She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 163: Such a change

Chapter 163 Such changes

Su Qing seemed to understand her very well.

Just like when she saw Xu Miaoran confessing to Jiang Sui for the first time, she was not surprised at all. Of course, no one knew about this, not even Xu Miaoran himself.

“Su Qing, don’t think you know me very well, Jiang Sui, there is no way I will give it up to you.”

In Xu Miaoran's dictionary, the word "let" has never been found. Su Qing's words were very angry but also touched the chord in her heart. She enjoyed her status as the eldest daughter of the Xu family, but she did not want others to think that the Xu family The eldest lady, she also enjoys the high-ranking school beauties, many and many.

 She always felt that her independent beauty could attract Jiang Sui's attention. She had been following him for so long, but the boy never even looked at her.

On the contrary, she cared so much about Su Qing that she couldn't figure out why she was inferior to Su Qing.

This made Xu Miaoran feel frustrated and even more disgusted with Su Qing.

Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Xu Miaoran.

"He is not an object. There is no give-and-take. If he liked it, he would have liked you a long time ago. Why do you have to force it? Will you really be happy? Or is it because it is not what you want."

“It’s the first time in your life, or even in your life, that you meet such a person who makes you unhappy.”

“So, your self-esteem does not allow you to fail or fail.”

Su Qing's words hit the nail on the head, making Xu Miaoran's face look very ugly.

She stared at Su Qing closely, seeing that the girl's face gradually resembled that of Jiang Sui, which made Xu Miaoran very angry.

"You think I'm not worthy of Jiang Sui, you think I'm not good enough, why do you think some people choose fish eyes instead of pearls?"

“Have you ever thought that in that person’s mind, the fish eyes he thinks are not fish eyes, and the pearls he sees are not pearls.”

Such is fate, even when Su Qing wanted to avoid it, she couldn't avoid it at all, so he pulled her to Jiang Sui's side again and again.

Xu Miaoran's livid face looked at Su Qing in a daze. The girl's eyes were pure white with a hint of green wood. They didn't look like someone of this age at all, with a natural aging.

At this moment, I felt that Su Qing was so similar to Jiang Sui, and even had a somewhat frightening aura. This was actually felt in this orphan girl.

 “I won’t let it go.”

After saying these words, Xu Miaoran left.

No one knows this, but everyone has seen that Su Qing seems to have defeated Xu Miaoran, the aloof school beauty, in just a few words.

 As the class bell rang.

 The sound of reciting in the air was so quiet in Su Qing's ears.

If you want to thank, Xu Miaoran, the girl who was also the campus beauty in Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, Ruanruan said that this girl is very good, and once told her to stay away from Li Zhu, so although Su Qing didn't like Xu Miaoran, she still Hold it back.

Because she wanted to study as a lawyer, Su Qing also read some psychology books at first. Occasionally she seemed to be able to see this girl's arrogance and some falseness, just like her indifferent mask. It wasn't that she didn't care, but it didn't matter if she just cared. Use it, you can only let it drift.

Maybe it was Xu Miaoran's kindness towards Hu Ruanruan that made Su Qing neither like nor dislike her.

 Can’t tell.

She is not the kind of person who can forgive someone who hurts herself, but there must always be a reason, otherwise how can we continue.

 Such a change, Su Qing himself didn't even notice.

The extreme person in her heart has become gentle, and can even watch the clouds clear and the moon shine.

Although Xu Miaoran left, the noisy sounds did not stop, but intensified.

"Su Qing, you really have two brushes, you can actually **** off the school belle."

"Didn't you hear that Jiang Sui really likes Su Qing? You can't tell."

All the free rumors and rumors were circulating in Su Qing's mind, and almost all eyes were focused on Su Qing's face. .

Su Qing pursed her lips and endured all this silently.

 At the end of get out of class, Zhang Yihan stood in front of Su Qing, pushing up his glasses.

“Su Qing, you don’t need to pay too much attention to what others say. Just be prepared and take the final exam.”

Zhang Yihan didn't expect that Su Qing could progress so quickly and get first place in the midterm exam. He also didn't expect that she would tell the teacher that she wanted to sit alone.

 When the tablemates changed, Zhang Yihan felt angry for a moment.

Even when he heard these rumors, Zhang Yihan didn't know that besides being good-looking and rich, Jiang Sui, yes, even if he was studying, how much trouble had his handsome face caused, and why Su Qing can't understand it.

Zhang Yihan always thought that Su Qing was different, so he couldn't help but walked up to Su Qing again.

 Since her grades are excellent and even comparable to his own, this is the only female classmate Zhang Yihan thinks is a good match for him, and they can even go to college together.

Hearing the rumors, although he was a little dissatisfied, he was still willing to believe Su Qing.

Zhang Yihan's shrewd eyes were hidden under his glasses. He believed that as long as he could always stand by Su Qing's side and stand by Su Qing's side without hesitation, then she would definitely discover his good side. .

Zhang Yihan is full of confidence. This is why he still comes to class even though Su Qing is no longer his deskmate. He believes that one day Su Qing will eventually understand that Jiang Sui is not the best. The choice is yours.

 He stretched out his hand to take Su Qing's cup to get water for her, but was interrupted by Su Qing.

 “Thank you, but I don’t need it.”

Her words were much colder than before, and she could even see the calculation in his eyes, such clear eyes floating on Zhang Yihan's face.

When Zhang Yihan walked next to Su Qing's seat, almost at that moment, Su Qing became the focus again.

“Su Qing is really amazing.”

“You don’t know, Zhang Yihan often fetches water for her, tsk tsk tsk.”

“Such a girl is really scary. An honest person like Zhang Yihan must have been deceived by Su Qing.”

 All public opinion is not on Su Qing's side at all. She is like a pig that has been brought to the forefront. Everyone wants to stab her.

 She looks very unhappy. She has already experienced this, hasn't she?

 There is nothing to be afraid of.

Su Qing pursed her lips, lowered her eyes, and held the tip of her pen.

 “Please don’t stand here, making me feel uncomfortable.”

 (End of this chapter)

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