plane landed that Jiang Sui softly called the girl next to him to wake up. Su Qing's worried eyes, trusting him, made Jiang Sui's eyebrows bring a smile.

"Are you here?" The girl's voice was hoarse as if she had just woken up. She looked at herself with her head on Jiang Sui's shoulder obediently, her cheeks a little pink.

 Watching Jiang Sui nod, Su Qing moved her head away from his shoulder, and the young man opened a bottle of water for her.

 “Drink first, let’s get off the plane.”

 Twist the water and put it next to Su Qing's mouth.

 Is he going to feed her...

Su Qing was in a daze, looking at the flight attendant who had just taken away the blanket, and the people waiting to get off the plane in the aisle, who were also queuing up and watching her silently.

"I'll drink it myself..." The girl's soft voice sounded a little uneasy, and then she lowered her head and took the water, feeling that her ears were burning badly.

 Don’t dare to look up.

The teenager didn't care, but just carried his schoolbag on his shoulders, his sight was always on Su Qing, and he never left.

After drinking the water, the young man put it into his schoolbag. He pulled her up. Su Qing blushed a little and pressed against the young man's chest.

 “Jiang Sui….”

 After calling the boy's name, he didn't know what to say.

 “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

 The young man took care of her, it seemed like he had experienced it countless times, and he didn't feel anything wrong at all. He put his palm on her forehead.

 Ask him if he feels sick or if he has tinnitus.

Su Qing pursed her lips, shook her head, and turned even redder.

He held the umbrella handle to her, fearing that she would be exposed to the sun. In fact, Su Qing was not a delicate princess at all, but Jiang Sui seemed to regard her as the most delicate and delicate little princess.

Until we took a taxi and arrived at the cafe we ​​had made an appointment with. In fact, this was not the place Pei Dai had made an appointment with. After all, it was about a case, so we had to go to a serious place, inside the bureau. However, the young man asked repeatedly, and the atmosphere Don't be too serious, be relaxed.

Why did Pei Dai compromise? Maybe it was because he saw Jiang Sui's sincere eyes, which made him see his former self.

Shouldn’t everyone in the Mei family be in love with her? Why isn’t she?

While Pei Dai was distracted, he saw Jiang Sui's familiar and handsome face, and what he was saying to Su Qing with his head lowered.

That girl was wearing a light white sportswear and a pair of white shoes. Her clean face was not stained with a trace of dust, and her pupils were calm and composed.

He seems to be a little taller, and Pei Dai will never forget this look.

 A thin man just rushed in and said that the truth was not like that.

 She said everything calmly and with discretion when almost no one believed it.

 Although there is no result.

 But she was so fearless. At this moment, the girl was being held by Jiang Sui.

Su Qing also didn't expect that Jiangsu brought her to a coffee shop. Listening to the young man's words of comfort to herself, Su Qing understood a little, and she was afraid that he had requested this coffee shop.

“Qingqing, if there is something that makes you uncomfortable, or you don’t want to talk about it anymore, can you stop it immediately?”

The boy who was always worried about her getting hurt and thinking about her emotions had said this sentence countless times from the time he got off the plane to now. It seemed like he couldn't finish it. He kept saying it over and over again.

Su Qing took the rare initiative and pinched Jiang Sui's finger.

 “Okay, I know.”

Her eyes were so gentle and powerful, as if they could resolve all hardships, and she was so determined as she walked in front of Pei Dai.

“Hello, Officer Pei, I’m Su Qing.”

Jiang Sui stood beside Su Qing, holding her hand in a protective gesture and never letting go.

 (End of this chapter)

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