She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 178: alone time 4

Chapter 178 Time alone 4

Su Qing did not expect the young man's sudden grievance.

 She seemed to rarely see Jiang Sui like this.

Hands up somewhat at a loss.

 “No, no….”

What she didn't have was that she had already told Su Rao before she came to Jiang Sui's house, and said that she might not go back at night.

At this moment, he was a little panicked and looked at Jiang Sui not knowing what to do. There was a half-covered sense of loss in the young man's eyes.

Jiang Sui held Su Qing's finger, leaving a shallow mark on it.

 “It’s better if you don’t have it.”

He couldn't bear to see the girl in a panic, so Jiang Sui immediately surrendered and raised the flag.

 “Drink some water?”

The words contained questions, but the young man had already placed the water glass directly on the corner of Su Qing's lips.

"I will do it myself."

Li Miao was sitting on the sofa, feeling a little palpitated and shy. She wanted to drink it by herself, but the boy was obviously unwilling and kept holding the glass of water. Su Qing blushed and drank more than half of the glass of water.

 The girl’s beautiful eyes rolled and she tilted her head.

 “You drink water too.”

Su Qing's voice was a little soft, which made people feel heartbroken.

Jiang Sui half lowered his eyes and drank the half of the glass of water that the girl had not finished.

Su Qing was stunned, a little at a loss, and said, "That's my cup..."

 Just a slight glance from Jiang Suipiao made her lower her head, and she was worried about what nonsense the young man said.

Jiang Sui obviously didn't want to let her go.

“Qingqing, don’t you want me to drink it?”


The faint final sound made Su Qing bite her lip and quickly shook her head.

 She wanted to get along with him but was a little scared.

 Will be at a loss.

 It's just that the young man paid too much attention to her and absorbed all Su Qing's emotions in his eyes.

“Qingqing, don’t be afraid of me, don’t panic, don’t be afraid, just follow your heart.”

The young man's voice was like trickling water, clear and bright, dispelling the anxiety and uneasiness in Su Qing's heart.

 She looked at him.

 He looked at him too.

 The two people just looked at each other and smiled.

  The small room of dozens of square meters is filled with a sense of warmth.

Perhaps he was worried that Su Qing was bored, so Jiang Sui turned on the TV and found a movie.

Su Qing thought it was a romance movie, but she didn't expect that the boy actually watched an anime with her. Su Qing pursed her lips, looked at the title of the movie, and then looked at Jiang Sui, but couldn't help but ask.

 “How do you know, I like watching this movie.”

The movie Big Fish has actually been released for a while, but Su Qing didn't think it was enough. She probably never went to the cinema. She had seen this book in the library, so when she saw the poster in the mall that day, she was choosing to promote it. , there is something I want to do.

 But because of studying later, there were also messy things mixed in, so Su Qing didn't go to see it.

Her eyes were slightly bright, like light, as she looked at Jiang Sui.

Su Qing pursed her lips and listened quietly to the young man's voice.

 “While eating that day, I saw you looking at the poster twice.”

That day for dinner was the day that Su Qing was going to treat guests, but it was her who was treating the guests, and it was Jiang Sui who paid for them. On that day, the two of them broke up on bad terms, but they didn't expect that she would be like this Even a small glance was caught by the young man.

 His heart is so considerate.

“Originally I wanted to take you to the cinema to watch it, but the ending was not very good, so I didn’t want to take you there. Let’s watch it together at home. If you want to cry, I’m here.”

The young man gave Su Qing enough space to do whatever she wanted.

 Hands and eyes are all on Su Qing, in my heart.

His eloquent voice was very deep, and he looked at Su Qing. For the first time, Su Qing took the initiative to hold Jiang Sui's hand.

 “As long as you are here, I won’t cry.”

This sentence made Jiang Sui happy to a large extent.

He liked having Su Qing by his side, but he knew that he was paranoid in his heart and did not dare to be too strong. He was in a state of extreme repression.

He lowered his eyes secretly and looked at the hands held by the two of them. For the first time, he felt a real sense of existence in his heart, not so empty and nothingness.

Su Qing turned around and smiled at Jiang Sui.

 “Watching a movie, it’s starting.”

Her voice was very soft, and it easily melted into Jiang Sui's heart. The young man's eyes were also filled with a smile, and he returned in a low voice, "Okay."

The film is roughly about redemption and being redeemed. A pampered girl gave up her identity as a **** for love and freedom and wanted to find fish. In that era that was spurned by people and incomprehensible.

The girl's bravery and lack of hesitation moved the sky and gave the two a chance to meet. However, the moment the fish saw the girl, it disappeared into nothing.

 At the end, the girl realizes that the price for seeing herself, the price for her freedom, is to disappear.

 The film is often shorter than usual movies.

 A complete tragedy.

Su Qing has read the novel, but her eyes are still slightly red, and she feels like she wants to cry, but she doesn't want to cry.

 “Be good, cry if you want.”

 Feeling that the girl's shoulders were shaking, Jiang Sui pinched her fingers to comfort the girl.

 “But, but, I promise you, I won’t cry as long as you are here.”

Su Qing is a little embarrassed. Her ability to empathize is not that strong, but she doesn’t know what happened today and she can’t control her emotions.

 Maybe it’s because he is with Jiang Sui.

 She really hoped in her heart that this ending would be a happy ending.

 The girl's voice was aggrieved.

Jiang Suileng was stunned for a few seconds. Unexpectedly, in just one sentence, she was so serious and cute, making you want to put it in your pocket.

Stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of Su Qing's pen.

  "Then I'd be even more crying when I'm here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to care about my daughter."

He didn't want Su Qing to cry, but he didn't want him to hold it back and feel uncomfortable, with his eyes so red and feeling so wronged.

How could Jiang Sui endure it?

  Simply hugged the person in his arms and buried Su Qing's head in his chest.

 The deep voice, with a hint of coaxing, patted her back gently.

 “Cry, I’m here.”

 In an instant, Jiang Sui felt tears soaking his clothes.

 “Jiang Sui….”

There was a heavy sound in the crying sound. Although she had known that she might cry, because she had never shown that she liked something, Jiang Sui was so determined to let Su Qing watch this movie.

Jiang Sui couldn't stop crying. All the tears seemed to flow into Jiang Sui's heart, which was so sour inside.

 “Good girl, I’m here.”

 “We don’t want that bad ending.”

Su Qing's words made Jiang Sui understand everything for a moment.

 Is that why you cry?

 (End of this chapter)

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