She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 150: good breakthrough

Chapter 150 A good breakthrough

This cafe is remote and quiet, and it seems like no one else is here.

 The smell of coffee spreads throughout the restaurant, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Su Qing held the coffee cup on the table and took a small sip. It was bitter and had a rich milky aroma.

 “Why, don’t you agree?”

Jiang Sui looked at Su Qing's wrinkled eyebrows and thought she didn't like cappuccino like this.

Su Qing shook her head, then pinched his fingers to signal him not to speak. Su Qing looked at Pei Dai a little embarrassed.

After all, he is still a young man. In fact, Pei Dai is quite open-minded.

Although I don’t agree with or recommend their current behavior, I don’t have much resistance in my heart.

“Officer Pei, Ruanruan did not commit suicide.”

That lingering, long-lasting memory has accumulated in Su Qing's mind for too long.

She clearly remembered every scene, from their acquaintance, to Hu Ruoruan being bewitched by Li Zhu, to having a child, and then to her death.

That short life is like a flash in the pan.

Su Qing went to report the case at that time, but it was already hastily closed. Pei Dai also expressed surprise because no case could be closed so easily.

 This is because the parents do not pursue the case.

This case has always been a doubt in his mind. It is difficult to overturn the case again, but isn't that what people pursue.

When Jiang Sui told him, he said he could go investigate, and he slowly discovered something different.

The phone number that called the police was found to have been recorded long ago, so who called the police?

Things have been going on for too long. Jiang Sui directly visited every student in the class at that time. It wasn’t really a visit. He just formed a bureau and everyone went out to eat or something.

I learned that there was a girl who was in the first class before Su Qing and others, and was also chased by Li Su. Then the girl disagreed, was hurt by Li Su, and transferred to another school. It happened that the school was Wuzhen No. 1 Middle School.

 That's when Jiang Sui went to Wuzhen, and then he discovered something was wrong with Su Qing.

 In the event of starting from the beginning, a third person, a third entrance, who had never existed before, appeared at this moment.

Su Qing briefly and clearly stated what happened that year. No loopholes were found in it, but the most critical information was.

Su Qing looked at Pei Dai.

“I don’t know if others believe it or not, but based on my understanding of Ruanruan, she would not choose such an extreme way to die, let alone commit suicide.”

 “She told me that she wanted to live well.”

Su Qing’s eyes were firm and clear.

Pei Dai looked hesitant and said, "Su Qing, you need to know, understand, and tell me. These cannot be used as substantive evidence. They can only be used as an auxiliary tool."

 These things are just icing on the cake. Of course it would be better to have them, but without them they won’t have much impact.

 “I know, but what do I have now?”

Su Qing took out her cell phone from her pocket, opened the photo albums, and placed them in front of Pei Dai.

 The photos inside made Pei Dai frown tightly.

Su Qing held the coffee cup in front of her with her fingers. Her fingertips were cold, her face was pale, and she was a little absent-minded.


Jiang Suiduan sat on one side and did not see what Su Qing asked Pei Dai to see, but he had a vague feeling that it must be extraordinary.

Pei Dai looked at Su Qing seriously, then glanced at Jiang Sui.

“Has anyone else seen this photo?”

Su Qing shook her head.


Pei Dai looked at Jiang Sui and slowly talked about part of their recent investigation, which was what Jiang Sui was doing.

“The police calls back then were recorded calls, so there might have been more than one person, not just two people, but maybe three people at the victim’s scene.”

 Although the investigation was too chaotic at the time, it was because the scene was destroyed and there was no way to collect evidence. Hu Ruanruan’s family members and others were all present at the time.

There is no way to collect the evidence at the first scene, not to mention the discovery of letters written by Hu Ruoruan.

 That's why we can conclude that it was suicide.

Su Qingmou Ran raised her head and said, "The third person?"

 She always thought there were only two people.

There is actually a third one.

Looking at Su Qing's shocked look.

"Of course, this is just a guess, and the guess is not valid, but the photo you just showed me, based on my many years of experience and sensitivity, I can be 80% certain that there is a third person."

Pei Dai looked at Su Qing.

“These photos can be used as evidence, but I need to copy them all, and your mobile phone must be taken away as evidence.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked a little pale.


At this time, Jiang Sui raised his head and looked at Pei Dai.

 “Is there no other way?”

He could probably guess what kind of photos were inside. There must be more than just Hu Ruanruan ones, there might also be Qingqing ones. Jiang Sui frowned.

Pei Dai shook his head.

Su Qing pursed her lips and pulled Jiang Sui's arm.

 “It’s okay, I’m fine.”

There was a faint smile on her lips, and Jiang Sui couldn't help but want to take her into his arms. Knowing that the girl was shy, Jiang Sui didn't do that, and just squeezed her palm.

"You two don't need to worry about the investigation. The exam is about to take place now. You should prepare well for the exam. With this photo, I will most likely be able to reverse the case."

But Pei Dai soon frowned.

“Su Qing, who sent you these photos?”

 “It’s a classmate, a classmate from Wuzhen.”


Soon, the eyes of Pei Dai and Jiang Sui collided, and they were right. At that time, there was a student in the lower grade who was also chased by Li Zhu, and then dropped out of school and said yes.

 Apparently he did not drop out of school, but transferred to another school.

 The emotion in the expression is self-evident.

"We are not familiar with each other, and I don't know how she has these things. She just wants to threaten me and prevent me from getting too close to Jiang Sui, and whether she can get the first place in the exam, and she asked me to meet this weekend. ”

It was just that when Su Qing saw the photo, she couldn't hold it back for a moment and wanted to go find Tian Shasha, but she didn't expect to be stopped by Jiang Sui.

Pei Dai was in disbelief. The threatening words in Su Qing's mouth made her feel angry and sad.

Pei Dai looked at Su Qing with burning eyes.

 “Agree to meet her, this will be a good breakthrough.”

Jiang Sui also looked at Su Qing, as if he had never heard her say anything about her difficulties.

 This was the first time he heard someone threatening her, but he didn't know anything about it.

 Hearing Pei Dai's words, Jiang Sui's reaction was a little fierce.

 “No, it’s too dangerous!”

I will give a rough outline of what happened back then, because it’s too detailed, my dears.

Thank you for your continued support, thank you! !



 (End of this chapter)

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