She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 160: It will be fine in the future

Chapter 160: It will be better in the future

Su Qing was stunned, holding her phone and looking at the boy under the window.

Through the light, her vision was very good, and she could see a trace of a smile on his face.

Neither of them spoke, and the quiet wind flowed across their cheeks, so close.

  Long time.

Su Qing blinked her eyelashes and pursed her lips slightly, "You were here a long time ago."

 She used a declarative sentence. No wonder she answered the call immediately when she called him. If not, he might not have come so early.

 “No, I just arrived for a while.”

The two of them were like fools, still talking on the phone even though they were so close.

Su Qing lowered her head. The distance between their two families was almost half an hour, which proved that Jiang Sui could write papers more than half an hour faster than himself.

At that time, he was so serious about giving his opinions.


That request.

"Qingqing, I will agree to what you said, but now I also have something that I hope you will agree to."

The young man seemed to know what she was going to say, and then gently interrupted Su Qing's words. He looked up at Su Qing.

"What's going on."

Su Qing lowered her head and her voice was a little soft. Unexpectedly, Jiang Sui's heart palpitated when she looked at her, causing her fingers to clenched her phone inexplicably.

 “I miss you and want to hug you.”

 His eyes looked directly at Su Qing. The young man was wearing a thin coat, the wind blew his clothes, and he spoke thrilling words.

Su Qing was stunned for a few seconds when another sentence came into his ears.

“You just said you missed me, don’t you want to hug me?”

The young man's pupils were dark, and he looked at Su Qing with burning eyes. Su Qing pursed her lips and felt her cheeks heating up in embarrassment.

 It is true that I still remember what I just said.

She lowered her head and said nothing, then looked at Jiang Sui, hung up the phone, and said to the boy downstairs, "Wait for me."

Su Qing didn't know how he ended up in front of Jiang Sui during the distance from home to the door.

 Quietly, softly, slowly, slowly, with eagerness in my heart.

 The moment he softly opened the door.

Su Qing's fingers were caught by the young man's strong arms.


The creaking sound of the door almost frightened Su Qing. After she came out, she quickly covered Jiang Sui's mouth.


Su Rao always slept lightly. She didn't want to wake her up...and couldn't wake her up.

The pounding of her heartbeat made Su Qing's entire face turn a light red, as pink as a flower.

 Hashfully waiting to be released.

Su Qing only felt her palm being lightly touched, and then she let go of Jiang Sui at a loss.

 “Jiang Sui….”

 The sound of calling him was like a cat scratching an itch.

The young man held her waist and held her under the street lamp, and then let her go.

Even though Su Qing was anxious to come out, she still wore her thin pajamas.

At this moment, after being released by Jiang Sui, her little face turned red. She was used to wearing pajamas at home, so, so...

She pursed her lips and said nothing.

“Qingqing, do you miss me?”

 This sentence is Su Qing's answer to Jiang Sui. He missed him and then he came.

 The boy seemed to notice the girl's embarrassment.

Hunted his knees slightly, bent over and then lowered his head, getting in front of Su Qing's eyes.

 “Why, you are so shy, you will be able to do it again in the future…”

Su Qing's face turned even redder after she said these few words. She bit her lip and said angrily, accusingly.

 “Jiang Sui…!”

What is he talking about, so unobstructed.

“Okay, I won’t tease you anymore, it’s cold outside, go back.”

Jiang Sui touched Su Qing's head, his eyebrows were too gentle, and he spoke to her softly. Looking at the wind outside, it was a bit cold, and she was really wearing too thin clothes.

Su Qing sniffed and raised her head.

A little surprised, Jiang Sui asked himself to go back. Didn't he miss her, so he hugged it and asked her to go back. It really didn't look like he had a style.

He was amused when the girl raised her head. The surprise and reluctance in her eyes were all captured by Jiang Sui.

 He grabbed Su Qing's finger.

“It’s too cold outside and I’ll catch a cold. I know my daughter is reluctant to leave me.”

The young man's voice, as clear as the wind, spread into Su Qing's ears.

 The base of her ears immediately turned red.

 “Jiang Sui…!”

 She looked at him and stamped her foot angrily.

 “I’m kidding you, go back quickly, it’s too cold outside.”

 couldn't help but look at the girl's cuteness, Jiangsu leaned over and hugged Su Qing again, then let go of her and motioned for her to go back.

Su Qing pursed her lower lip, blinked her eyes, and when the young man hugged her, she quietly stretched out her wrist, and then quickly put it down.

 “Then I’m going back.”

It was too late, and it was indeed a little cold, but Su Qing's heart was warm at the moment, and the warmth was flowing through her body.


The young man nodded and watched as Su Qing opened the door and went in.

After Su Qing closed the door, the throbbing in her heart was so frightening that it was about to come out of her throat.

Just when she walked to the living room, she faced Su Rao who was coming down the stairs. Su's mother looked at her daughter.

“Qingqing, why aren’t you asleep yet?”

Su Qing was startled, and then the blush on her face immediately dissipated. She pinched her fingers, turned her head quickly, and pointed to the bathroom.

 “I went to the toilet, mom.”

 Fortunately, the bathroom and kitchen were in the yard. Su Qing was still frightened. She looked at Su's mother and nodded, then turned around and went back. Her heartbeat was pounding extremely uncomfortably.

 The whole person quickly returned to the room and closed the door.

  It took a long time to recover, and she was almost discovered. She lowered her eyebrows and felt complicated in her heart.

Standed up and stretched out his head, looked outside, and found that the young man under the streetlight was still standing there, still not leaving, looking up at the window.

While Su Qing was a little surprised, the phone screen lit up.

“Jiang Sui, why haven’t you left yet? Go home quickly, it’s too cold.”

 He just said he was cold, but he was wearing very little.

“I thought that you little heartless person had forgotten me, and I would leave when you came back.”

Su Qing listened to the voices on the phone, pursed her lips, and looked at the person under the streetlight in silence. He waved to her.

 Then gradually walked backwards.

 “Jiang Sui, watch the road!”

Even though they were the only family on this road, it was still very dangerous to walk backwards. Su Qing frowned.

 “Keep the windows closed and you sleep on the bed.”

 Is he bargaining with her?

Su Qing said hello.

 (End of this chapter)

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