She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 179: alone time 5

Chapter 179 Time alone 5

When asked by Jiang Sui, Su Qing nodded subconsciously.

The young man's heart will be filled with sourness and some joy.

It turned out that she had considered them. The words "these two" made Jiang Sui's eyes sparkle with brilliant fireworks.

"Will not."

 “Our ending is good.”

Promise is the most elusive thing, but those eyes were so bright, what Jiang Sui said was not a promise, but his obsession with her.

Su Qing looked at Jiang Sui blankly, "Really?"

Her well-behaved appearance was really unusual. Jiang Sui felt soft. He touched Jiang Sui's head with his broad palm and nodded.

  “Of course it is.”

 “Yes, I’m here, you don’t need to worry about anything.”

Take a wet wipe and wipe the tears from Su Qing's eyes and brows, bit by bit, with extremely gentle movements.

Su Qing was a little embarrassed and wanted to hide away, but his movements were always no match for Jiang Sui's, so he simply stopped hiding.

Through the young man's light and shadow, you can see that there is some gray outside in the sky, "Jiang Sui, let's go shopping."

 Just staying at home for a whole day is not an option. Besides, Su Qing looked at the weather outside the window and thought of the money she had brought with her as she had said yesterday that she would take Jiang Sui to buy clothes.

 It's almost afternoon now that I've been dragging my feet.

The young man naturally had no objection to where she wanted to go. He nodded and said, "Then let me change clothes."

 The young man threw the tissue into the trash can, then turned around and went to the bedroom.

Su Qing's heart was still beating fast. Thinking of what happened in the morning, she would be lying if she said she wasn't shy or afraid.

 After a while, Jiang Sui came out of the bedroom.

He is really good-looking, no matter what type of clothes he wears. Su Qing has seen this woolen jacket before. In the boy's wardrobe, the black color brings out the boy's temperament. It is cold and charming. It looks good. It's hard to take your eyes away.

 His skin seems to be fairer and tender than that of girls.

Su Qing curled her lips and held her wrist. The boy helped her put on her coat. Su Qing was wearing a light down jacket. It was a bit old and the color had faded a lot.

 But it was still very warm. Su Qing was dumbfounded and wanted to put it on herself, but the young man moved faster than her.

 “Be good, put on your hat, scarf, and gloves.”

At the entrance, the young man took out a pink bag from the closet, which also contained pink things, including hats, scarves, and gloves.

 “No need…, it’s just winter now.”

Su Qing waved her hand. Although the weather outside was gray, she had just checked her phone. The temperature was not that low, so she didn't need to wrap herself up so tightly.

  It’s just that the boy couldn’t help but break up, “It’s cold outside, you’re wearing too little.”

The same thing was covered by her, her little face as big as a palm was even smaller this time, and in circles, Su Qing felt like a cumbersome penguin.

“I still wear a down jacket, yours is thinner than mine.”

A rare quibble, Su Qing blinked her eyes. There were not that many clothes in the boy's wardrobe. What was in it seemed to be new undivided women's clothes. She had seen it when she carried her quilt out last time. But I can only pretend not to see it.

At that time, their relationship was not as close as it is now. Why, he just did that and bought so many things for her.

 The sizes are all my own if I encounter them accidentally.

 “Well, thin.”

Su Qing didn't expect that Jiang Sui admitted it. When she wanted to say something again, she heard the young man raise his lips, "Go out later and Qingqing buy it for me."


Su Qing was stunned for a moment and pursed her lips. She originally wanted to buy it for him, but she was a little embarrassed to be said by the young man like this.

 The two of them took a taxi.

 When we arrived at the square downstairs of the shopping mall.

The sky suddenly lit up, and then it began to snow lightly.

The white and crystal-clear snowflakes were scattered and flying in the wind. The weather forecast last night said it would snow, but it was too late and no one saw it.

The falling snowflakes seemed to bring a moment of silence in the bustling square.

 “It’s snowing, Jiang Sui.”

 In the girl's eyes, there is a slight smile, which accentuates the whole little face, making people's hearts flutter.

This is what Jiang Sui wants to protect. He nodded and looked down at Su Qing, "Like, snowy day?"

 He actually didn’t know that much about her, but he didn’t find anything about her. He kept her like a treasure or treasure.

Su Qing nodded, her little face was a little cold due to the wind and turned red from the cold, "I like it. The snow is so white and so quiet. Jiang Sui, I like this quiet feeling. It seems like there is nothing left in the world. Just like myself."

 Pure world, this is what girls like.

 Alone, Jiang Sui's eyebrows were a little bent due to emotion, but at the moment he was able to hide it well, he heard a sentence that made him crazy.

“It’s different now. Now I feel like you and I are the same in the world.”

One second of hell, one second of heaven, maybe that's it. Jiang Sui felt that his heart, which had been cold for a moment, suddenly came to life, injected with warmth, making his heart beat wildly and unable to stop.

 In the huge square, at that moment, everything seemed to have stopped, time had stopped, and even the fluttering snowflakes were no longer falling.

Scattered around, Jiang Sui had a smile on his lips, so touching.

When Su Qing raised her eyes towards Jiang Sui, she heard a hot word.

“Qingqing, I want to kiss you, is that okay?”

 He was asking her, asking for her consent. There was a little person living in the young man's half-lidded eyes.

Su Qing nodded stupidly and by mistake.

The young man crossed his arms, opened his coat, and wrapped Su Qing directly in it.

 He lowered his head and kissed her gently.

 This moment is gorgeous.

 In all the silence, only two beating hearts could be heard, which was very crazy.

  It didn’t take long.

Su Qing's eyes were filled with mist, and her cheeks became even redder.

She realized this and lowered her head in embarrassment, "Jiang Sui, you are not allowed to do this outside in the future."

He was so good-looking that he was bewitched. Su Qing didn't know why he was so obedient.

At this moment, it was like a cat’s claws, not sharp, only weak, and the scratching person’s heart became even more confused.


The young man laughed softly, and the vibration in his chest made Su Qing reach out her hand and hit him gently.

"Do not laugh!"


 (End of this chapter)

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