She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 164: he's not around

Chapter 164 He is not around

She didn't dislike him, she just didn't like him. He appeared in front of her again and again, in a helpful manner, but it also caused trouble to herself.

 “What is Su Qing so awesome about?”

“Did I hear you right? Did you hear what Su Qing said?”

Those pointing words still fall on Su Qing.

 For the first time, Zhang Yihan was rejected by Su Qing in front of the whole class.

Her eyes were very cold, looking at him as if she were a stranger.

"Su Qing, have you misunderstood something? I just want to help you..."

Zhang Yihan's expression was a little uneasy. He raised his eyes and looked at Su Qing. The eyes under the lenses were a little angry, but he never showed it.

 Zhang Yihan's heart was opening up for Su Qing, maybe because those words made her unhappy.

"Su Qing, there is no need to listen to those useless things. I know that you and Jiang Sui have nothing to do with each other. He is the one who has been pestering you."

  ? !

  What kind of breaking news is this.

It was Jiang Sui who pestered Su Qing. This was coming from the mouth of an honest man.

"And you don't need to listen to those other gibberish. You take the exam well and finally get the first place. Don't..."

Zhang Yihan respected the teachings, his face was so honest, and he pushed up his glasses, all for the sake of Su Qing's good looks.

 When there was an uproar in the classroom, Zhang Yihan turned around and faced everyone.

"The exam is coming soon. Everyone should focus on their studies and don't let their studies fall behind because of unimportant things."

 He ​​stood at a commanding height, looking at everything around him, and the words he said rashly seemed to be for everyone's good.

 Zhang Yihan's prestige has always been great in the class. He has the support of many classmates, and those whispers have become quieter.

 The exam is indeed a relatively important thing, but there are still some who are not afraid of it, or who are provocative.

“Zhang Yihan, don’t do it because you like Su Qing. You want to help her out.”

"Su Qing doesn't like you, but Jiang Sui. Jiang Sui is the eldest son of the Jiang family in Jiangcheng."

 When the eyes around him glanced at Su Qing, Su Qing pursed her lips and looked at Zhang Yihan.

He seems to be doing this for his own good, and no matter what he says, it's like repaying kindness with evil.

"Jiang Sui and I are our business, and you don't need to take care of it. My study is also my own business, and I have never cared about what others say."

 She looked at Zhang Yihan's expression and changed, but Su Qing did not stop.

"You don't need to do it for me, I don't need it. You can give your pity and sympathy to others. I don't need it here, and I won't thank you for it, nor will I like you for it."

Her voice was so clear, and she looked at Zhang Yihan so calmly, without any emotion in it, as if she could clearly understand all the thoughts in his heart.

At this moment, she was a little ruthless, even a little cold-blooded.

Zhang Yihan suddenly felt that he had not understood this girl at first. Her pure white eyes were shining with dazzling light.

 “Your like has caused trouble to me again and again.”

 “I won’t like you.”

 Such a clear rejection made Zhang Yihan’s expression unbearable.

 “Su Qing!”

His suddenly raised voice, Su Qing looked at it coldly.

That look of embarrassment and anger.

"You will regret this!"


Things got so serious that Zhang Yihan didn't even go to class in the afternoon. In fact, he didn't need to go to class.

Hu Yifan didn't know if he had heard something, but he had been in the classroom all afternoon, so no one else dared to say anything boldly.

“Sister-in-law, don’t be afraid, I will protect you.”

 When school was over, Hu Yifan insisted on sending Su Qing home.

Jiang Sui on the phone seemed to acquiesce to all this. The jealous boy didn't say a word at the moment, just letting Hu Yifan chatter beside him.

“Sister-in-law, I heard that Zhang Yihan came to find trouble with you again today. Are you okay?”

Hu Yifan looked at Su Qing innocently and spoke very loudly on purpose.

 Then when Su Qing arrived at the door of his house, he waved his hand and slipped away.

Hu Yifan clearly knew that Su Qing and Jiang Sui were on the phone...


Su Qing answered the phone with headphones.

 “That person likes you.”

That person was Zhang Yihan, and the young man's voice was full of displeasure.

"I do not like him."

Su Qing pinched her fingers and did not go in at the door of the house. Instead, she walked to the stone steps beside her. The wind blowing from the wind was very clear and had a slight coolness, which seemed to be able to dissipate all the worries in Su Qing's heart.

 “Xu Miaoran likes you too.”

Jiang Sui's breath was choked and he immediately retorted.

“Qingqing, you know it’s you I like!”

He couldn't wait to say these words, "I have never had any contact with her, and those false appearances were just to **** you off. I still remember when we were eating in the cafeteria, you chatted with Liu Ranran and said that you had nothing to do with me. "

At that time, Jiang Sui was almost angry at her words.

 Said so calmly, it has nothing to do with him.

Su Qing pursed her lips. She didn't expect Jiang Sui to still remember these things. Why didn't she remember it? But it must have been a long time ago when she and Ran Ran had dinner in the cafeteria.

"It happened so long ago, so who knows? I don't remember it. You and Xu Miaoran were not clear about it at that time."

She suddenly became a bit arrogant.

 “Be clear, don’t talk nonsense.”

 There was seriousness in the young man's voice.

He still remembered that Su Qing gave the book to Zhang Yihan. If he didn't pay for it himself, then it was her gift.

 Just listening to the silence on the girl's side, the boy's temper seemed to be gone.

 “Qingqing, my fault.”

 After all, he was the person he liked. He didn't want Su Qing to be unhappy in any way, so he admitted his mistake in an instant.

 “I didn’t do well enough.”

 If it was good enough, he should be by her side now and take her home instead of letting others do it for her.

Jiang Sui's voice was low and slightly dejected.

 “I know all about the unpleasantness in school today.”

 The young man's voice ushered in, and Su Qing remained silent for a longer period of time.

She should be able to think that he knew, because the school basketball team's afternoon training was more urgent, but Hu Yifan didn't go all afternoon and was in class.

I had to send him back at night.

 The boy who was supposed to be jealous was in a very depressed mood.

 (End of this chapter)

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