She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 152: long time no see

Chapter 152 Long time no see

Pei Dai agreed so eagerly that Mei Yeqin did not expect.

When the man asked her when she would arrive in Jiangcheng, Mei Yeqin returned today.

Pei Dai naturally said that he was fine today and went to pick him up at the airport.

Before Mei Yeqin could react, the person on the other end had already hung up the phone.

Perhaps because he was driving on the road, Pei Dai didn't answer several calls. He headed towards the airport. When he got there, he remembered that he hadn't asked Mei Yeqin what time his flight was.

When I parked the car and took out my mobile phone, I saw a few missed calls on the phone, and my heart dropped.

He took out his mobile phone and called Mei Yeqin when he heard the busy signal on the other side.

That should be on the plane.

Coincidentally, Mei Yeqin, who wanted to send a text message to Pei Dai, just happened to have run out of battery.

 So Pei Dai waited at the airport for almost two hours and saw the call on his mobile phone.

 I couldn’t wait to pick up the phone.


 In fact, Mei Yeqin was a little inappropriate. After breaking up, Pei Dai still called her this way, which seemed too intimate. But the man seemed to think it was nothing, and there was no need to emphasize it too much. She was not the kind of informal person.

“Qinqin, you got off the plane. Where are you? I’ll pick you up. I’m at the airport now.”

After not seeing each other for many years, Pei Dai was a little nervous. After he finished speaking, he looked at the old clothes he was wearing. He took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped his leather shoes, and then put it in the frame. He fixed his hair.

Although he has never paid attention to image, Pei Dai, who paid attention to it now, is still a little dissatisfied because he has heard more than once that Qinqin likes people with good looks.

 After so many years, he has not become fat or thin, but he is still not confident.

 Listening to Mei Yeqin's flight information on the phone, Pei Dai, who always had good eyesight, walked to the VIP aisle.

The man who was a little trembling became extremely quiet after that figure appeared in his eyes.

His sharp eyebrows are slightly gentle, and his fingers are pressed against his trousers, as if he is standing in a military posture.

Mei Yeqin in the passage was wearing a simple windbreaker and black boots. She had rimless eyes and fair and translucent skin. She was 1.7 meters tall and was pulling a trolley suitcase.

 It’s as beautiful as a landscape.

Pei Dai didn’t slowly come back to his senses until Mei Yeqin came over.


 He was still the same as before. When he met her, he was at a loss and even his cheeks under his eye sockets were a little pink.

He still looks young and green, but he doesn’t look like someone who is about to reach his thirties.

Mei Yeqin was stunned for a few seconds and pursed her lips.

 “Long time no see, Pei Dai.”

It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, almost seven years. Time favors beauty and has not revealed many traces on her cheeks.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Pressing the palm of his hand, Pei Dai lowered his eyes and pulled the trolley case for Mei Yeqin.

His genes seemed to be engraved with the instinct to take care of her. At this moment, when he touched Mei Yeqin's finger, he couldn't help but froze.

 Her fingertips were still so cold.

 “If the thing doesn’t sink, I can do it myself.”

Unlike Mei Yeqin, who was so elegant and generous, Pei Dai always felt that there was a bit of a little family spirit in his bones. This kind of thing seemed to only exist around Mei Yeqin. It was still very early when his eyes fell on her trolley suitcase. The previous trolley case still had decals on it that he bought for her in an ancient town outside when she was doing her first internship.

Knowing that she was informal and didn't care about these things, Pei Dai was still slightly touched in her heart.

  Until he got into the car, Pei Dai felt a little restless.

Turning on the heater inside the car to the maximum, Mei Yeqin sat in the passenger seat, and Pei Dai drove more seriously than before.

 When he arrived at his destination, he took out Mei Yeqin's suitcase from the trunk.

The journey was too short, and they arrived in a short time. Pei Dai was a little reluctant to leave, but he still put the suitcase in front of Mei Yeqin.


 “Want to go up and have a cup of tea?”

 In the parking lot, under the dim light, the two of them spoke at the same time, but Pei Dai, who had always been decisive in killing, was not as hesitant as Mei Yeqin.

 He looked at those clear brows and eyes, a little dazed.

“Is it okay, Qinqin, won’t it be too much trouble? There are family members who won’t...”

He said it in an extremely cryptic way. After they had just met each other, those things that were suppressed and suppressed in his heart could not be suppressed at all. It was like when she took the initiative to call him and asked him to have dinner, she was totally confused. burst out.

He is about 1.8 meters tall and is obviously half a head taller than Mei Yeqin, but somehow in front of Mei Yeqin, he feels like a little bird clinging to her.

 This is almost funny.

Mei Yeqin, listening to Pei Dai's confused words, a hint of a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Her eyebrows and eyes were curved. This Pei Dai reminded her of when she was just in college. When she told him that they were together, the boy blushed completely and asked her if it was like stepping on two feet. Only boat.

At that time, Mei Yeqin didn't know who had the scandal with her. She didn't even know about it, but Pei Dai knew about it.

 The Huahuachangzi in his heart can be seen by Xiao Jiujiu and Mei Yeqin at a glance.

 “I’m not married, Officer Pei.”

Specially called Officer Pei, Pei Dai's eyes were a little embarrassed but it quickly disappeared, "Then let me help you get the things up."

 There is countless tenderness in the stretched brows and eyes.

Until the elevator closed, Mei Yeqin looked at Pei Dai, who was still like this after so many years. In front of her, he was as pure as a piece of white paper.

 I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt like teasing.

“Adai, if I had just said I was getting married, wouldn’t you have sent me up?”

Pei Dai stopped holding the luggage pole. In the elevator, the two of them were so close that they could even smell the perfume on her body.

Pei Dai pursed his lips.

"No, I sent you up, but Qinqin, is there still a possibility of divorce and remarriage?"

 It is hard to imagine that these are the words spoken by a police officer.

 Mei Yeqin was a little startled, and suddenly something Pei Dai had said to her before came into her mind.

“I am willing to dedicate my whole being to the Dharma, but my soul will always be your Qinqin.”

This meeting is no less shocking than that one.

After the words fell, the air was filled with a strange warmth and a wonderful feeling of ambiguity.

 The moment the elevator rang, I don’t know who gave Pei Dai the courage.

 He took Mei Yeqin's hand.

 “Can you? Qinqin.”

 (End of this chapter)

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