She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 155: as a matter of course

Chapter 155 As it should be


The moment Cheng Man saw Mei Yeqin, he subconsciously screamed and ran behind Jiang Chenghua like crazy.

 Subconsciously, Cheng Man was afraid of Mei Yeqin, extremely afraid, deep in his heart.

Jiang Chenghua was stunned subconsciously and looked at Mei Yeqin blankly.

Many people have said that Mei Yeqin and Mei Yeyun look very similar, with very similar facial features, but they have different personalities. One is cold in his bones, and the other is as gentle and cold as water.

It’s just that Mei Yeqin is wearing a beige woolen sweater today, and she looks very similar to Mei Yeyun.

 She also seems to like off-white very much, that very light color.

"Jiang Chenghua, I remember I told you, don't let me know that someone has said something wrong about my sister, otherwise I won't be able to get around you."

Mei Yeqin’s brow bones became extremely cold.

She glanced at the woman who had been pushed to the ground by Cheng Man. She was wearing a skirt with suspenders. A lot of the delicate makeup on her face had been wiped off, and her cheeks were a little red and swollen.

She looked somewhat similar to her sister, but this thought seemed to insult Mei Yeyun, so she glanced at Jiang Chenghua coldly.

The man her sister liked before was now paunchy and his face was shiny.

 Would sister like such a man?

 Aware of Mei Yeqin's gaze.

Jiang Chenghua's fat body was a little stiff. He didn't expect to meet Mei Yeqin here. This sister was so similar to Ayun. Every time he saw Mei Yeqin, Jiang Chenghua was in a trance. This time too No exception.

 “Aqin…, you.”

 Before I could finish my explanation, Mei Yeqin was very dissatisfied with such an intimate address.

After Mei Yeqin glanced at him coldly, Jiang Chenghua swallowed his words.

 “I’m here to discuss business.”

Discussing business was simply ridiculous. Mei Yeqin looked at him coldly.

“Don’t bring this kind of stuff home in the future. If you still want your son, don’t you think Asui has not suffered enough?”

"If you don't want his custody, give it to me. Don't force Asui to do anything he doesn't want to do. As long as I'm here, he can do whatever he wants."

“Do you think Asui is surprised by the situation of your family with three acres of land and half of it?”

 Jiang Sui was mentioned.

Jiang Chenghua's face looked a little ugly. He knew that the Mei family had always looked down on him.

It's just that his son didn't listen to him. The frustration in Jiang Chenghua's heart almost filled his heart with anger, but in front of Mei Yeqin, he was useless and he didn't dare to let it out at all.

 “I will take care of Asui, he is just a little naughty.”

Jiang Chenghua, who deceived himself, thought that his son would still recognize this father. He held on as hard as a crossbow. His business experience had taught him how to change.

 Seeing the woman on the ground with his trousers pulled down, her face looked somewhat similar to Mei Yeyun's, but she looked so ugly at the moment.

Ayun has never been and cannot be so humble. He only agreed to this business because he was confused.

Cheng Man from behind screamed even more.

 In chaos.

Mei Yeqin squinted her eyes, pursed her lips, said nothing, turned around and went out.

 She doesn’t want to see Jiang Chenghua, nor does she want to see anything about Jiang Chenghua.

 Since going out.

 The slow cold wind spread over Mei Yeqin's body, and her mind was clear and chaotic.

Pei Dai was standing next to Mei Yeqin, barely half a step away. She could walk as fast as he could.

Mei Yeqin was out of sorts at that moment. He knew that the negative emotions exuding from her body made Pei Dai want to hug that thin figure.

Gathering up the courage, Pei Dai slowly took half a step forward.

He didn't know what happened, but he could make a rough guess. The young man Jiang Sui's constant indifference and the way Jiang Chenghua looked at Mei Yeqin made Pei Dai very uncomfortable.

 The fingers of the person being held are very cold.

“Qinqin, if you feel uncomfortable somewhere, please speak up and let it out.”

Pei Dai's voice was like the wind, so slow and weightless, floating in Mei Yeqin's ears.

She turned to look at Pei Dai blankly. Before he left, he looked at the hands held by the two of them and stood in front of a hotel on the roadside.

 “Pei Dai, I want to | do it.”

The words were explicit, and her expression was indifferent as if she could say it like this, but Pei Dai could hear it clearly through her ears.

Under the neon lights, Pei Dai stretched out his arms and embraced her.

“Okay, let’s go home, okay?”

The woman standing under the street lamp looked indifferent and cold.

Pei Dai's refusal made Mei Yeqin very dissatisfied. She even broke away from his arms and wanted to walk forward alone, but Pei Dai held her wrist.

He held her hand and did not blame her for the misunderstanding. He just pursed his lips and said a little embarrassedly.

“Qinqin, it’s not clean outside, let’s go back.”

When Pei Dai looked at Mei Yeqin's cold eyes, he was about to agree and walked in.

Mei Yeqin took Pei Dai's hand and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

 It was already evening, so the short distance journey was so fast.

In Mei Yeqin's small apartment, she was so impatient that Pei Dai blushed and her heart beat. It had been like this from the beginning, but with such a blushing heart, Pei Dai's heart felt a little empty and painful.

 This is an obvious psychological trauma.

 An urgent | overreaction.

Pei Dai didn't dare to think about what made Mei Yeqin like this.

Her body temperature was so cold that she couldn't warm herself up, and her breathing was as deep as suffocation | panting.

 The dying swan has a drowning expression, indifferent and without any warmth.

He wanted to be gentler, but she told him to use more force.

 There are no unnecessary actions.

Mei Yeqin hugs Pei Dai.

I don’t know how long it took, but she couldn’t bear it anymore, so she just told him not to stop.

Mei Yeqin didn't smoke this time and had no strength anymore.

Pei Dai opened the quilt, went to the bathroom to get a warm towel, and wiped it gently for her.

Her fingertips were so cold that she couldn't warm them up no matter what.

Pei Dai is so in love with Mei Yeqin, as if the two of them have never been separated.

He would do this in the past. It was the same by nature. Pei Dai used to think that he didn't have many worldly thoughts. When someone joked that he wanted to become a monk, he felt that one day he really didn't want to do righteous things anymore. He didn't want to If you want to change the world, becoming a monk is also a good choice.

Until I met Mei Yeqin, everything seemed so natural and logical.

 She didn’t say anything, and he didn’t ask.

He is like a vast ocean, with warmth, which can accommodate everything about Mei Yeqin, and gradually bring Mei Yeqin back to her senses from her indifference.

 (End of this chapter)

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