She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 177: alone time 3

Chapter 177 Time alone 3

 The spoon fell from her hand the moment she was at a loss.

The young man stared at her with burning eyes. It was better to wait quietly than to stare.

Su Qing was so excited for a moment because of that handsome face that she forgot about her shyness.

 Gently pressed his lips to Jiang Sui's cheek.

Su Qing, who was safe, moved away in an instant, but her avoidance was not that smooth. Jiang Sui grabbed the back of her head.

 It’s not just a matter of scratching the surface.

Su Qing, who was at a loss, quietly clenched her fists. There was an irresistible light of the Holy Spirit in her Xing'er-like eyes.

 Half a sound.

Jiang Sui didn't let her go until her waist could no longer breathe.

Su Qing raised her eyes slightly, her ears turned red, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Jiang Sui again.

 I know that the young man is not ordinary good-looking, he is very good-looking.

Su Qing pinched her fingertips, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Knowing that she was shy, the boy stopped teasing her. He just held her finger and felt a little cold when he looked at the food on the table.

He touched her head and said, "Qingqing, wait a minute, I'll heat up the food."

In fact, she had almost eaten, but in order to lighten the atmosphere, Su Qing pursed her lips and lowered her eyes obediently. There was a light red color on her face. She raised her eyes intentionally or unintentionally, as if she wanted to see the distance. A young man, but he seemed to be a little embarrassed and did not raise his head for a long time.

 Until the young man had put away everything on the dining table, Su Qing could see Jiang Sui not far away when she raised her eyes.

The young man's thin lips pursed slightly, with a faint arc falling, and a vague smile. It seemed that he had captured her every move and was looking at him at the moment.

He wears simple clothes, but he has an extraordinary and heroic spirit that cannot be taken away from him.

 The girl, with her thin neck, immediately lowered her head when she saw Jiang Sui, not daring to raise her head again.

 A simple turn of the microwave oven and the meal was hot, and the meal lasted from morning to noon.

 The young man has a very good temper.

Su Qing ate a lot again and felt that her stomach was full.

In the open kitchen, Su Qing could hear the trickling water. The young man straightened his back and was washing the dishes. He was serious and meticulous, and there was still the yogurt Jiangsu had given her just now.

It is said to be helpful for digestion.

Su Qing pursed her lips and said nothing. She raised her arms in the air, rested her head, and looked at Jiang Sui blatantly.

 Looking at it again, I think it’s very beautiful.

She pursed her lips, feeling that she was so lucky, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

The young man turned around and saw Su Qing looking at him stupidly, smiling at herself, and strode up to her.

"looks good?"

His voice was deep and slightly hoarse. In the room that was transparent from north to south, the sunlight just turned to the kitchen at this moment. He was standing in the light surface, and his whole person was shining like a diamond.


 She answered sincerely, but she felt so shy because of the words she spoke. She wanted to cover her cheeks with her hands, but because her arms had been in the air for too long, they were a little numb.


  I exhaled softly inadvertently.

In order to prevent Su Qing from falling, Jiang stepped forward, half-supported her shoulders, put the girl's wrist in his hand, and rubbed it gently.

Su Qing was a little embarrassed because she was caught peeping and her arms were numb. However, the young man's cold face made Su Qing's embarrassment disappear.

 “Still numb or not.”

 Actually, it was not bad. It was only because of an accident that she exclaimed. She shook her head and said, "I'm not numb anymore."

Jiang Sui was so good that he wanted to be rubbed into his arms. The two of them did not become estranged because they had not seen each other for this period of time. Instead, they became closer.

 “It looks good, I want you to keep looking at it. If you say it looks good, Su Qing makes me so happy.”

His voice was trembling, which made Su Qing a little stunned. She didn't know how to answer the question after untying it, so she could only let him pinch her fingers.

 The palm of the young man's palm was slightly cool, but it was not completely without warmth. All in all, a touch of joy flashed through Su Qing's heart.

 After a while, he replied dryly to the young man.

"as long as you are happy."

She was not very good at expressing her emotions in words, so it was a bit awkward to say it out loud, but fortunately, the young man smiled.

 The most magnificent smile.

When Su Qing was reading a book before, he felt that there were so many magnificent people in the world, and there were so many beautiful skins, and it wasn't all about appearance.

 In other words, is it really because of beauties that the so-called beacon fire plays on the princes?

 She was skeptical about this. Looking at Jiang Sui at this moment, she believed it.

 Because it’s really beautiful, even more beautiful than fireworks.

Perhaps because he was just looking at it, the young man also looked at Su Qing. Su Qing pursed her lips, pinched her fingers, and then moved her gaze away. Only the young man's fingertips slightly raised her chin.

“Qingqing, I like you to keep looking at me like this.”

his words were so direct, without any emotion mixed in them, which made Su Qing's heart beat so unevenly that her whole body seemed to be steaming.

 “Jiang Sui….”

She was a little disappointed. The young man's gaze was so intense that Su Qing didn't know what to do.

Wet eyes, brittle cheeks.

  Long time.

 After the heat factors in the air dissipate.

Su Qing let Jiang Sui hold her on the sofa, and she did not show any rejection or rejection, which made Jiang Sui feel very good.

“Jiang Sui, aren’t we going out?”

 I woke up early today. The first thing was to deliver breakfast to Jiang Sui. The second thing was because I had an appointment with Pei Dai, but it was already noon.

Listening to Su Qing's words, the young man's eyes paused. He thought of the phone call Pei Dai made to him at that moment. Jiang Sui could also hear some of it. Pei Dai didn't seem to be in a good mood. .

Did the handover not go smoothly, or what? Jiang Sui didn't ask in detail, he just thought it would be the same when we meet tomorrow. "Pei Dai said, let's meet again tomorrow."


Su Qing understood that this was the case, because she had a feeling that Jiang Sui seemed to be more concerned about her own affairs than herself. She guessed something without even mentioning it today.

“What, Qingqing, are you disappointed? Don’t you want to be with me all day?”

When the young man's breath and voice invaded, there was a faint hint of danger, which made Su Qing freeze.

 (End of this chapter)

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