She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 159: energy conservation

Chapter 159 Conservation of Energy

 The moment when I touch the cold fingertips.

She did not refuse. Pei Dai's clear eyes were shining brightly as he looked at Mei Yeqin.

 One inch at a time, wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

He held her in his arms and patted Mei Yeqin's back gently.

Mei Yeqin was a little tired and groggy because she was sad and uncomfortable. A string in her mind that had been tense for many years was relaxed at this moment.

Pei Dai's voice was clear and crisp, and his singing voice was clear and crisp, neither high nor low, slowly reaching Mei Yeqin's ears.

 Gradually following the tone, Mei Yeqin fell into sleep.

I originally wanted to tell Mei Yeqin about meeting Jiang Sui today, but Pei Dai put it aside.


 Su Qing and Jiang Sui returned to Wuzhen.

Su Qing thought about her letter and was worried that something would go wrong, but Su Rao found out, so she got off the plane and went home directly.

I don’t know if it was because of meeting Pei Dai that her heart was different from the previous heaviness. At this moment, there was a light feeling of relaxation on top of that heaviness.

 Fortunately, Su's mother rarely entered Su Qing's room. She wanted to give her child more freedom.

Nothing happened, which made Su Qing let out a sigh of relief.

Su Qing was doing English test papers after dinner.

She habitually opened her windows even if it was windy outside. She didn't know if it was because the sun was too hot during the day, which caused the starry sky at night to be extremely blue, and the sky was full of stars and moons.

The curtains by the window were blown up, and a cool breeze filled Su Qing's nostrils with comfortable air.

 She put down her pen and looked at the sky in the distance.

Abrupt yet so casual, the young man's face seemed to appear in Su Qing's mind.

There was a slight smile on her lips. On the way back today, Jiang Sui made an agreement with him to start solving the questions at nine o'clock on time to see who could finish it first.

Whoever completes it first will agree to something.

Su Qing looked down at her English paper. She had finished it. Her phone hadn't moved yet. She thought she had finished it first.

Suddenly, I couldn't wait to call Jiang Sui.

 The moment she dialed the number, the person on the other end answered the call very quickly, with surprise in her eyes.

 “Are you done too?”

With a thoughtful tone, Su Qing's delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly, "Jiang Sui, I called you first, and I finished it first."

 The chuckle on the phone.

 It seems to be carried by the wind.

 She seems to have been working on the paper very seriously and hard since she said she wanted to promise the other party something in the afternoon.

 “Why are you laughing? Do you still want to default on your debt?”

Thinking about that time in Jiangcheng, the young man's face had become extremely ugly since he left the cafe.

 Hearing Jiang Sui's chuckle, Su Qing's somewhat blocked heart seemed to feel relieved for a moment.

“I won’t default on my debt. What do you want me to promise you?”

The young man's refreshing voice was transmitted to Su Qing's ears along with the electric current. For some reason, Su Qing's heartbeat was beating fast. She lowered her eyes and pursed her lips.


Pinching her fingertips, Su Qing slowly picked up the pen on the table and wrote the word "Jiang Sui" for no reason.

 On the blank paper, there are only two words, which seem to speak from the heart.


Although he didn't like her question, he still answered Su Qing with certainty.

 Slowly, as silence comes.

Jiang Sui only heard a deep breath coming from his ear hole.

“Jiang Sui, then you have to promise me that when you protect me, you must also protect yourself, otherwise I will be sad.”

 Her tone was so serious.

 Even without being in front of Su Qing, you can tell how serious she is at this moment.

The girl who blinked her eyelashes slowly spoke again.

"Jiang Sui, if you fail to protect yourself, I will doubt you. You are unable to protect me."

 She knew Jiang Sui so well that even if she said it, he would not do it as she said.

"Moreover, I will also protect you, Jiang Sui, who conserves energy. How do you protect me? How will I repay you? I hope that the two of us fight side by side, instead of one leading the other. There are many, maybe I’m not as good as you, but I will work hard. Of course, you are not as good as me in many ways, so you have to work hard to catch up.”

Her voice seemed to have been carefully considered for many times, and her words were very clear and logical.

 Speak clearly and clearly, word for word.

 Her demands on him, on herself, and on each other.

His girl has never been a dodder flower, let alone a flower in the greenhouse. Jiang Sui has long understood it since he decided to take Su Qing to Jiangcheng. He understood it early, but he has never been willing to meet her. Yes, or I hope she can be so bright and happy in the world she created for her.

 Just when he was thinking about that, Jiang Sui seemed to have thought of something, and he fully agreed to her request.

 Decided to be her strongest supporter.

The girl he likes is tenacious, like a little flower in the frost. She is obviously so inconspicuous and even blocked from the light, but she is so bright.

 “Okay, Jiang Sui promised Su Qing.”

He said it so seriously that Su Qing pursed her lips and said nothing for a long time.

As the wind outside the window slowly spread on Su Qing's face, she raised her eyes and looked at the moon. Although it was not very round and lacked sleep, she felt a sense of fullness in her heart.

“Jiang Sui, go to the window and raise your head.”

 The girl’s voice is so powerful.

 “Okay, I’m here.”

 The young man's voice is so light that it will be dispersed by the wind.

“You and I enjoy the moon outside the house together. I miss you, Jiang Sui.”

For the first time, Su Qing said such words, her cheeks suddenly turned crimson, and she was a little overwhelmed. She lowered her head and looked at her piece of paper that only had Jiang Sui written on it. The boy's name was already written on it. .

 Her cheeks became even hotter.

“Qingqing, I miss you too. I want to see you and hug you.”

He was even more serious than her. He took out money as if he didn't need money.

Su Qing's ears turned red.

 My face felt as if it had been steamed by water vapor, and it was steaming.

 “Jiang Sui….”

The sweet voice wanted to stop the boy from talking.

Following the chuckle over there, a sentence came into Su Qing's ears.

“Qingqing, open the window, walk to the window, and look down.”

Su Qing was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at the open window and walked to the side of the table corner. Stiffly and impatiently, with a throbbing heart, she opened half of the window and looked down.

The young man stood alone under the street lamp, looking up at her with a smile on his lips.

 (End of this chapter)

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