She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 188: Goodbye Xu Miaoran

Chapter 188 Goodbye Xu Miaoran

 Furthermore, Pei Dai occasionally called and said that the most critical moment had come, and asked them not to worry too much and let them study hard.

Su Qing didn't know if it was because of Jiang Sui's company, but she felt very relaxed and not so depressed.

 The most important thing is that the end of the semester has begun.

 Just at the end of the exam, something happened...

Tian Shasha was taken away.

This incident caused a lot of turmoil in the school, but due to the pressure of public opinion, the uproar and the bad impact, the principal came forward to suppress the incident and held a meeting for all students.

 Has there been any progress?

Pei Dai did not receive any news from Su Qing and Jiang Sui, and Su Qing did not pay too much attention.

 Because the exam was approaching, Su Qing had left everything to time and justice.

 On the afternoon of the day after the exam, Xu Miaoran visited Su Qing once.

As if she had been shocked, she grabbed Su Qing's arm and went to the snack street outside. Xu Miaoran was taller than Su Qing. She felt cold and was only wearing a woolen coat and a bra. She is wearing a lining skirt, a pair of white boots, and light makeup on her face, looking extremely fashionable.

Su Qing wasn't sure what she was looking for, but she could feel Xu Miaoran's eyes looking at her like radishes and cabbages in the market.

“Su Qing, I have never felt that you can compare to me.”

Xu Miaoran was carrying a bag from Su Qing, an unknown brand, and her whole body was enveloped by the fragrance of expensive money.

 You can hear Xu Miaoran’s doubts and confusion.

“I don’t think you are inferior to me.”

She is indeed a gifted girl. If her academic performance is not good enough, her art is one of the best, she is beautiful, and her family is good enough.

Su Qing generously recognizes the excellence of others.

Xu Miaoran didn't expect Su Qing's words to be like this. She was startled. Looking at this girl in the crowd, others said she was a little bitch. Her sense of existence was indeed very weak. If she didn't raise her head, , people can’t even see that light and stunning little face.

The aura on his body is also so indifferent, and he looks a little weak, even vulnerable, but his eyes are so bright, so dark that people can't move their eyes away.

It is unimaginable that a person like this, who looks weak, can actually have such a pair of strong eyes.

“In the world, except for Su Qing, except for Xu Miaoran, and except for Jiang Sui, there are too many outstanding people and good people in the world, countless, and everyone is excellent in some aspects.”

Su Qing pursed her lips and said one more sentence. She didn't want to say more, but she just looked at Xu Miaoran's expression and felt that she had something to say. Su Qing didn't want to put others in an embarrassing situation, so she also Don't want to put yourself in an embarrassing situation.

"you're right."

Xu Miaoran listened, and she looked at Su Qing carefully. In this girl's eyes, Xu Miaoran didn't see any hint of jealousy, or she was pretending to be too nice. She was so plain and natural. .

“So I plan to go abroad to see better people, better scenery, and better existence.”

It can't be said that Su Qing's words woke her up. She did like Jiang Sui, but she didn't like him so much that she really didn't want anything. The courage to not want anything had actually been taken away when she entered his room. The push dissipated.

 Someone told her that if you want to win a person's heart, you must win his person.

  Someone told her that Su Qing always liked to pretend to be pitiful and let others pity her.

All kinds of…

Xu Miaoran hates evil as much as he hates it. He never thought that he would fall into the trap of others, so that the friendship he created would only be used by others.

Xu Miaoran observed Su Qing and asked people to observe her. Apart from studying, she didn't seem to have any interactions with her.

It seemed that Jiang Sui was insisting on pulling Su Qing away.

 Girls really shouldn’t make things difficult for girls.

 Planning to go abroad?

Su Qing's eyes were startled for a moment before regaining their composure.

 “Then I wish you a safe journey and meet better people.”

Su Qing hated Xu Miaoran at first, but later on she seemed to have forgotten those scars. People always have to look forward and cannot always look back on the past. Although she was really annoying at that time, she is really very fond of it now. Bright.

 It’s not really about emotion, it’s just politeness.

“I called you out today because I wanted to apologize to you.”

Xu Miaoran was still very unnatural. The aloof young lady had never had anything to do with things like apologizing, and she was not very good at groveling.

 “It’s all over.”

Su Qing's indifferent look made Xu Miaoran's heart skip a beat. She pursed her lips and her eyes were filled with complex and unclear emotions.

"Su Qing, Tian Shasha and I know each other. We know each other. In fact, I don't blame others but myself. I have colored glasses towards you. I listened to one person's opinions one-sidedly and almost became the executioner who hurt you. My I really like Jiang Sui. At that time, I wanted to exhaust all my resources and wanted to see all the rich young masters and ladies in Jiangcheng circle. As long as I, Xu Miaoran, like the person, no one can escape. "

 She spoke plainly and directly.

 In fact, Su Qing had guessed that Xu Miaoran should know some of the people involved in that incident, but he didn't expect that person to be Tian Shasha.

Now that Tian Shasha has been taken away, Su Qing doesn't want to mention her anymore. She always feels that the girl is very powerful.

 The words I said from the very beginning when I entered the competition were probably based on an agenda.

Su Qing didn't speak. She only heard Xu Miaoran continue to speak, her expression a bit self-deprecating.

“I stood at his door that day, and he actually pushed me out. I worked so hard for my father to host a banquet, but he just missed it and left in a hurry.”

“I quite like him, I like his handsomeness, I like his coldness, I also like that his family matches mine, and I also like his rush.”

"It's just that he doesn't like me. From the beginning to the end, his whole heart is devoted to you."

 “I became jealous, irritable, and even disliked you, even though you did nothing.”

Xu Miaoran's words were a little fierce, but her mood didn't fluctuate much. It could be seen that she was still a little sad and sad, but she concealed it well.

Su Qing always listened attentively. She seemed to be a good listener. She didn't talk too much, and she didn't have superfluous expressions, sympathy, ridicule, nothing.

Xu Miaoran suddenly felt a little regretful.

 (End of this chapter)

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