She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 153: He will come when called

Chapter 153 He will come as soon as he calls

 The broad palms still feel a bit rough.

 Very warm, not as weak as a teenager, but just right in strength.

I don’t know if it was Pei Dai’s coquettish appearance that made Mei Yeqin laugh. The corners of her lips curled up slightly.

 Slender fingers gradually interlocked with Pei Dai's ten fingers.

Pei Dai thought he couldn't wait any longer, but he didn't expect that his hands would feel so soft.

He was stunned for a moment and followed Mei Yeqin out of the elevator.

 In the urban area, there is a newly opened building. It is a new house, with a fingerprint lock, and has not been lived in much. The furniture and other items inside are covered with a layer of dust-proof cloth.

Pei Dai is still the hard-working Pei Dai before.

  The man put the luggage aside in silence and began to pack it.

First he opened the dust cover on the sofa.

“Qinqin, please sit down for a while while I clean up.”

Mei Yeqin was indeed a little tired after riding in the car for a day. She had always been lazy. Although she had a straightforward temper, she was particularly lazy in her actions, and she didn't like to clean up.

 The furniture and other things in the house were basically given by the developer, and she could be considered a tenant.

 A little tired, she leaned on the sofa and slowly closed her eyes.

 Fortunately, there is only a layer of dust at home, so it is not too dirty.

While the rest of the bedroom was not being tidied up, Pei Dai boiled hot water from the kitchen, looked at the empty refrigerator, and wanted to let her drink some hot water first.

 I saw Mei Yeqin on the sofa.

With long, silky black hair and a fair face, she is a quiet and picturesque beauty.

Pei Dai gently placed the water glass on the bar, took off his coat, and put it on Mei Yeqin.

  Turn around and go to Mei Yeqin's bedroom. Although it is a two-bedroom apartment, there is only one bedroom because one is a study room.

Pei Dai hesitated for a long time and finally pushed the door open and went in.

Wanting Mei Yeqin to sleep more comfortably, he touched the mattress. In general, the bedroom was also simple and clear. The whole decoration style meant that there was basically nothing in it, just a large blank space. This is why it was easy to clean up. reason.

Pei Dai could even understand that Mei Yeqin bought this place because the decoration style was too simple, but even though it was simple, he knew that Mei Yeqin had always had very high requirements for sleep quality.

After finishing packing, he placed an order directly online for a mattress in the same city.

 Put the suitcase for Mei Yeqin in the bedroom.

 When he finished packing and was getting ready to go out.

 “Adai, are you a snail girl?”

A voice sounded from behind Pei Dai, and Pei Dai's fingers suddenly stopped. He was standing in Mei Yeqin's bedroom, a little at a loss.

Mei Yeqin just wanted to take a nap for a while, but she didn't expect to take a nap. When she got up, she thought Pei Dai was gone. Seeing that her home had been tidied up, she was stunned for a few seconds and then came to the bedroom.

As expected, the man didn't leave. He was dragging her trolley suitcase with him. He looked tangled in it, thinking whether he should pack her luggage or not.

He stood there with long arms and legs, and the tips of his ears were faintly red. He was a grown man, and he looked at her a little at a loss.

This Pei Dai and the young Pei Dai in Mei Yeqin's heart suddenly overlapped.

Mei Yeqin's heart suddenly softened.

 Stepping forward, he stretched out his hand and hugged Pei Dai.

 Pei Dai was in a daze as he was hugged.

 “What’s the matter, Qinqin, something doesn’t feel right.”

His voice was hoarse and nervous, and he didn't know what to do with his arms. It was very similar to that when Mei Yeqin was about to leave, the young man wearing a white washed shirt stood in front of him and said With.

 “What’s the matter, Qinqin.”

Mei Yeqin was moved for a moment.

Her glass-like eyes met Pei Dai's confused look directly.

  “Adai, I want|want|you.”

Pei Dai's whole body was shaken, and his mind was filled with confusion.


With his understanding of Qinqin, he naturally knew what she meant, that is, the literal consciousness.

The hands that peeled off his coat, and the belt.

Pei Dai held back the hands that wanted to push Mei Yeqin away.

 He is no longer the young and immature boy he used to be. He has turned from passive to active.

 This is better.


The moonlight outside the house shone through the window screen, and there was no light on in the bedroom.

Mei Yeqin was leaning on the head of the bed, and Pei Dai was leaning sideways, looking at the woman smoking.

“Qinqin, smoking is not good for your health.”

 He wanted to stub out the cigarette in her hand, but he still held back.

Mei Yeqin half-closed her eyes, put out the cigarette in her hand, and looked at Pei Dai with squinted eyes.

 “Why haven’t you found someone else after all these years?”

After Pei Dai was stunned for a moment, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, and then he shook his head.

 Judging from his rawness, she knew it was normal.

Thinking of this, Pei Dai felt a little disappointed and wanted to ask Qinqin if there was no one else. He just had a lump in his throat and didn't ask.

“Qinqin, I will be responsible for you.”

He was still so serious, just like the first time before, he was sweating profusely, and in the end he almost stopped worrying, and then told her that he was responsible.

Mei Yeqin’s lips twitched into a faint smile.

 “Why do you want to be responsible for me so much?”

No matter what it is, Mei Yeqin still doesn't believe in the word "like". Her eyes are very calm and a bit cold.

 There was no warmth at all.

Pei Dai's heart tightened, and his face looked completely worthless.

“Qinqin, there is no reason, I just want to be responsible for you.”

He wanted to say that he likes and loves her, but he knew that she didn't like it and didn't want to believe it, so it would be better not to say it.

 This is the first time the two of them have met after many years.

He couldn't control it either, not in front of Mei Yeqin.

“Qinqin, are you hungry? Let’s go eat.”

In the dim air, he always felt that Mei Yeqin's mood was not very good, or even a little bad. This was what she always felt like afterward, and he knew it.

 So Pei Dai quickly changed the topic.

That sentence, "I'll treat you to a meal," has now become...

Mei Yeqin was lying on the bed without any embarrassment. Her slender legs were so naked that she lifted the quilt and went to the bathroom.

Pei Dai looked at the red marks left on his body and smiled a little at the corner of his mouth.

 He actually didn’t say that.

 He likes that too.

 But always behave indifferently and give it to Qinqin when she wants it, otherwise she will not like it.

 Because he once heard with his own ears that things she said she didn't like were sent to her door unsolicited, which made her not interested.

 So, we can’t let her dislike it.

 Would you rather come when you call him or wave him away? He will definitely not leave.

But I am afraid that only Pei Dai himself knows about this persistent pursuit.

 He never left.

   In the future, there may be a separate article for these two people.

  Perhaps they are sisters~~~



 (End of this chapter)

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